The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 200 Red Cloud Tribulation

Chapter 200 Red Cloud Tribulation ([-])
Seeing this, Di Jiang couldn't help snorting coldly, and said with murderous intent: "Hmph! If that's the case, then don't blame us for not giving you a way to survive. Let's do it, set up the formation, and the Twelve Capitals will form a large formation, now!"

As soon as Dijiang's voice fell, the Twelve Ancestral Witches moved, and a large formation appeared in front of everyone in a quasi-instant, but what shocked everyone was that the Twelve Ancestral Witches used themselves as the banners for the formation. , Clothed into a large formation, the formation was completed, endless evil spirit permeated the air, and the aura of the Twelve Ancestral Witches also began to increase. In a short while, they directly changed from the middle stage of the quasi-sage to the late stage of the quasi-sage.

Now that it has changed, many casual cultivators are quite shocked. This big formation of the witch clan is really weird. It can actually increase the cultivation base of the twelve ancestor witches. To be able to exude such an astonishing evil spirit, it is not inferior to the Zhuxian Sword Formation. They never thought that the Wu Clan who did not cultivate the primordial spirit would have such a formation.

But they are not afraid. Even if the twelve ancestor witches rely on the formation to improve their cultivation to the late quasi-sage, there are only twelve, and there are dozens of quasi-sages on their side, although most of them are only at the early quasi-sage stage. , but if they can join hands to deal with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, there should be no problem. They still have no plans to give up the primordial purple energy.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Di Jun looked down at all of this, with a look of interest on his face, and said softly: "What a great formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons, it is actually based on the blood of the Twelve Ancestral Witches." The formed battle formation, the origin echoes, the formation is formless and invisible, and there is endless evil spirit, this group of guys who are overestimated seem to be unlucky."

Of course, Di Jun wouldn't care if the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals had only this kind of power, but now it's just the most basic use of the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, and the real trump card is the unity of the Twelve Ancestral Witches The real body of Pan Gu that was summoned was truly powerful, and even Di Jun was very afraid in his heart.

No one knows how powerful Pangu's real body is. After all, it has never appeared in the prehistoric world, so it is impossible to estimate. It is absolutely inferior to the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, otherwise Di Jun will really be disappointed.

However, looking at the meaning of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, it seems that there is no plan to use Pangu's true body. Indeed, in the current situation of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, although it is a bit troublesome to deal with these casual cultivators, it should not be a big problem. The witch avatar is also very strong. As for the Pangu avatar, the Twelve Ancestral Witches probably intend to use it as a trump card to deal with the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

Di Jun was not at all interested in the battle between the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Styx, Kunpeng, and those casual cultivators. The Twelve Ancestral Witches are the orioles, but what Dijun wants to do is the last hunter. Compared with the current situation, Dijun's attention is on two other places.

One is the Heaven-eating Taoist. This time, the Heaven-eating Taoist took the initiative to invite Ying, and Di Jun guessed what he wanted to do. Last time, nineteen quasi-sages including the East Prince and West Queen Mother made the Heaven-eating Gourd promoted to the top rank. Congenital spirit treasures, and now those casual self-cultivation criminals kill robbery, the Heaven Devourer Taoist obviously intends to use them to continue to enhance the power of the Heaven Devouring Gourd, so as to not only solve the worries of the future, but also enhance the power of the Sky Devouring Gourd, killing two birds with one stone.

As for the other place, it is naturally the Primordial Purple Qi and the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd. When the Prism Purple Qi appeared, everyone's eyes were obviously attracted by the Prismous Purple Qi, but they forcibly ignored the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd. It's a pity that these people were obviously blinded by the primordial purple energy, but they didn't find anything unusual about the nine-nine scattered soul gourd.

If Hongyun really wanted to die together, he could completely explode himself along with the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd. After all, the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and the power of self-detonation must not be weak, but Hong Yun kept it behind. Although it looked a bit gloomy, as if he had been severely injured, Di Jun dared to bet that Hong Yun's remnant soul must be hiding in the nine-nine scattered soul gourd.

However, Hong Yun is also very smart. After the self-destruction, the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd has not changed in any way. Surrounded by the crowd, it is obviously impossible to control the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd with only a ray of remnant soul to win a way out. If possible, it's better to stop still, wait for time, and then run away. As for the majestic purple energy, I'm afraid Hongyun is planning to give up.

But in Di Jun's view, the chance of Hong Yun escaping is really slim. If he could figure it out earlier and abandon the primordial purple energy, he might still have a chance of survival. Under the siege, it was almost impossible to escape, but this gave Di Jun a chance to settle his karma.

Seeing the chaotic battle situation, many casual cultivators had the intention of joining forces to deal with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but unfortunately these casual cultivators were on guard against each other and did not do their best at all. The ancestral witches were suppressed, and the twelve ancestral witches also became more and more courageous as they fought. Quasi-sages fell into their hands one after another, so cruel.

However, when Di Jun saw the scene where Styx and the Twelve Ancestral Witches fought against the Gong Gong, his eyes could not help showing a gleam, and a smile appeared on his face. It was obvious that Di Jun had discovered something he was interested in. Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this. This war lasted for hundreds of years, but now it's time to end, and Di Jun's figure suddenly disappeared in Lingxiao Palace.

On the battlefield, the Twelve Ancestral Witches fought more and more courageously, almost completely suppressing the casual cultivators. However, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also suffered a lot of injuries, but compared to the loss of the casual cultivators, that was nothing. Great witch, there are more than 50 quasi-sage casual cultivators and now there are only more than 30 left, and more than 20 fell in the Hundred Years War, which is really tragic.

Among the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the battle between Gong Gong and Patriarch Styx is the most interesting. Although Patriarch Styx was only a middle-stage quasi-sage, he managed to subtly suppress Patriarch Gonggong by relying on the twelfth-rank industry fire red lotus and Yuantu Abi. Wu, what is even more surprising is that the Taoism displayed by Patriarch Styx can actually hurt the real body of Gong Gong's ancestor Wu, which is what Di Jun is most interested in.

(End of this chapter)

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