Chapter 148
However, the next practice process may take a long time, and Di Jun is not in a hurry to continue retreating. It is important to improve one's own strength, but the development of power is also important. The changes, everything was in his eyes, and a smile appeared on Di Jun's face.

It seems that during these millions of years, the Wu Clan has developed extremely smoothly, and the prehistoric tribes have gradually realized the strength of the Wu Clan. With the expansion of the Wu Clan, the prehistoric tribes who had been recuperating had no choice but to fight against it. The Twelve Ancestral Witches are not ordinary Da Luo Jinxians. If 12 people join forces, at least a dozen Da Luo Jinxians of the same level of cultivation can fight against one of them.

It seemed that it was time for the Hall of All Souls to return to the prehistoric times. As soon as Dijun moved, he immediately flew towards Ziwei Star. At this moment, Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa, Wanling and other Daluo Jinxians in the Hall of All Souls were all there Cultivation on Ziwei Star, such an important event, naturally wants to inform them, and then make proper arrangements. As for the ancient starry sky, Di Jun has no intention of giving up.

Ziweixing, in the Wanling Pavilion, after Wan Ling felt the sound transmission from Emperor Jun, he immediately began to call all the Daluo Jinxians of the Wanling Hall to gather in the main hall of the Wanling Hall, except for Taiyi, Fuxi, and the daughter-in-law. In addition to Wa and Wanling, there are currently 43 Daluo Jinxians in the Hall of All Souls, with different levels of cultivation, but they are all in the early and middle stages. This is the foundation of the Hall of All Souls.

While everyone was waiting, Di Jun suddenly appeared on the main seat, looked at everyone, and said: "Everyone, I have summoned you today to discuss one thing, and that is the return of the Hall of All Souls to the prehistoric land." What happened, now in the prehistoric, the Wu Clan has suddenly emerged, and the prehistoric and hundreds of tribes are hard to resist, it is a great opportunity for my Wanling Palace to show its grand plans."

When everyone heard this, there was a smile on their faces. Dijun's strength and foresight were far beyond their reach. Because of Dijun, they were able to survive the calamity, although they didn't know why Dijun chose him. They showed their ambitions at this time, but they originally had the heart to fight for hegemony, and now that the opportunity came, how could they miss it.

After Tai Yi heard this, he was particularly alarmed, and said loudly: "Brother, since you are going to fight for the overlord of the Great Desolation, then we will simply attack the Wu Clan. At that time, the eldest brother will definitely become the master of the prehistoric world, enjoy the vast amount of luck in the prehistoric, and the road can be achieved."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun shook his head slightly: "Taiyi, you are thinking too simply. The witch clan is not an ordinary race. Their potential is even greater than the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans. They are the blood of the great god Pangu. Blessed by the merit of opening the sky, if we want to destroy them, I am afraid that we will also be contaminated with boundless karma and form a great cause and effect with this prehistoric world."

It is not that Dijun has no merits and virtues. During the two calamities of heaven and earth, Dijun obtained the most heavenly merits. He condensed these merits into a golden wheel of merits and virtues to protect the primordial spirit. The merits of the way of heaven, but the merits of the great way, the great god Pangu opened the Great Desolation, and the way of heaven was born because of the flood, so he is not qualified to confer merits and virtues on Pangu.

Killing a person blessed by merit and virtue must be contaminated with karma, just like Di Jun now, it is not a last resort, even if someone who has the ability to kill Di Jun will not kill Di Jun, after all, Di Jun has a lot of merit, Killing Dijun will inevitably cause a lot of karma, which must be repaid, otherwise it will be difficult to cultivate and disasters will come, just like the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin today.

The merits and virtues of the Dao are even more different. Killing a person blessed by the virtues of the Dao will only cause karma with the Dao and contaminate the karma of the Dao. It's not a joke, but it's something he can't even pay back. Di Jun doesn't want to ask for trouble.

The Sanqing and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are all authentic Pangu sects. They deify the Sanqing, and their blood turns into the Ancestral Witches. They all have the Heaven-Opening Merit and Virtue in them. As long as the Heaven-Opening Merit in them does not disappear, Di Jun has no plan to kill them, even if There is a chance to kill them, but it will also take advantage of his own future, Di Jun is not that stupid.

However, this heaven-opening merit will naturally not always exist in Sanqing and the Twelve Patriarchal Witches. Sanqing enjoys the blessing of the heaven-opening merit and is granted the position of a heavenly saint. It will definitely consume the merits of Kaitian, otherwise, how can you become a top existence among saints just by virtue of teaching.

Nuwa created a man and became a saint, and gained the merit of creating a man. The human race is the protagonist of the prehistoric world in the future. This merit of creating a man is naturally extraordinary. Even if Nuwa's cultivation level is lower than that of the Sanqing, she will not be weaker than the Sanqing after she becomes a saint. , All the saints are sanctified by merit, the level of cultivation before sanctification is part of the reason, but the amount of merit for sanctification is even more critical.

Lao Tzu, the head of the Sanqing, established the human religion and gained the merits of heaven. The human religion relies on the human race to exist, and the merits of establishing a religion are naturally much less than Nu Wa. In addition to the reason why Lao Tzu's cultivation base was higher than Nu Wa's before the saint, I am afraid that when Lao Tzu became a saint, he absorbed the merits of opening the sky, so his cultivation base was greatly improved, surpassing Nu Wa.

This is probably true for the Sanqing, the depletion of the Heaven-Opening Merit cannot be made up for. Although the amount of karma involved in killing and destroying is not much, it is still terrible to add up, and the ancestor witch does not have the merits of the heavens, so it is natural to consume the merits of the heavens to offset them.

When the Wu Clan's merits of opening the sky are exhausted, Di Jun naturally has no scruples. Now, Di Jun only needs to establish and develop the Monster Clan to curb the development momentum of the Wu Clan. Once the Wu Clan launches a war first, Di Jun will naturally He will not be polite either, as long as the Twelve Ancestral Witches are not dead and the witch clan is not destroyed, naturally there is no need to be afraid of being contaminated with the karma of the Great Dao.

After hearing this, Fuxi said, "I didn't expect that the Wu Clan has such a history, so we really can't attack them, but the development of the Wu Clan is not so good now. Although they are not many in number, they are all very strong. Almost all cultivation bases can be fought against by one, and if they are allowed to develop, they will definitely become the great enemy of our All Souls Hall."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun smiled and said: "I know this naturally, so I plan to subdue the prehistoric tribes and form an unprecedented force to curb the development of the Wu tribe. , Consume the Heaven Opening Merit, and when the Wu Clan’s Sky Opening Merit is exhausted, it will be the day we launch a big war against the Wu Clan.”

(End of this chapter)

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