Chapter 195
Outside Wuzhuang Temple, among the hundreds of mountain peaks, many monks have already gathered at this moment. The worst cultivation level is also in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and the strongest is the quasi-sage master who killed a corpse, thousands of Da Luo Jinxian Dozens of quasi-sage masters, most of the casual cultivators in the wild have gathered here, and they are obviously all staring at the primordial purple energy on Hong Yun's body.

However, although everyone knew that Hongyun was in the Wuzhuang Temple, no one wanted to act first. Although there were many Daluo Jinxians who came, they were unable to break through the formation formed by Zhen Yuanzi, and they were able to grab the opportunity of Hongmeng Ziqi They are also insignificant. After all, there are so many quasi-sages gathered here, but they are not willing to retreat easily in the face of the temptation of the primordial purple energy. They can only hope that there will be accidents.

And those quasi-sage masters are not willing to be such an early bird. The formation formed by Zhen Yuanzi cannot be broken so easily. Everyone may have lost the opportunity to capture the primordial purple energy, everyone thought so, which naturally caused the current deadlock.

However, this stalemate obviously won't last for too long. There will always be people who can't help breaking this deadlock. After all, the time has dragged on for too long, which is not a good thing for them. If the time comes, the Liches and Demons will intervene again , then it is completely none of their business, so some quasi-sages began to discuss, and the deadlock began to be slowly broken.

At this time, the clouds between the sky and the earth seemed to be drawn by something, and they began to quickly gather towards Wuzhuang Temple. Such a vision made everyone vigilant. The ancestor of Hongyun was born by the first red cloud in the sky For him, manipulating the clouds between heaven and earth is a piece of cake. At this moment, Hongyun is in Wuzhuang Temple. Such a vision must be caused by Hongyun.

Not long after, the surroundings of Wuzhuang Temple began to become shrouded in clouds and mist, which made everyone wonder what Hong Yun wanted to see. At this moment, the clouds suddenly began to change, and strange inscription restrictions began to appear on the clouds. It appeared on the sky, which made everyone understand at once, what exactly does Hongyun want to do?
"Not good, Hongyun wants to set up an formation, absolutely can't let him succeed!"

At this time, Hong Yun's laughter spread in the clouds: "Hahaha... I just found out now, it's too late, since you want to seize the poor man's majestic purple energy, then the poor man will not be polite." , This formation is called the Red Cloud Formation, let you see the power of this formation, the clouds move, the wind rises, everything changes, the Red Cloud Formation, rise up!"

In an instant, between the heaven and the earth around Wuzhuang Temple, a large crimson formation was formed in an instant, directly enveloping all the people around it. Fitting together, using the power of heaven and earth to gather clouds to form formations, the power is extraordinary. This is also the first time Hongyun has shown its fangs to the prehistoric.

There are seven layers of curtains in the red cloud formation, each with its own ingenuity. The layer upon layer of thunder and fire is extremely powerful. When the formation is activated, a large piece of red rain suddenly falls from the top of the empty curtain. A dense string of thunderclaps was formed on one side, and clusters of raging fire hit the top of the head, which was extremely dangerous.

Once the formation of the red cloud was completed, it was immediately mobilized and directly attacked those casual practitioners. The countless red light rains fell like a raging fire, causing bursts of explosions, and the sound shook the world, like the sound of thunder. Generally speaking, it was very frightening. Some Da Luo Jinxians with low cultivation levels even died in this way, and ended up in a miserable end of death.

At this moment, while resisting Hong Yu's attack, a quasi-sage master shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't panic. Although this formation is powerful, it can't trap so many of us. Let's fight together and break it together!" In this battle, let's see what other tricks Hong Yun has!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they went to make their moves one after another. Thousands of Taoisms blasted out together, and the red cloud formation was broken immediately, and the clouds between the sky and the earth dispersed one after another. Looking around Wuzhuang Temple, it was like experiencing a big fire. Zhuang Guan's place was surrounded by a piece of scorched earth, and there were many corpses of Da Luo Jinxian lying in it.

But at this time, the red cloud still disappeared. Everyone immediately began to look for the trace of the red cloud, and suddenly found that a red cloud was fleeing at an extremely fast speed far away in the sky. It was obviously the red cloud itself. Among them, in terms of escapism, not many people can catch up to Hongyun, which is also Hongyun's reliance.

Seeing this, everyone started to ride the clouds and ride the fog, all chasing after the red cloud, and the quasi-sage masters were the first to bear the brunt. In an instant, the surroundings of Wuzhuang Temple were empty, leaving only a piece of scorched earth and the still prosperous and peaceful In Wuzhuang Temple, the large array set up by the Book of the Earth cuts off the outside world, and Zhen Yuanzi, who is retreating inside, does not know that Hongyun has left.

Hong Yun galloped all the way to escape, and gradually opened the distance between himself and those casual cultivators who were staring at him, but he did not let down his vigilance because of this. Forming the formation, the more clouds are gathered, the more power will naturally increase, and Hongyun is just for the sake of being prepared.

But there are quite a few people who are good at flying and fleeing in the prehistoric world. Hong Yun can clearly feel the quasi-sage masters chasing behind him, some of them are even faster than him, which makes Hong Yun feel very anxious However, once he is stopped by these people and trapped in a tight siege, then he has no way out.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a trace of determination on his face, and said softly: "Fellow Daoist, I will leave this matter to you."

A person jumped out of Hongyun's body, it was Hongyun's good corpse, only to hear the good corpse said with a smile: "You and I are one body, if you can survive this calamity, I still have a day to reunite, if you die, then I will also If you die, it doesn't matter, I will leave this matter to me."

After all, Hongyun Shanshi stopped, and Hongyun continued to flee. After a while, countless figures flew over. Looking at these people, Hongyun Shanshi smiled indifferently, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, nine red flags flew up. Flying into the air, Hongyun Shanshi shouted sharply: "The clouds move, the wind rises, everything changes, ninety-nine red clouds form, rise up!"

Ninety-Nine Red Cloud Formation is an advanced version of Hongyun Formation. It was created by Hongyun after he got the red gourd on the gourd fairy vine in Buzhou Mountain. It is a bit stronger than Hongyun Formation. Hongyun refined into a nine-nine-nine scattered soul gourd, which is Hongyun's most powerful magic weapon and always carries it with him, so Hongyun's good corpse can only be replaced by nine nine-nine red cloud banners.

(End of this chapter)

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