The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 154 The Arrival of Emperor Jun

Chapter 154 The Arrival of Emperor Jun
In Zixiao Palace, everyone was sitting on the ground, waiting quietly for Hongjun to appear to preach, while everyone's eyes were on the listeners, especially Taiyi and Fuxi, the Daluo Jinxian from the Demon Court had all arrived But it's really strange that Di Jun, the demon emperor, didn't arrive. Could it be that Di Jun still failed to break through in the ancient starry sky?

While Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa and other big Luo Jinxians in the demon court are a little impatient. Di Jun is the demon emperor of the demon court. It would be a pity if he missed the saint's sermon. Jun missed the sage's preaching. After all, Di Jun is already very strong, and he has such a prehistoric number one force as the Demon Court. If he becomes stronger, it will be fine.

As time passed by, at this moment, three people suddenly walked in from the gate of Zixiao Palace. When they saw one of the three, the expressions of all the people present changed. There was a strange look on the person's face, because it was Di Jun who came, and Di Jun came after all.

As for the other two, one has a sad face, as if he just recovered from a serious illness, the other has big ears, a face of blessing, and a dignified appearance. These two are the guide and quasi-prompt of the West, and both of them have cultivation bases that are at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian However, there does not seem to be any magic weapon, and crossing the chaos seems to be in danger again, and the two look a little embarrassed.

Di Jun glanced at the two of them. He had just met them when he arrived at Zixiao Palace. Although they were both at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, there was still a gap in their cultivation. Jieyin was determined. , although slightly embarrassed, but calm, and as soon as Zhunti entered Zixiao Palace, he began to look at the situation of Zixiao Palace, especially when he saw the futon where Sanqing and others were sitting, he couldn't help being moved.

It can be seen that the two are still somewhat aware of their hearts. To be honest, Dijun neither has a good impression of them, but he does not delay them. Xuanmen, self-supporting Buddhism, and making Buddhism flourish is indeed their ability, which is indeed admirable.

As for Zhunti, don't be shameless. Seeing this, I come to the East to play the autumn wind, and when I meet people and treasures, I say that I have a relationship with the West. As for some conspiracies and calculations, these emperors will also do it, it's just a matter of speed.

If you really want to say shameless, some saints are even worse than Zhunti, such as Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi. He Yanmian sat on the position of the leader of the Human Sect, and in the battle of the Conferred Gods, he and Yuanshi Tianzun teamed up with Zhunti to deal with the leader of Tongtian, that was even more ruthless.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, he looked like the boss of the sky and my second child, despised the monster race, and claimed to be the authentic Pangu. His disciples acted with no regard for face, completely more shameless than Zhunti, but he pretended very well, always with a dignified look of righteousness.

Di Jun is not interested in them now, although he really wants to destroy them now, but Hongjun has already been sanctified, he has no chance, he can only wait and see the changes, and when he appeared in Zixiao The moment he entered the palace, he already felt that someone was watching him. In Zixiao Palace, only Hongjun could do it.

In the depths of Zixiao Palace, Hongjun looked at Dijun who appeared with Jieyin and Zhunti, his eyes fixed on him, as if he wanted to see through Dijun completely, but then he frowned. No one should be able to block his peeping, but Di Jun did it, how could Hongjun not be startled.

Although I couldn't see through Di Jun completely, I could see part of Di Jun's secrets. The terrifying physical body of the quasi-sage contained the aura of Zhou Tian and stars in his body. From a distance, it seemed that Zhou Tian and stars were hidden in Di Jun Jun's body was normal, except for this, Hongjun couldn't see clearly, which made Hongjun's face show a trace of solemnity.

Dijun was born on the Taiyin star. He was supposed to be like Taiyi, and his body should contain a strong solar energy, but what Dijun had in his body was Zhoutian Xingchen. It seems that Dijun gave up his original innate inheritance and set foot on Having embarked on a path of his own, this made Hongjun even more unable to judge Dijun's future.

Di Jun's heart throbbed, being peeped by a saint was not a trivial matter, but he didn't feel that he had been seen through, and he should have only seen some superficial things, which made Di Jun feel relieved in his heart. The worries of millions of years have finally been let go. As for Hongjun, after joining the Dao, he should not be able to interfere in the prehistoric affairs at will. If he is seen through by then, there should be no problem.

On the other hand, Zhunti looked at the six seats in front, his eyes gleaming, showing a look of longing, but seeing that all six seats were occupied, his face also showed anxiety, he looked at the side with a bitter expression. He immediately said in grief and indignation: "Brother, you and I came here for the sentient beings of the West. We have gone through untold hardships to get here, but we don't want to even have a seat. We are really ashamed of the sentient beings in the West!"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled in his heart. Zhun Ti's acting skills are indeed suitable for becoming a film king, and his words are also very interesting. He directly related that he came to listen to the sermon for the sake of all beings in the West. You know, the West has become With his current appearance, Hongjun is the main person responsible, and he has more or less a relationship with Dijun, so the pun is really powerful.

And Zhunti's performance obviously made everyone in the room a little contemptuous, and most of the six people sitting on the six futons in front were indifferent, only Hong Yun on the far right looked at Zhunti with a trace of complicated expression on his face, as the prehistoric The well-known good old man among them, he was indeed a little shaken in his heart, but he could also feel that this futon seat was a great opportunity, and he really couldn't bear to give it up.

After all, Hongyun is also a great Luo Jinxian. Although he is usually kind and good, he also has priorities. He still knows how to choose between great opportunities and good deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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