Chapter 185 Hunyuan Saint
The sage preached, the sky was full of flowers, and the ground was full of golden lotus, not to mention that what he said this time was the way of the Hunyuan sage. Looming, the so-called sky mark is transformed by the charm of the way of heaven, it is extremely rare, if not for Hongjun's preaching this time, most of the people here may not be able to see it in their entire lives.

The appearance of the sky mark is a great opportunity for all the listeners here, and the way of the Hunyuan saint that Hongjun talked about is also extremely mysterious. Under normal circumstances, at least the quasi-sage peak cultivation base can I heard some, but those present here are only in the early and middle stages of the quasi-sage, so how can they understand it? I am afraid that only Di Jun can spy on one or two of them.

But even with the help of Tianhen, the way of the Hunyuan sage is also mysterious and difficult to understand. Even the seven people sitting in the front are all frowning, and their expressions are constantly changing, joyful, excited, depressed, and annoyed ····These emotions appeared on their faces one by one, half understanding, half understanding, half understanding, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

However, Sanqing, Taiyi, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti have one more advantage over other listeners, that is, the futons they sit on are not extraordinary things. At the same time, the futons they are sitting on are also playing a role, bringing them closer to the way of heaven, which is more conducive to their comprehension of the way of the sage of Hunyuan.

With the double help of Tianhen and Futuan, the seven people including Sanqing and Taiyi obviously had a deeper understanding of the way of the Hunyuan sage than other listeners, but compared to the Hunyuan sage The Tao is grand and far-reaching, and what they can understand is only superficial, and the help from the outside world is just a kind of assistance. If you want to truly understand it, you have to wait for yourself.

But the other listeners were so dazed, especially those under the quasi-sage, they almost didn't understand anything at all. The Dao that Hongjun talked about was like a bible to them, but Zixiao The sky mark evolved in the palace is indeed of great benefit to them, and many people have turned their attention to the enlightenment of the way of heaven.

As for Di Jun, his expression is calm and composed, neither sad nor happy, Hetu Luoshu in his body has been urged to the extreme by him, and the two corpses of good and evil are also trying their best to comprehend the way of the Hunyuan sage taught by Hongjun. For Di Jun, it was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he didn't dare to be distracted for a moment, all his mind was silent in the Hunyuan Dao.

Although Dijun's Yuanshen realm is already at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, there is still a long way to go to reach the point where he can comprehend the Hunyuan Dao. Maybe it will only be seen overnight, maybe millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years However, Di Jun couldn't be sure when he would be able to pry into the mystery of Hunyuan, let alone prove Hunyuan.

But now, Hongjun's talk about the way of a sage of Hunyuan undoubtedly did Di Jun a great favor, shortening the distance between him and the realm of Hunyuan infinitely, and saving him countless years of practice. At the peak of the quasi-sage, he began to comprehend the Hunyuan Dao, which made Dijun touch the threshold of Hunyuan all at once.

But it is a pity that what Hongjun achieved was the way of saints. Although saints are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they are not the same. Therefore, Hongjun has a deep understanding of the way of saints, but his understanding of the way of Hunyuan is not. It is not as good as the Dao of Saints, otherwise the benefits to Dijun may be even greater, but it is already a great opportunity for Dijun to touch the Hunyuan threshold, and Dijun is very content.

After 7000 years, Hongjun finally stopped, and everyone woke up one after another. Whether they were trying their best to comprehend the way of the Hunyuan sage, or those who were drowsy and lost, they all recovered completely. The expressions are different, obviously the harvest is not the same, more or less, each depends on good luck, after all, not everyone can touch the way of the Hunyuan sage.

Hongjun looked at the people who were awake, especially when he saw Di Jun, there was a flash of fluctuation in his eyes, but it disappeared immediately, and he said softly: "Under the way of heaven, a saint should come out in accordance with the way of heaven, and entrust the spirit of the way of heaven with his soul. Above, there is immortality, during the calamity, anyone who is not a saint may perish, and everyone under a saint is an ant!"

Hearing what Hongjun said, everyone's heart trembled. All saints are ants, and who among them is willing to be an ant!But it is also not easy to prove the Tao and become a saint. Although there are three ways to become a saint, the possibility of success is very small. .

Afterwards, Hongjun went on to say: "My palm created the jade butterfly, comprehended the way of a sage, and preached the way with this Zixiao Palace. Now that the merits and virtues are about to be completed, I should also join the way with my body to complement the way of heaven, and I Under the door, there should be seven saints."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed drastically. Envy, jealousy, regret... many emotions appeared on everyone's faces, seven saints?Sanqing, Taiyi, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti sitting in the front are not exactly seven people. Each of them occupies a futon, which obviously has a special meaning. Although they have also guessed, they have no idea. Think of each pouf as representing a holy place.

Among them, there are two people who are the most special, one is Hong Yun, who was almost forced to give up his seat, but was shot by Di Jun and Tai Yi snatched him away, and the other was Kunpeng, who originally occupied a seat, but But he was knocked down by Jieyin, and lost his chance for no reason. He not only hated Jieyin and Zhunti, but also hated Hongyun. If Hongyun hadn't been innocent, how could he have lost his chance.

Looking at the seven people sitting at the front, everyone showed a look of envy and hatred in their eyes, especially when they saw Tai Yi, Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, Di Jun helped him grab Tai Yi's position, Jie Yin It was the one who robbed Kunpeng, and Zhunti was given the seat by Hongjun, and the seven holy seats must belong to them, but some people were unwilling, so they asked: "Dare to ask the ancestors, who can enjoy the holy seat? "

As soon as Hongjun raised his hand, a cloud of purple energy appeared in the palm of his hand. Hongjun said: "If you want to become a saint, you must first obtain the foundation of the Dao. A holy seat, under the Dao of Heaven, nine are the ultimate, I will occupy one of them, and the rest will be given to those who are destined."

After everyone heard this, their faces changed immediately. They could clearly see that there were eight strands of Hongmeng purple energy in the ball of purple energy in Hongjun's hand, except for the seven from Hongjun's family, there was only one left. People, doesn't that mean that they all have the possibility to get the remaining primordial purple energy, which fills their hearts with tension and anticipation, and everyone hopes that they will be the lucky ones.

(End of this chapter)

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