The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 161 Penglai Ten Thousand Immortals

Chapter 161 Penglai Ten Thousand Immortals
The Zhoutian star battle array needs the power of the Zhoutian stars to echo. As the master of the sun and stars, Di Jun can completely cut off the distribution of the power of the sun, stars and stars in a short period of time. This is not the most important thing. You know, now the origin of the stars and stars has been integrated into Dijun's first set of stars and stars banners.

Although it is impossible to completely control the Zhoutian stars, the influence can still be achieved, and the set of Zhoutian stars has the imprint of Di Jun's soul. Xing Chen's imagination grew bigger, even if the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation leaked out, it would not be able to exert its power without Di Jun's permission.

Of course, the Zhoutian star formation is not perfect at this moment, and Taiyi can control the sun star position without any problem, but Nuwa and Fuxi are only temporarily replacing the lunar star position and Ziwei star position, and will naturally replace them when there are suitable candidates , otherwise it would be impossible to maximize the power of the formation, and there would be flaws in the formation.

Especially the Taiyin star, the Sun star, Di Jun and Tai Yi can control it, but the Taiyin star is in the hands of Xi He and Chang Xi, if they can join the Taiyin star, they will naturally be the best hosts for the Taiyin star in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array. However, because of the previous unhappiness, Di Jun never went to invite the two of them.

Now that the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation has started to practice, Di Jun has plans in his heart to invite the two sisters to join the Demon Court. After the last time he deduced the quasi-sage chapter of Xi He's Innate Inheritance, Di Jun sent it to Xi He. Xi He didn't refuse, and this could be regarded as a relaxation of the relationship between them. As for inviting them to join the Demon Court, we still have to wait for a suitable opportunity.

Now that Hongjun assigns the East Prince and the West Queen Mother to manage the prehistoric male and female fairies, it will inevitably lead to the rise of a great power. At this time, if Di Jun invites sisters Xihe and Chang Xi, isn't it saying that he is afraid of the East Prince? , or afraid of Hongjun, after all, both Xihe and Chang Xi have stepped into the realm of quasi-sages, and attracting them is suspected of enhancing the strength of the demon court, which undoubtedly gave the Eastern Prince a boost.

Emperor Jun saw that both the East Prince and the West Queen Mother were not mediocre, but quite ambitious. Now that the two had been ordered by Hongjun, they had already revealed their ambitions before they left Zixiao Palace, openly wooing Zixiao Zhongke , Now that they return to the prehistoric period, they will inevitably start recruiting people aggressively. Di Jun wants to see what kind of power they can build.

However, Di Jun didn't pay too much attention to this matter, because he has a very important thing to do now. Now that the chaotic dantian in his body has been fully formed, it is time for Di Jun to start practicing the way of the Chaos Demon God, but he wants to do this. Dao, it is natural to need exercises, and it is not enough to rely on a few incomplete cultivation methods plundered from the ancestor Qiankun.

Cultivation techniques need to be deduced, and now that Dijun has comprehended the law of chaos, it is also helpful to deduce the way of the Chaos Demon God. If you want to deduce the kung fu, the chaos is the most suitable place. First, you can let Dijun experience the chaos personally. Second, chaos is not governed by the prehistoric way of heaven, which can help Emperor Jun conceal people's eyes and ears.

Just in case, Di Jun urged the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array in his body to disrupt his own secrets, then completely covered his own breath, and escaped into the chaos, leaving only a distraction in the Wanling Pavilion. , in case something goes wrong during his absence, Di Jun is in chaos so he can know as soon as possible.

Besides, the Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West, they recruited two or three hundred visitors from Zixiao, and when they returned to the wilderness, they came directly to a fairy island above the East China Sea. According to legend, this island was transformed from a piece of chaotic fragments when Pangu opened the sky.

The Duke of East and Queen Mother of the West looked at the aura of Penglai Xiandao, and they were naturally very satisfied. Spirits are demons, and most of the demon clan belonged to the demon court, and there were only a few left in the four seas, but these were out of their sight.

Ever since, the Duke of East and Queen Mother of the West simply gave up their plans to recruit those monster races, and instead focused on the many casual cultivators in the wilderness, and established the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals together with those recruited in Zixiao Palace , the first ones to be invited are naturally those Zixiao Zhongguo, their strength is extraordinary, if they can join, the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals will definitely gain momentum.

As soon as the Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals was established, it immediately became famous in the prehistoric world. The Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West were ordered by Hongjun to have justice in their hands. There are two more twelve ancestor witches in the clan, not to mention the monster clan, but now there are only four quasi-sages in the monster clan, so life and death are naturally extraordinary.

After the establishment of the Wanxian Temple, many casual cultivators joined it, which rapidly increased the strength of the Wanxian Temple. There are no fewer than two or three hundred Daluo Jinxians alone. The number of people is pitifully small, but on the face of it, the current combat power of the Wanxian Temple is not much worse than the high-level combat power of the Lich and Monster Clans.

The Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals is at its peak in the prehistoric times. In addition to the masters of Zhunsheng and Da Luo Jinxian, there are also many casual cultivators with cultivation bases such as Jinxian and Taiyi Xuanxian. These casual cultivators can only survive in the gaps. After joining the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals, they will naturally no longer have to worry about when they will suffer from that indiscriminate disaster.

But there are also many casual cultivators who are waiting and watching. After all, the two clans of Liches are powerful now. If they ignore the order of the saints and insist on attacking the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals established by the East Prince and the West Queen Mother, then joining them now is just going to the fire pit by themselves. It's nothing more than jumping in, for the sake of safety, they can only wait and see, if the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals is completed, they will naturally not continue to shrink back.

Of course, there are also some people who have no interest in the Wanxian Palace established by the East Prince and the West Queen Mother. Most of them are the great powers who broke through to the quasi-sage in the Zixiao Palace this time. Some people are inferior to others, and some are unwilling to participate in the battle between the prehistoric and the famine. Naturally, there are also those who dismiss the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals, such as Sanqing and others.

Time flies, and 1 years and 1 years have passed. The Wanxian Temple on Penglai Xiandao is growing day by day, but the two Lich tribes have no response to this. This undoubtedly makes the Wanxian Temple develop more smoothly. The Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals gathers a lot of casual cultivators from the prehistoric era, with astonishing strength, and has become the third largest force in the prehistoric era, comparable to the two clans of liches, and the prehistoric three-legged power has become again!

(End of this chapter)

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