The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 194 Red Cloud's Resoluteness

Chapter 194 Red Cloud's Resoluteness

Hearing Nuwa's words, Di Jun smiled faintly in his heart, a favor?Nuwa really thinks highly of herself. Even a favor from a saint might not be worth a holy position, not to mention that you haven't been sanctified yet. It seems that Nuwa's mentality has changed at the moment, but this is also Normal, if one really became a saint, who would be willing to be inferior to others!
Di Jun said indifferently: "The Witch Clan is not as simple as you think, and do you think that Heavenly Dao will let the primordial purple energy on Hongyun fall into the hands of my Monster Clan? Now my Monster Clan has already occupied two Primordial Primordial Paths." Zi Qi, if you and Tai Yi become holy, then my monster clan will have two saints, the monster is strong and the witch is weak, what calamity is there, wouldn't it be a catastrophe for the witch clan?"

When Nu Wa heard Di Jun's words, enlightenment flashed in her eyes, but she was still unwilling, so she said, "No matter what, I'd like to invite fellow Taoist Di Jun to give it a try. My brother has done his best for the Yaozu!" , the way of Hunyuan is hard to find, and I don’t know if there is hope for my brother, so I can only pin my hope on the Primordial Purple Qi.”

Seeing this, Emperor Jun nodded, "Forget it, then I'll give it a try. As for the result, it depends on God's will. As for the future of fellow Taoist Fuxi, I think he has a lot of luck, and there may be other opportunities in the future." , Dao fifty, Tian Yan four nine, get rid of one, so everything has a ray of life, let everything go as it pleases!"

After Nuwa left, Di Jun paid attention to the situation at Hongyun's place. Even if Nuwa didn't ask for it, he would have made a move. It's just that he didn't have the idea of ​​attacking Hongmeng Ziqi, he just wanted to settle the cause and effect with Hongyun. At the last moment, to save Hongyun's life, of course, there is one person who is also in Dijun's scheme.

That is Kunpeng. Dijun sent people to invite Kunpeng many times, but he refused them all. Not only that, but he also gathered many monster clans in Beiming. In order to win back the hearts of demons, he often imitated Hongjun and preached in the altar. Beiming and the monster tribes of the four seas even respected him as a demon master, and his subordinates even trained demon soldiers. It can be seen that the plot is not small.

Di Jun naturally doesn't care about the little demon clan gathered by Kunpeng's subordinates, but the name of the demon master is different. Although the name of Kunpeng's demon master is only circulated in Beiming and the world, if he just sits idly by, Wouldn't it be the same as acquiescing, and now, it happened to be a good opportunity, and Di Jun planned to take the opportunity to directly take Kunpeng under his command.

Kunpeng's cultivation base is good, and he is ruthless. Some things are very suitable for him to do, and he is also a powerful monster. Taking him under his command will naturally improve the strength of the monster clan. After all, the quasi-sage of the monster clan is only emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi and Nuwa are just four people, which is still a little less than the Wu clan.

Now that the Heavenly Court has been born, the Lich War will follow, and then the human race will be born, and all the saints will be born together. Time has become very urgent, and Dijun also needs to plan more. This calamity is very important to him, and absolutely no mistakes will be allowed , As for the result, that is beyond Di Jun's decision.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Hongyun sits cross-legged on the cloud platform, with Qingyun spreading out above his head, and three flowers swaying. Among them, a figure among the human flowers sits cross-legged, that is the good corpse that Hongyun beheaded. In the mid-term cultivation base, he can be regarded as the top master in the wild, but now he is in a crisis and cannot extricate himself.

After beheading the good corpse, Hongyun originally planned to understand the evil thoughts by cutting out the evil corpses, but he had no idea, and now that he had the primordial purple energy in his hand, he had no time to understand the evil thoughts, so he could only focus on it The ground comprehended the primordial purple qi, but after many years of painstaking comprehension, he still had no clue, as if the primordial purple qi had no destiny for him at all.

But now, Hong Yun also understands what kind of situation he is in. Although the Wuzhuang Temple is closed by Zhen Yuanzi with a large formation, it does not prevent him from observing the outside world. At this moment, in the flood, most of the scattered Xiu Zhunsheng and many great Luo Jinxians gathered outside the Wuzhuang Temple, and they might attack the Wuzhuang Temple at any time.

This made Hong Yun very entangled. Zhen Yuanzi was his good friend, not a brother, but as close as a brother. This time Hong Yun was in fear, Zhen Yuanzi let him hide in the Wuzhuang Temple wholeheartedly, vowing to go to disaster with Hong Yun, but Hong Yun But he couldn't bear it in his heart. If Zhen Yuanzi could solve the current crisis, he wouldn't mind hiding here with Zhen Yuanzi, but obviously it was a crisis that Zhen Yuanzi couldn't solve. One life.

Cultivation is not easy, but it is even more difficult to become a quasi-sage. I don’t know how many people fell in the middle of the journey. Hong Yun really doesn’t want to implicate Zhen Yuanzi because of himself. However, it was time for Hongyun to make a decision, the future was uncertain, should he stay or go?

As soon as Hong Yun stretched out his hand, the primordial purple qi suddenly appeared in his palm, looking at the primordial purple radiance shining with purple light, it was so alluring, but Hong Yun looked at it with a very complicated expression, after a long time, murmured He muttered to himself: "Could it be that you really have no destiny with me? Then why did you choose me again in Zixiao Palace?"

But in an instant, Hong Yun's expression became firm again, and he said sharply: "No! Since you chose me, you are destined to be with me. The current crisis is nothing but a calamity on my way to becoming a saint. As long as I can get through After this catastrophe, the opportunity for sanctification will inevitably come, yes, it must be so, then let me take a gamble, life or death depends on this."

After all, Hongmeng Ziqi is the foundation of the Great Dao. For someone like Hongyun, he is not willing to give up in the face of the current crisis where there is almost no life left. After all, Hongmengziqi represents a holy throne, so Hongyun naturally wants to fight It is obviously impossible to let him give up the primordial purple energy for nothing. Who would be willing to give up such an opportunity!
But staying in the Wuzhuang Temple is not the best policy, even with the help of Zhen Yuanzi, it will not help. Hong Yun understands that if Zhen Yuanzi has the strength of Di Jun, it may be able to help him overcome this calamity, but Zhen Yuanzi No, staying in the Wuzhuang Temple would only hurt Zhen Yuanzi, and now that Zhen Yuanzi was about to be the quasi-sage master who killed two corpses, Hong Yun really didn't want to hurt him.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun's mind was settled, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he looked at the place where Zhen Yuanzi retreated, and said in a deep voice: "Zhen Yuanzi, I really can't listen to you this time, my own I will bear the calamity myself, I really don't want to involve you, I hope I can get through this calamity, otherwise I'm afraid we will never see each other again."

(End of this chapter)

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