Chapter 155
Seeing Hongyun's appearance, Di Jun also showed a faint smile on his face. It seems that Hongyun is not a good person who is willing to be a good person. He should have felt the great opportunity represented by the futon, for no reason. Giving it up to someone who has nothing to do with it, even Hong Yun would not do it, this is human nature.

But Di Jun somewhat underestimated Zhunti's lower limit. After seeing Zhunti's performance, he saw that the people on the six futons were indifferent, and he was also very anxious, huh?Wait, it's not completely indifferent, at least the red-robed Taoist sitting on the far right is a little moved, well, this person must want to give up his seat for him!

Seeing that Zhunti directly aimed his eyes at Hongyun, Hongyun looked a little honest, much easier to deal with than the other five, so he set his mind on Hongyun in his heart, showing a strange expression, and said Hong Yun said: "Poverty Dao Zhunti, I don't know what is the name of You Dao, and where do you practice?"

Seeing that Zhunti asked him, Hongyun stood up and said, "Hongyun, a poor Taoist, is practicing in Huoyun Cave, fellow Taoist..."

Before Hongyun finished speaking, Zhunti showed an excited expression, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Hongyun, for giving up your seat. It was really touching to give up the seat to me, and Pindao is here to thank fellow Taoists for the common people in the West."

Hearing Zhunti's words, everyone had wonderful expressions on their faces. They looked at Zhunti strangely. Hong Yun just got up to show politeness when she saw you talking to him. Became a seat!Everyone also had to admire Zhun Ti's wit and shamelessness, and before Hong Yun agreed to give up his seat, he thanked him first.

As soon as Hongyun heard Zhunti's words, his expression changed immediately, and he realized that this Zhunti mention of feelings really cheated him!However, what Zhunti said was so righteous, and he also stood up, asking him to ignore Zhunti and sit back, Hong Yun really couldn't do it, seeing Zhunti's embarrassed but full of expectation, he He couldn't help but gritted his teeth: "Forget it! If that's the case, let this work be done by fellow Taoists!".

As soon as Hongyun finished speaking, he got up and gave up his seat, which made everyone present feel moved, and they all felt Hongyun's innocence, and missed the opportunity for nothing, while Zhunti showed an excited look. He wanted to sit on the futon, but no one expected that someone was faster than Zhunti.

The moment Hongyun left his seat, Dijun who had been standing there suddenly made a move, and he slapped Taiyi directly on the back with his palm, and the powerful mana directly sent Taiyi to the futon that Hongyun vacated, which made him Everyone was shocked, they thought that Di Jun was planning to snatch the futon, but in the end he sent his brother up.

Tai Yi had a look of astonishment on his face, just now a sudden force slapped him on the back, but he didn't suffer any injuries, but a force directly sent him to the futon vacated by Hong Yun, he turned his head to look at Di Jun, only Seeing Di Jun smiling faintly at him, Tai Yi didn't say anything, it turned out that Di Jun sent him the futon, obviously it wouldn't harm him.

When Zhunti saw someone robbing his seat, he was furious. He looked at Dijun who made the move, and his heart was also stunned. Dijun's strength was beyond his comparability. It may not be an opponent, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Dijun, this seat was obviously given to me by Fellow Daoist Hongyun, why did Fellow Daoist take my seat?"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled and said softly: "Is this seat yours? It's just that you snatched it from Hong Yun's arrogance. If that's the case, it doesn't matter if this seat is stolen. My second brother is carrying the treasure of the sky. For me, the Eastern Emperor of the Demon Court, I have great luck, and I deserve a seat, what, do you have any objections?"

When Zhunti heard Dijun's words, his face turned red and then pale. Seeing this, many listeners here couldn't help but smile secretly, yes!Do you have an opinion?Di Jun took this seat openly, do you have any objections?As long as you dare to say yes, maybe apart from Zixiao Palace, Di Jun may directly kill you. With Di Jun's personality, he definitely dares.


But at this time, Kunpeng, who was sitting between Nuwa and Taiyi, suddenly laughed out loud, which made Zhunti very angry, and Jieying on the side also showed displeasure. The two brothers have always shared weal and woe. Dare to compete with Di Jun, would he still be afraid that Kunpeng would fail?

Zhunti yelled in a cold voice: "The place where the sage preaches, how can I allow you to laugh again. With your appearance, you don't look like a good person. What qualifications do you have for this position? Don't move away, let me Brother, take your seat."

When Kunpeng heard this, he immediately became angry, but before he could react, Jieyin and Zhunti actually attacked him directly. Kunpeng didn't expect that someone would dare to attack in Zixiao Palace, so he was naturally unprepared and was directly caught by the second The person flew out, but Jieyin took the opportunity to dodge and meet him, landing directly on the futon.

Kunpeng, who fell to the side, stared at Zhunti and Jieying coldly, and was about to make a move, when he suddenly felt a powerful force appearing in the hall, and everyone realized that Hongjun had appeared on the high platform at some point , Kunpeng glanced at Jieyin, Zhunti, and others beside him, snorted slightly, and found a seat to sit down.

And Hongjun glanced at everyone in the hall, especially when he saw Dijun and Taiyi sitting on the sixth futon. A futon appeared on the right side of Taiyi, and then said: "Zhunti, this futon is for you."

When Zhun Ti heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and immediately set off and sat on the seventh futon, and then thanked: "Thank you, Saint."

And the faces of the others also changed slightly, feeling resentful in their hearts, why such a good thing didn't happen to them, but ended up falling on Zhunti, a shameless person, how could they be happy.

After seeing that Zhunti was seated, Hongjun said, "From now on, let's use this seating order!"

Seeing such a result, Di Jun also had a smile and a strange expression on his face. His temptation just now gave him some gains, and he also got a position for Tai Yi. Di Jun is not interested in the holy position. , what he pursues is the way of Hunyuan and the way of Chaos Demon God, but Taiyi may not be able to be like him, if he can get a holy throne, that is also a great chance.

(End of this chapter)

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