Chapter 162
In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun stared at Honghuang, seeing that everything was calm in Honghuang, and the Wanxian Temple built by the East Prince and West Queen Mother was developing smoothly. There was no joy on his face, but his brows were slightly furrowed. Today's Honghuang is too It's calm, so calm that it seems that the peace and prosperity are coming, which makes people feel a little strange.

Nowadays, the Wu Clan is not as powerful as the Yao Clan, and they are determined to develop and grow. Although the Temple of Ten Thousand Immortals poses a threat to the Wu Clan, it is located on Penglai Xiandao overseas and has nothing to do with the Wu Clan. Although the Wu Clan is warlike, But they will not attack Wanxiandian for no reason, and the current strength of Wanxiandian is not something that the Wu Clan can destroy if they want to.

It is reasonable for the witch clan to have no reaction, but the demon court is also the same. It seems that it has not seen the growth of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace at all, and Di Jun has no reaction at all. The Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals has the most energy, followed by the Witch Clan, and the Demon Court is at the bottom. If it weren't for the presence of Emperor Jun, the Demon Court would have been in turmoil.

The prehistoric creatures can't understand Yaoting and Dijun, and the same is true for Hongjun. Dijun's secrets were originally difficult to delay, even if he became a saint, but now, Dijun's secrets are even more chaotic, and there must be someone Disturbing the secrets, Di Jun is probably the only one who has this ability in the wild. The more so, the more Hongjun can't understand Di Jun.

Hongjun can be sure that there is definitely a big secret in Dijun, especially now that he has messed up the secrets, and he is definitely planning something. Hongjun also has a general understanding of Dijun's strength. Well, Dong Wanggong and the others are absolutely unable to resist, but now Di Jun is so calm, there must be a reason.

Hongjun sighed slightly. In fact, what Dijun is doing has nothing to do with him. As long as his plan is not disturbed, then everything is fine. There is no chance of turning back, and he has to risk his life. What the final result will be depends on his own luck.

In the chaos, Emperor Jun sat suspended in the air, with the innate treasure Qiankun tripod on his head, holding the Hetu Luoshu in his hand, mana surged all over his body, his expression was calm, and all his mind was cast on the Hetu Luoshu. A strange figure evolved from above, although it was just a phantom, but the aura was astonishing, much stronger than the power of the innate demon god.

If there is the innate demon god reincarnated from the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God here, they will definitely recognize that this is the phantom of the Chaos Demon God, and it is the image of Qiankun Demon God, the predecessor of Qiankun Patriarch, and the breath of Chaos Demon God simulated by Hetu Luoshu It is almost indistinguishable from the real Chaos Demon God, which is the result of Emperor Junku sitting in Chaos for more than [-] years.

As the phantom of the Chaos Demon God dissipated, a Taoist essay emerged on Hetu Luoshu. At twice the speed of time, it took nearly 600 million years to deduce the method of cultivating the Chaos Demon God, which Di Jun called God and Demon Body Training.

The art of refining the body of the gods and demons mainly focuses on the real body of the Chaos Demon God, and also cultivates the mana of the Primordial God. The three can be said to go hand in hand. Of course, the most powerful thing about the Chaos Demon God is their physical body. He also used the Dao law he had comprehended to temper the fleshy body, so that every move of the fleshy body has great power.

Now that the cultivation method has been successfully deduced, Di Jun can't wait in his heart. There are still nearly 20 years before Hongjun's next lecture. With the acceleration of his time law, Di Jun has nearly a million It takes a year to practice, so it is natural to experience it. After all, this is an unprecedented attempt, and the risk is still very high.

But high risk means high reward. Di Jun is not a timid person. Now that the exercise has been successfully derived, it is perfect for the time being, and there are no mistakes or omissions. That being the case, Di Jun will naturally try it himself. After all, no one else can do it for you. Whether the chaotic dantian bred for hundreds of millions of years is valuable or not depends on it.

Dijun was born in the chaos in this way, and there was inexhaustible energy of chaos around him. However, Dijun did not directly absorb the energy of chaos for cultivation. The energy of chaos is a kind of spiritual energy for the Chaos Demon God. It is fine to absorb it directly, but Emperor Jun Jun can't do it, all he has is the chaotic dantian, he can't act too hastily, in order to keep his integrity, it's better to be on the safe side.

Dijun urged the Qiankun cauldron to slowly inhale the violent and chaotic energy of chaos around him into the cauldron. Under the tempering of the strange fire in the cauldron, the dross was removed and the essence was kept, refining out a series of extremely pure and peaceful chaos. Spiritual energy, such chaotic spiritual energy, Di Junfang dared to absorb it into his body, and protected his body with the law of chaos and mana around his body, so as to prevent the chaotic spiritual energy from corroding the body and causing unpredictable damage.

As the chaotic aura enters the chaotic dantian, Dijun seems to have a feeling of rain after a long drought. The chaotic dantian has a very strong desire for the chaotic aura. As the chaotic aura wanders around Dijun's body, it finally transforms into mana Staying in the chaotic dantian, Di Jun could feel the subtle changes in the chaotic dantian and the good fortune green lotus.

Di Jun did not last long for this attempt of practice. After he stopped practicing, Di Jun immediately began to check his own changes. After refining the body with the chaotic spiritual energy, it seemed that the aura of chaos had been left in his body. Although the cultivation base of the physical body has not increased, but the strength has slightly increased, which shows that there is nothing wrong with the technique of refining the body of gods and demons he deduced.

However, the Primal Chaos Qi was transformed into Chaos Spiritual Qi after being refined by the Qiankun Cauldron, but after all, it is stained with the word Chaos, and it is not as easy to absorb as the Innate Spiritual Qi. During the cultivation process, Di Jun felt no less pain than last time The pain caused by oppressing and destroying the physical body during the breakthrough of the Inner Zhou Tianxing Dou formation is even much higher.

Absorb the aura of chaos to refine the body with the method of body refining by gods and demons. While refining the real body of the chaos demon god, he can also cultivate a chaotic mana that is different from the mana in Di Jun's current Zhoutian acupoint. At the same time, it takes a little It will take a long time to gestate the origin of the Chaos Demon God drop by drop, but for Di Jun now, it is just the beginning.

However, practicing the way of the Chaos Demon God is a taboo in the prehistoric world. Once discovered, Di Jun is likely to become the target of public criticism, and it is extremely dangerous to transform into a real Chaos Demon God. , because at that time, what Di Jun will have to face is probably the way of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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