Chapter 184
It is also not a simple matter to become a sage with merit. There are many merits required for sanctification. Although Dijun knows some ways to obtain merits, they are not necessarily suitable for Taiyi, and whether the accumulation of merits can prove Taoism Sheng, this is also an unknown, until the end, Di Jun really doesn't want to go this way too much.

However, it seems that it is more difficult to become a saint by combining the three corpses into one than by virtue of merit. Let alone the harsh conditions for the unity of the three corpses, it seems that it is not an easy task to kill the three corpses. He has two thoughts of good and evil, but he doesn't know what the final obsession is. Understanding obsession is the first difficulty for the three corpses to prove the way.

Only after overcoming this difficulty, can one be qualified to face the second and last difficulty before sanctification, the unity of the three corpses. The condition for the unity of the three corpses is that the origin is connected, and the origin of Taiyi is the same as that of Emperor Jun , It was born by the fusion of a small part of the fire spirit origin at the beginning of the sky from the sun's origin, so the one with the same origin is either the sun's origin or the innate spirit treasure transformed from the fragments of the fire spirit's origin.

Taking away the source of the sun star, Emperor Jun would not dare to do this, even a saint would not dare. The original source, which affects the balance of the sun star and even the prehistoric yin and yang, is undoubtedly a cause and effect with the prehistoric sentient beings, and that is no joke.

Speaking of the origin of the sun star, Di Jun couldn't help but rang out the nine fierce beasts that he had sealed in the sun star. Although their origin has some aura and characteristics of the sun star origin, they are the origin of fierce beasts after all, not pure. However, it is possible to use their origin to refine three innate spirit treasures for Tai Yi to kill the corpse, but whether the three corpses can be combined into one in the end is another matter.

Thinking about it this way, Taiyi can only kill the corpse by relying on the innate spiritual treasure bred from the original fragments of the fire spirit. This road seems to be the most likely to succeed. According to the law, it is not difficult to control other flames, and the treasures conceived by the original fragments of the fire spirit, now there are two in the hands of Dijun and Taiyi.

The Lihuo Shenjian in Dijun's hand, and the Liuding Divine Bow in Taiyi's hand are both high-grade innate spiritual treasures bred from the origin of the fire spirit. Lihuo, and Liuding Divine Bow is the companion spirit treasure of Gouchen Patriarch, who controls Liuding Divine Fire. Back then, Gouchen Patriarch wanted to divert disasters to the east and was killed by Tai Yi, so Liuding Divine Bow naturally fell into Taiyi's hands.

Emperor Jun had seen this bow before, and Taiyi was not interested in this magical bow. He originally wanted to give it to Dijun, but Dijun had a lot of magic weapons in his hand, so he didn't want it. Lihuoshenjian, it and the other three top-grade innate spirit treasures in Dijun's hands are the best for arranging the four-spirit destruction formation, but Dijun is not very interested in this formation.

Although the power of the Great Formation of Destroying the Four Spirits is good, and may be comparable to the three great formations of the Great Desolation, it cannot exert its full power in the hands of Emperor Jun. Only the four Huoling Taoists can truly exert its power. That being the case, why did Di Jun use four top-grade innate spiritual treasures to set up the formation, he could completely refine the formation flag instead.

As for the last innate spirit treasure transformed from the original fragment of the fire spirit, it needs to be searched slowly. Fortunately, there are not many fire attribute innate spirit treasures in the prehistoric wilderness. The next treasure in Zixiao Palace may not be impossible to find. There is no need for Emperor Jun to summon him. With Lihuo Shenjian and Liuding Shenbow, Taiyi is enough to cut out the two corpses of good and evil. As for obsession, whether he can understand it or not depends on Taiyi's own good fortune.

Years passed, and millions of years passed by in a hurry, and there was another crisp bell ringing between heaven and earth, and then came Hongjun's voice: "The period of millions of years has arrived, and the Zixiao Palace has opened. Come and listen!"

In a blink of an eye, countless figures flew from all directions in the prehistoric world, all flying towards 33 days away. This is the last time Hongjun preached, and what he said was still the way of the Hunyuan sage, so naturally no one wanted to Missed it, some people who broke through to the Daluo Jinxian Realm after the second sermon also rushed towards Chaos, hoping to catch up with Hongjun's sermon in the end.

But in the end, there are very few people who can reach the Zixiao Palace, and on the square of the Zixiao Palace, Di Jun and his party are naturally the most conspicuous. Part of the forces, now a group of seven or eight hundred Da Luo Jinxians are surrounded by four people, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Fu Xi and Nu Wa, can they not be conspicuous!

Entering the Zixiao Palace, after everyone sat down, Hongjun's figure suddenly appeared on the high platform again. This time, the aura on Hongjun's body seemed to become more mysterious, and Di Jun felt the most profoundly. The primordial spirit realm at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage also felt great pressure on Hongjun, and he really complied with that sentence, all saints are ants.

After Hongjun sat down, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and he began to talk about the Dao, and the adages of the Dao were slowly spit out from his mouth, and they lingered in Zixiao Palace: "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, Three things are born and all things are born, and all things bear yin and embrace yang, and they are full of energy and think of harmony."

"Doing nothing, doing nothing, tasteless. No matter how big or small, repay grievances with virtue. The difficult things in the world are more difficult than the easy ones, and the things are bigger than the small ones. The difficult things in the world must be done in the easy ones; the big things in the world must be done in the small ones. Therefore, the sage will not be big in the end. Therefore, it is possible to achieve greatness. If you are light on your promises, you will have little faith, and if you are easy, you will be difficult. It is difficult for a sage, so there will be no difficulties in the end."

"It's safe and easy to hold, it's easy to find when it's not in sight, it's fragile and easy to break, and it's easy to disperse. It's in the unexisting, and it's in the chaos. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Those who do it lose it, and those who persist in it lose it. It is because a sage does not do anything, so there is no failure; if there is no persistence, there is no loss. The people's work is often defeated after a few successes. Be cautious in the end as before , then there is nothing wrong. It is because the sage does not desire what he wants, and does not value hard-to-find things; if he does not learn, he will recover from the mistakes of the people. To complement the nature of all things, he dare not do it."

"The way of heaven is like drawing a bow! Those who are high suppress it, those who are below lift it, those who have excess damage it, and those who are insufficient give it. The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking. Humanity is not the same. Yu. Who can have more than enough to serve the world? The only one who has the Tao. He does not rely on the sage, and the achievements are not good. I don’t see the virtuous.”

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat all things as straw dogs; sages are not benevolent, and treat the people as straw dogs. Between heaven and earth, it is like a stick. It is empty and unyielding, and it moves and leaves. It is better to stay in the center than to talk too much."

(End of this chapter)

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