The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 198 Red Cloud Tribulation

Chapter 198 Red Cloud Tribulation ([-])
Seeing that there was no way for Hong Yun to escape, Hong Yun couldn't help but feel a little sad, now that he was doomed, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Hahaha... I think Hongyun has been in the prehistoric world for thousands of years, but now I have ended up like this. It's really ironic, but if you want to get the primordial purple energy, I won't let you be so happy."

I saw the red cloud slapping the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd. Immediately, the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd released countless red sand, flooding towards Styx, Kunpeng and other quasi-sages. It can hurt the body, and it can even erode the soul. If you are injured by red sand, it is not a trivial matter, and I don't know how long it will take to fully recover.

When Minghe saw Hongyun sacrifice ninety-nine scattered soul gourds and release infinite red sand, a blood-colored lotus suddenly appeared at his feet with a move of his mind. The eponymous Yehuo Red Lotus is also a rare treasure, and it is the companion spirit treasure of Patriarch Minghe.

And Kunpeng's reaction was not slow. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a palace appeared above his head, and a series of green lights hung down to protect Kunpeng. However, this palace is just a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, and it is also the best magic weapon in Kunpeng's hands. As for the other quasi-sages, they were not slow to react, and they took action one after another to resist Hongsha's attack.

During this period, the quasi-sages behind also arrived one after another, and what greeted them was the endless red sand released from the ninety-nine scattered soul gourd. However, although the power of the ninety-nine scattered soul gourd was astonishing, the attacking There are too many people, and they are all quasi-sages, so the impact they can have is really limited.

Seeing this, Hongyun knotted the magic seal in his hand, and directly sacrificed the nine-nine scattered soul gourd. While releasing the red sand, countless red clouds were also released together. These clouds were collected by Hongyun along the way, and the reason why they became The red color is all because the red sand has mixed into it, Hong Yun's heart moved, and the ninety-nine red cloud formation reappeared between the sky and the earth.

But this time, the power of the ninety-nine red cloud formation is really astonishing, far from comparable to the previous two red cloud formations. This formation uses the ninety-nine scattered soul gourd as the eye of the formation, combined with the avenue of clouds and the bloody red sand, the power is really terrifying However, if only a few quasi-sage masters entered the battle, Hong Yun was even sure to kill them, but it was a pity that there were fifty or sixty quasi-sage masters in the battle.

Although the formation was completed, Hong Yun was not at all happy in his heart. He knew that this formation would never be able to stop so many quasi-sages for a few breaths, and it was absolutely impossible for him to escape these pursuits and feel the power of the sea of ​​consciousness. In the extremely calm Hongmeng Ziqi, Hongyun couldn't help showing a sad smile on his face, and still made a decision in his heart.

Hong Yun looked at those people in the formation with bitterness, his heart was full of infinite murderous intent, and he shouted in a cold voice: "Aren't you trying to steal the primordial purple energy, then I will fulfill you, but if you don't give me a way out, I won't make it easier for you Yes, hahaha... Let's die together! Ninety-nine red clouds move, boundless red sand is chaotic, give me, explode! Explode! Explode!"

Three consecutive "explosions" made everyone in the formation tremble with fear. They could clearly feel the frenzied aura emanating from the Jiujiuhongyun formation at this moment, which made them feel a huge shock. What's more shocking is that even Hong Yun's aura began to inflate rapidly, Hong Yun is about to explode!

It was another shocking explosion, and this time the power was at least several times stronger than the previous one. The self-detonation of Hongyun and the ninety-nine Hongyun formation caused a huge shock to everyone in the formation. The quasi-sage, who had just stepped into the early stage of the quasi-sage, was unable to withstand the explosion, and died on the spot, which can be described as a tragedy.

After the explosion, the remaining quasi-sages were more or less injured. The only one who was not injured was probably Styx. His twelfth-rank karma fire red lotus was unparalleled in defense, so it was no problem to resist such a self-detonation. Although he also blocked Hong Yun's self-destruction, he was also slightly injured. His magic weapon's defense was not as strong as Karma Honglian's.

When everything returned to calm, there were only two things in everyone's eyes. After Hong Yun blew himself up, two things remained in the air. One was Hong Yun's magic weapon, the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd. It was not lightly damaged, and the other thing was the primordial purple qi that everyone was most looking forward to.

With Hongmeng Ziqi in front, everyone obviously ignored the existence of the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd. Compared to Hongmeng Ziqi, a mere Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd is nothing, but no one moved, Hongmeng There is only one Ziqi, but there are more than 50 quasi-sages present, whoever makes the first move will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

During the short silence, someone finally broke the tranquility, and someone made a move, and the first one was the Patriarch Minghe, who saw Minghe's figure move, driving Yehuo Honglian to go straight to Hongmeng Ziqi. Go, at the same time, countless figures flashed out of the body, all rushing to kill the other quasi-sages, with the intention of going to death.

Taking a closer look, these figures are seven or eight points similar to Styx, but each one is just a golden fairy, but the number is indeed quite a lot, tens of thousands, which is what Styx did. The refined blood god sons are a kind of incarnation outside the body. These blood god sons rushed towards the quasi-sages, and exploded before they reached them.

The golden immortals are really nothing to the quasi-sages, but the power of tens of thousands of golden immortals self-detonating should not be underestimated. Although they cannot hurt these quasi-sages, it is enough to delay them for a moment. He grabbed the primordial purple qi directly, and it seemed that he was about to get it, but something happened to him.

I saw a palace falling from the sky and smashing directly at Styx. Styx was protected by karma red lotus, so he was naturally safe, but he was blown out abruptly, and the primordial purple air that was close at hand flew like a cooked duck. This made Styx very annoyed. As soon as he stretched out his hand, two swords full of killing aura appeared in Styx's hands. These are Styx's other companion spirit treasures, Yuantu and Abi.

Minghe saw the person who made the attack, and immediately said angrily: "Kunpeng, you are courting death!"

After all, with a wave of Yuantu Abi in Styx's hand, thousands of slaughtering sword qi directly slashed towards Kunpeng, and Kunpeng was not afraid at all, directly sacrificed the palace in his hand, released thousands of mysterious ice to kill Styx, Jian Qi and Xuan Bing collided with each other continuously in the air, and in the end, no one could do anything to win the other.

Minghe and Kunpeng had a big fight, and other people were not idle, they also shot one after another, but no one came across the Primordial Purple Qi, as long as someone made a move to snatch the Primordial Purple Qi, someone would definitely stop it. Get up, but Hongmeng Ziqi and Jiujiu Scattering Soul Gourd are quietly floating in the air, no one can get it.

(End of this chapter)

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