The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 199 Red Cloud Tribulation

Chapter 199 Red Cloud Tribulation ([-])
The Quasi-Saint Fighting Technique is naturally a bit earth-shattering, and Hongyun's two self-explosions naturally attracted the attention of many powerful people. First, many casual cultivators attacked Hongyun, and then Dijun's evil corpse appeared on the stage, but the target was not Primordial Purple Qi, but Those casual cultivators, it seems that Di Jun intends to take this opportunity to destroy these casual cultivators.

This made the very few casual cultivators who did not participate in it immediately feel very lucky. Let alone whether those quasi-sages can finally grab the Primordial Purple Qi, but even if there is an emperor watching from behind, it has already made them fearful It's just that Dijun's domineering is really frightening. It's really terrifying to use the formation method to refine and step forward Daluo Sanxiu.

In the Kunlun Mountains, when Yuan Shi saw Dijun's evil corpse attacking, his expression changed immediately, and then he couldn't help but said dissatisfiedly: "This Dijun is too domineering and insidious. It's just killing people, does he want to use this to end the prehistoric practice, it's really embarrassing."

After hearing this, Tong Tian smiled and said: "Second brother, I really admire Di Jun's courage. Although these casual cultivators are nothing to the Lich and Demon Clans, they are a threat at critical times. Now that they have taken the initiative After entering the calamity and committing a calamity, it is natural to take the opportunity to destroy them to avoid future troubles, such behavior should be regarded as the emperor's style."

After hearing the words of Yuanshi and Tongtian, Lao Tzu said lightly: "The calamity has already begun, and the sky has sent a murderous plan. If you dare to enter the calamity, you will live and die without complaint. But these have nothing to do with us. It's better to cultivate carefully, kill the three corpses, and comprehend the primordial purple energy, in order to be able to prove the Tao and become a saint as soon as possible, and don't be distracted by foreign things."

In the Western Lingshan Mountains, Jieyin and Zhunti looked at Hongyun being robbed, and they also had different expressions. Jieyin was neither sad nor happy. In the Xiao Palace, Zhunti forced Hongyun to give up his seat. Although the seat was taken by Taiyi, he did have a cause and effect with Hongyun, and the same is true for Jieyin. He forcibly took the seat of Kunpeng, and also forged a cause and effect.

When they saw Hongyun blew himself up, Zhunti couldn't help but his expression changed, revealing a bitter expression, and when he saw this, he said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, this matter is not for you and me to participate in. Now that Hongyun is dead, you The cause and effect formed with Hongyun can only be settled by merit, and now we should carefully comprehend the primordial purple energy and strive to become a saint as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Zhunti sighed, his expression returned to normal, but he still had a hint of helplessness, and then he said: "Senior brother is right, it's just the cause and effect of this holy place, and if you want to eliminate it by virtue, it will take a lot of effort. merits, but up to now, you and my brothers and sisters have never obtained merits, it is difficult to eliminate the cause and effect with Hongyun!"

Going back to the place where Hongyun blew himself up, at this moment, Styx, Kunpeng and many other quasi-sages have already become one, and there is only one majestic purple energy, everyone wants it, and no one is willing to give up. Gradually, everyone There was also real fire, and the battle situation suddenly became more chaotic, and with the inadvertent fall of the first quasi-sage, the battle situation became more dangerous.

At this moment, twelve figures suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and they all shot together, directly killing those quasi-sages who were in the chaos of battle with the force of thunder. The casual cultivator fell because he was not prepared, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly came to a standstill, and the twelve figures were the twelve ancestor witches who had been hiding in the dark.

As soon as the Twelve Ancestral Witches appeared, everyone was shocked. The Witch Clan did not cultivate their primordial spirit, and the majestic purple energy was completely useless to them. Therefore, no one was on guard against the Witch Clan, but now the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly killed them. He shot and killed twelve quasi-sages in one shot. Could it be that they also want to snatch the primordial purple energy?

Zhu Rong, one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, looked at the quasi-sages who had stopped, and shouted loudly: "Huh! You people are so unscrupulous on our Wuzu territory, and you don't take our Wuzu seriously. It's too rampant! Come on, we Wu Clan want this primordial purple energy, so hurry up and leave, otherwise those 12 people just now will be your role models!"

After seeing the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, all the quasi-sage cultivators were still so domineering, and their faces suddenly changed. It was obvious that the witch clan was eyeing this majestic purple energy, but the reason for it was somewhat puzzling. Immediately, someone said: "Twelve Ancestral Witches, you don't have souls, so it's useless to ask for this primordial purple energy, so why come out to take this muddy water?"

After hearing this, Zhu Jiuyin said with a faint smile: "Under the Dao of Heaven, everything has a chance of life. Although my witch clan does not have a primordial spirit, it is also a descendant of the Father God and enjoys the merits of opening the sky. This prehistoric world is the Father God." So, as the bloodline of the Father God, we have great luck in our bodies, and this primordial purple energy may not be impossible for us to become holy."

And Di Jiang also took the opportunity to say: "My Wu Clan is going to fix this majestic purple energy. If you are interested, just leave here, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. When the time comes, you will be mourned for a long time! , then you can only blame yourselves.”

After all, Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin and other twelve ancestral witches emitted evil spirits through their bodies, and their bodies were full of murderous intent. They were obviously forcing the quasi-sages to make a choice, but what a treasure the primordial purple energy was, it was hard to force them to death Seeing the red cloud and the majestic purple energy, there is no reason to give up now, that does not mean that this great opportunity has been given up to the Wu Clan for nothing.

Faced with the persecution of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, the quasi-sage cultivators were heartbroken, and someone said in a cold voice: "Di Jiang, although you 12 are strong, you may not be able to kill us if you want to kill us. They are casual cultivators, but there are dozens of them, and with just the twelve of you, if you want to snatch the primordial purple energy from us, I'm afraid it won't be possible."

The loose cultivators did not give in at all, their whole body was full of breath, and they were not afraid of the threat of the twelve ancestor witches. Although the twelve ancestor witches were strong, they did not have the slightest advantage. When the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation of the monster clan descends, they may retreat, but the twelve ancestor witches alone are not enough to make them fearful. Unfortunately, they don't know that the witch clan has a formation, which is not inferior to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. .

(End of this chapter)

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