Chapter 209 The Lich's First Battle ([-])

Zhou Tian Xingdou formed a large formation, but Di Jun did not participate in it. His cultivation base far surpasses Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa and others. If he participates in the formation, it will inevitably cause the formation to become unstable. The formation method is no more than a magic weapon. It's not that the stronger the person who uses it, the better, especially a big formation like the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation that requires so many monster soldiers to form.

If Emperor Jun participates in the formation and presides over the sun star, the yang will prosper and the yin will decline, and the formation will be unstable. If he presides over the Ziwei star, the Ziwei star will overwhelm the sun and the moon. It is better not to participate in the big formation than to talk about the Zhoutian star formation. Formation, and not participating in the layout of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, but it does not mean that Di Jun cannot control the formation, his star avenue is not for nothing.

Once the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation was completed, Di Jun's mind was moved, his body was full of mana, and the power of the law of the stars surrounded him, gradually connecting with the Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation, and then looking at the Wu Clan army inside the Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation, Di Jun was indifferent. With a smile, he knotted the magic seal in his hand, and said softly: "The stars are shining, the starlight is infinite, fall!"

Immediately, the stars within the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation became extremely shining, and the power of countless stars condensed and turned into countless shooting stars, all falling towards the Wu Clan army, covering the sky and covering the earth, and all the Wu Clan army was within the attack range There is no way to avoid it, unless they can escape from the big formation, otherwise they must bear such an attack.

Seeing this, the Twelve Ancestral Witches moved, and all the Twelve Ancestral Witches showed their true bodies. Their huge bodies were as tall as giants, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches stood like twelve flags in the army of the Witch Clan. All around, as the origins of the twelve ancestral witches connected with each other, endless evil spirits suddenly appeared out of thin air, enveloping all the witches.

The Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Gods reappeared in the wilderness again. In one place of the formation, the cultivation base of the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly began to improve. Not only the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but also the army of the Witch Clan. With the increase of the gods and demons in Erdu, each of them roared to the sky, seeing the stars in the sky as nothing, and shot straight into the sky with fighting spirit.

Countless starlight fell, and the army of the witch clan, under the boost of the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals, did not have any fear at all. The countless starlights all dissipated, but the starlight is endless, no matter how powerful the Twelve Witch Clan's Tianshensha formation is, it can't stand the entire Wu Clan army.

On Buzhou Mountain, Di Jun stared at the Wu Clan army with a smile on his face. Under the bombardment of the infinite starlight, the Wu Clan army really suffered a lot of casualties, but there were some big witches inside that made Di Jun look at him with admiration. Xing Tian with a shield and axe, Hou Yi with a divine bow, etc. These great witches are the mainstay of the witch clan, with good strength and talent.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches faced the continuous attacks of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, and watched the Zuwu Erlang continue to fall, and felt anxious. The power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation really made people feel a little frightened. Only this infinite starlight, The Wu Clan army seemed to be somewhat unable to resist it. If there were any more severe changes, then wouldn't their Wu Clan army suffer even more losses.

Seeing such a situation, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but said: "Brother, this Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is really amazing under Di Jun's control. I'm not in a position to wait, so let's use our hole cards directly! Otherwise, if this continues, I don't know how much I will fall."

When Di Jiang heard this, he frowned slightly. Of course he knew the strength of the hole card, but he was also very aware of the danger. However, seeing the Wu family's sons dying, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Then use the Twelve Capitals." The final change of the Heavenly God Demon Formation, but this method is too burdensome for us, so there is only one chance, and we must win with one blow, let's do it!"

Following Di Jiang's roar, the other ancestor witches responded in unison. The real bodies of the twelve ancestor witches all went back to the center of the formation. The momentum of the Second Patriarch Witch rose again and again, and what was even more shocking was that not only the evil spirit within the formation, but also the evil spirit from the prehistoric world gathered together.

As the endless evil energy poured into the body of the twelve ancestor witches, the real bodies of the twelve ancestor witches continued to expand. What was even more shocking was that when the bodies of the twelve ancestor witches touched each other, it was as if water and milk blended together. After merging together, after a few breaths, a giant man with his eyes closed and standing upright appeared in the prehistoric, his aura shocked the entire prehistoric.

This is impossible!At this moment, many great powers in the prehistoric world were in the same mood. Looking at this giant man with an extremely powerful aura all over his body, a figure could not help appearing in their minds. But now, this figure has reappeared in the wilderness, how can it not be shocking.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing was completely stunned at this moment. Even the quiet and inactive Lao Tzu could no longer maintain his usual calmness at this moment. Pangu's real body reappeared in the world. They didn't expect that the Wu Clan had such a trump card at all. No wonder they dared to take the initiative to start a war. Presumably this Pangu real body was their reliance.

There is no doubt about the power of Pan Gu's real body, San Qing is very clear, but they have a faint worry in their hearts, if the twelve ancestor witches kill them with Pan Gu's real body and get back Pan Gu's primordial spirit, will Pan Gu be revived again? , if it was really possible, the Twelve Ancestral Witches would definitely sacrifice themselves without hesitation, but Sanqing was unwilling in his heart.

Although Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, they have always regarded themselves as authentic Pangu, but they have never worshiped Pangu, and they are not willing to sacrifice themselves for Pangu's resurrection. In the future, although they were born by Pangu, they don't want to die because of Pangu, they only live for themselves.

"The ax comes..."

Hearing a deep groan between heaven and earth, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi immediately felt their own throbbing. The innate treasure Taiji diagram and Pangu banner they used seemed to feel some summons, and they seemed to leave through the sky. After taking out the Taiji diagram and the Pangu banner, looking at the indomitable Pangu's true body, Sanqing's face showed a trace of solemnity.

Taiji Diagram and Pangu Banner are the most important magic weapons of Laozi and Yuanshi. How could they easily let them out of their control? An accident happened to Tu and Pangufan, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi didn't even have a place to cry, so it's the best choice to sit on the sidelines with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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