Chapter 160 Di Jun's Plan

Buzhou Mountain, in the Hall of All Souls, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa gathered together, Taiyi looked at Dijun with a calm expression, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, Hongjun... Daozu appointed the East Prince and the West Queen Mother What is the meaning of the head of the male and female immortals in Honghuang, do you want me, the demon court, to submit to them?"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled slightly: "Hongjun's arrangement naturally has his purpose, but it has nothing to do with my Demon Court. The East Prince and West Queen Mother will do whatever they like. As long as they don't provoke my Demon Court, let them go. The most important task of the Yaoting now is to recuperate and restore the vitality that the Yaozu lost during the calamity last time."

Fuxi frowned slightly, and said with a hint of worry: "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun, I'm afraid this will only fuel their arrogance. After the sermon was over, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother had already begun to recruit those who listened, and many of them had broken through. The quasi-holy realm masters are attracted by it, if they are left alone, it will only make them stronger and stronger, and they will also pose a threat to us at that time."

Dijun smiled mysteriously, and said softly: "It's okay, let them develop and grow. If they can really form the third largest force in the prehistoric world, and then the three legs will stand together, it will be a good thing for our demon court. It can win more for our demon clan. It's time to recuperate, if it really comes to the time when they pose a threat to my demon court, I will naturally kill them."

Upon hearing this, Nu Wa said, "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun, since that's the case, why not suppress them now, if they become popular, even if we destroy them by then, I'm afraid we will have a lot of casualties. We are of no use?"

Di Jun's eyes narrowed, and he said with a light smile: "Forget it, it's okay to tell you, now that quasi-sages are appearing in the prehistoric world, it is not beneficial to our demon clan, and it is even a hidden danger. They neither serve my demon court, but It can pose a certain threat to my demon court, such a hidden danger, naturally it must be eliminated, and isn't now a good opportunity!"

When Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa heard this, their eyes suddenly showed shock. Dijun actually wanted to use Hongjun's edict to 'clean' the prehistoric land and eliminate the unstable factors that could pose a threat to the monster race. The generosity of these people is a little frightening to hear, and the only one who dares to act like this in the prehistoric world is probably only Di Jun.

Indeed, these hidden quasi-sages and big Luos are indeed a big threat to the Yaozu. The Wuzu is very xenophobic. All the hidden powers in the Wuzu territory have been driven away or killed. Choose to practice in the territory of the Yaozu or some unowned fairy mountains in the world. Although they are living in peace with the Yaozu now, once something happens, it will be hard to say.

Now the witch clan is the most feared enemy of the monster clan, especially the twelve ancestor witches have advanced to the quasi-sage realm at this time, and their strength has greatly increased. With so many more quasi-sages, if they had malicious intentions during the Lich War, it would be no joke.

Although this is just a kind of worry, I am not afraid of [-], just in case. If something happens, the damage will be great. To ensure that there will be no future troubles, it is obviously the best choice to clean up these people. This is just the plan It is indeed a bit crazy, because these people have to be eliminated just because they pose a threat to the Yaozu, Di Jun is really incomparably domineering.

Di Jun glanced at Taiyi and the other three, and then said: "Don't worry about this matter for now, it's not too late to do it when they are at the peak of their development. At that time, we may not be the only ones who do it, some people may also do it." I can't help it, what we Muqiao have to do is another thing, and that is to practice a brand new formation."

Upon hearing this, Fu Xi said, "A brand new formation? Could it be that the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation in the hands of fellow Daoist Di Jun failed? It seems that this formation cannot be fully exerted by one person, it needs many creatures to work together Manipulating the formation, now that there are so many combat powers in the demon court, it is possible to practice this formation."

Di Jun nodded with a smile: "Fellow Fuxi guessed right, it is the Zhoutian Xingdou formation. This formation is what I realized after studying the way of the Zhoutian stars' movement. It is true that not one person can display it." It is the most powerful. In the past, the battle strength of the Hall of All Souls was scarce, and it was impossible to practice this formation. Now the time is ripe, and it is time to start preparations.

There are 360 ​​five-pole big Zhoutian star banners and 360 small Zhoutian star banners in the Zhoutian star battle array, which just correspond to the Zhoutian master and deputy stars. According to the current situation of the demon court, [-] five big Luo Jinxians can be drawn , [-] Taiyi Golden Immortals, plus hundreds of millions of Golden Immortals and Taiyi Xuanxians can form the most complete circle of stars and stars, and the power of the formation may be comparable to that of a saint. "

After Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa heard this, their faces were shocked. The power is comparable to the saint's formation, which is really terrifying. If this is the case, the Zhoutian Star Dou formation can be used as the monster clan's restraining formation. Well, with such a large formation, the Yaozu has a super trump card, and they will naturally be more confident in dealing with the Wuzu in the future.

With a wave of Dijun's hand, three jade slips recording the Zhoutian star formation fell in front of Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa, and at the same time, a set of banners appeared in front of the three, but this set of Zhoutian star banners was not Dijun's own set, this set of formations was refined by Dijun later, and they are all of the acquired level. With so much combat power of the monster clan to arrange the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the level of the formation flags naturally does not need to be too high. The day after tomorrow is enough.

Di Jun said: "There is a complete formation in the jade slips. This week, the Star Dou formation will be practiced by you. My cultivation base is much higher than yours. I understand that the formation will only interfere with the big formation." The circle is running, Taiyi, you are the star of the sun, friend Nuwa, you are the star of Taiyin, friend Fuxi is the star of Ziwei, and the rest of the people choose to provoke from the demon court, and they can practice secretly in Taiyi's Qiankun map."

After listening to Tai Yiyi, she nodded: "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely rehearse the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation seriously, and I won't disappoint my brother."

Fuxi and Nuwa also nodded. They enjoy the luck of the demon court, so they naturally have to work hard for the future of the demon clan. After all, they have not made any substantial contributions to the Hall of All Souls and the demon court. Also a little ashamed.

Seeing this, Di Jun felt relieved. The three of them were in charge of training the monster clan's combat strength in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. It was naturally very safe. As for teaching them this Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, there was no problem. Tai Yi, my brother , and even if Fuxi and Nuwa fully understand this formation, they don't have the ability to refine all the stars and stars in the sky, and they don't have the strength to realize it.

Moreover, not everyone can play the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation.

(End of this chapter)

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