Chapter 193 Lich Reaction
After hearing this, Di Jiang said in a deep voice: "Well, I know who you are talking about. Even if you don't tell me, I am planning to discuss with you. He was accepted as a disciple by Hongjun, but he also obtained a majestic purple energy, which is the foundation of the great way to become a saint, and now many people in the prehistoric world are eyeing him."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded, and said, "That's right, it's him. Hongyun is just a casual cultivator, and he has not been accepted as a disciple by Hongjun. Those who listen to Taoism in Zixiao Palace will naturally dare to think about him. Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation of the Dao necessary for holiness, it is far more attractive than any innate spiritual treasure, and it is also of great significance to our Wu Clan."

After Xuan Ming heard this, he said in a cold tone: "Primordial Purple Qi? Eldest Brother, Second Brother, could it be that you are planning to snatch it? My Wu Clan has no primordial spirit and cannot comprehend the way of heaven. Useful, a saint needs to entrust the primordial spirit to the way of heaven, but we don’t even have a primordial spirit, so what’s the use of grabbing it.”

Zhu Jiuyin said: "Of course I know, but you also know that Taiyi and Nuwa of the Yaozu have both received a majestic purple energy. If they become holy, the Yaozu will have two saints, plus one If Di Jun, who is currently comprehending the Dao of Hunyuan, can also prove Hunyuan, even if we have the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons formation, I'm afraid we won't be able to resist it."

When the ancestor witches heard Zhu Jiuyin's words, their complexions suddenly became solemn, and Zhu Jiuyin continued: "The primordial purple energy on Hongyun's body has been targeted by people, if the monster race takes it again, it will be very difficult It is possible to create another saint, and in that case, our witch clan will probably face annihilation."

Di Jiang said in a deep voice: "Second brother is right. Even if we don't grab it, Di Jun and the others will probably do it. We must not let them get another Primordial Purple Qi, and the Prismatic Purple Qi may not be in our hands. It's useless, although we don't have souls, but we have the merits of opening the sky, under the heavenly law, everything has a chance of life, and our witch clan may not be able to become holy."

Zhu Jiuyin followed Di Jiang's words and said: "That's right, so we have to keep an eye on the Yaozu's actions on the one hand, and on the other hand, we also have to keep an eye on Hong Yun. Once Hong Yun appears, we will find the right opportunity to snatch Hongmeng Zi." Qi, no matter whether the Primordial Purple Qi can make one of us a saint, it must not fall into the hands of the Yaozu."

After the Twelve Ancestral Witches reached an agreement, they immediately began to move quietly, and a bigger net was attacking Hongyun.

Buzhou Mountain, at this moment, the monster clan is constantly migrating to the heavenly court, and the monster clan can be seen everywhere on Buzhou Mountain, but the population of the monster clan is really too much, and there are thousands of people who are Earth Immortals and above. billions, not to mention those who have not yet become immortals. The relocation of such a huge race is naturally cumbersome, and it may not be completed in tens of thousands of years.

Of course, the monster race has not completely migrated into the Heavenly Court, there will always be some weak monster races that will remain on the wild land, and those wild beasts that have not yet developed their spiritual wisdom will be enlightened in the future. At that time, it will be difficult for them to go to heaven. At that time, the prehistoric land will become the world of the witch clan, and the monster clan remaining on the ground may only go to the remote areas in the prehistoric area or the big land. migrated by sea.

The family relocation is a major event, not only needs to be properly scheduled, but also the place where they will live after sneaking into the heavenly court. There are 33 heavens in the heavenly court. The height and status in the demon court can only be arranged. As for the No. 30 third heaven, it is naturally only the residence of Di Jun.

When the Yaozu was in the process of migrating nervously, Nuwa obviously didn't put her mind on it completely. The Yaoting is the largest force in the prehistoric, and if there is any trouble in the prehistoric, they will naturally receive the news immediately, and now , Nuwa was troubled by a piece of news, it was the news that many casual cultivators were going to attack Hongyun.

As for Hongyun, Nuwa thinks that he is a bit tragic at most, but the majestic purple energy on his body is also something Nuwa wants to get. The demon court has one emperor and three emperors, and the demon emperor Di Jun has already begun to comprehend the Hunyuan Dao. There is no need for the primordial purple qi, and Tai Yi and she each have a primordial purple qi, and now the only one without the primordial purple qi is her elder brother Fuxi.

Now that the calamity of heaven and earth is happening again, Nuwa is naturally worried about Fuxi's future. Dijun's cultivation is unfathomable and unfathomable. Naturally, it is not her turn to worry, and Taiyi has the primordial purple energy in his body, and he is accepted as a disciple by Hongjun. , with the protection of Emperor Jun, there should be no problem, and she herself is the same, as Hongjun's disciple, there should be no problem, except Fuxi is different.

Fuxi is not as unfathomable as Emperor Jun, and he has comprehended the Dao of Hunyuan, and secondly, without the primordial purple energy in his body, he cannot prove the Tao and become a saint. In this calamity, the two clans of liches are obviously the protagonists, and Nuwa naturally Worried about Fuxi's safety, if Fuxi can have a primordial purple aura, he might be able to become a saint with Fuxi's aptitude, so Nu Wa naturally came up with the idea of ​​the primordial purple aura on Hongyun.

But there are not a few quasi-sages who are staring at Hongyun. The quasi-sages in Zixiao Palace have basically arrived. Nuwa understands that with her and Fuxi's strength, it is obviously not possible to win the primordial purple energy from everyone. It is possible, unless the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation can be borrowed, but now that the monster clan has moved, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation has been used to guard against the witch clan, so it is obviously impossible to move lightly.

In this way, the only thing Nuwa can think of is Di Jun. For the sake of her elder brother Fuxi, Nuwa can only ask Di Jun to help. If the Yaozu can produce another saint, it will obviously be of great benefit to the Yaozu. Good thing, thinking of this, Nu Wa went directly back to the Heavenly Court, met Di Jun, and explained her reason for coming.

Di Jun was also a little surprised when he heard Nuwa's words, but he did not refuse, but said: "Friend Nuwa, I can help you with that Dao of Primordial Purple Qi, but the result may not be as you wish. You have to know that it's not just those casual cultivators who are staring at that primordial purple energy, even the witch clan will probably take action."

Nuwa's expression changed slightly when she heard Di Jun's words, and she said in a deep voice, "Witch Clan? Witch Clan has no primordial spirit, so the primordial purple energy doesn't seem to be of any use to them? Why, I shouldn’t be afraid! If fellow daoist can make a move, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will give you one favor.”

(End of this chapter)

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