Chapter 210 Lich First Battle (End)

The one who feels the same way as Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi naturally has Tai Yi who is presiding over the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array and the sun constellation. He is the closest to Pan Gu's real body, and his feelings are the strongest. Flying with Pan Gu's real body, Tai Yi can only suppress it, lest the Chaos Clock become the help of the Wu Clan.

"The ax comes..."

Suddenly, that Pan Gu's real body opened his eyes, and a strong aura shot up into the sky, and the endless evil energy immediately became raging, impacting the entire Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, which actually caused the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation to shake, Pan Gu really With a deep groan, all the endless evil energy gathered towards his palm, and a huge black ax that seemed real and fake gradually condensed into shape.

It's a pity that none of the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven have been integrated into it. If one of the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven can be integrated into this seemingly real and illusory black giant axe, the power of the black giant ax will definitely increase greatly, and it will even become real. It was the old Pangu axe, even though it was just a collection of evil spirits, its power was still astonishing.

On Mount Buzhou, Di Jun looked at the real body of Pan Gu summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and his face became extremely dignified. The power of the real body of Pan Gu was really astonishing. This is the real power of the Chaos Demon God. This is exactly what Di Jun was lucky about. Pan Gu's body transformed into all things, and the twelve ancestor witches only inherited Pan Gu's blood.

However, in this real body of Pan Gu, fellow Taoist Di Jun has experienced the charm of the Chaos Demon God, which is really helpful for him to cultivate the real body of the Chaos Demon God. After realizing the charm of the Chaos Demon God in Pangu's real body, he will face the strongest attack of Pangu's real body next.

With a movement of Di Jun's body, his whole body immediately flew into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. The Zhoutian Star Dou formation in his body was running crazily, mana surged out from his body, and the power of the law of stars spread throughout the entire Zhoutian Star Dou formation. At this moment, Di Jun seemed to be integrated with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array, driving him like an arm, handy.

Not only that, but with the sealing of the magic seal in Di Jun's hand, all the stars in the ancient starry sky also responded, hanging down the power of the endless stars, blessing the big array of stars in the sky, and as everything was ready, the endless stars As the power continued to gather, it seemed as if Zhou Tian's star formation had truly become a real starry sky world.

Not only the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, but also Pangu's real body. Endless evil energy crazily poured into Pangu's real body and Pangu's axe, constantly increasing its power, and constantly accumulating power, just to give it its all. This blow, between victory and defeat, between life and death, is all about this blow, whether it is the Emperor Jun or the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

"The stars are exploding!"

"Break up the world!"

Then with two shouts, the momentum was earth-shattering, and the whole prehistoric world seemed to be able to see this collision like annihilation, countless stars collided with Pan Gu's real body, and Pan Gu's ax was facing the stars, This was an earth-shattering collision, unprecedented in history, not only the Buzhou Mountain area, but the entire prehistoric region was greatly impacted.

With one blow, countless souls fell on both sides of the Lich, and the Buzhou Mountains and Lands became a mess as if they had experienced the disaster of annihilation. After this blow, all the formations collapsed, and under one blow, both sides of the Lich were hurt.

The big formation dispersed, and at this moment, there are only a handful of hundreds of millions of demon soldiers left, and less than a million survived, and basically all of them were seriously injured, that is, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa, Kunpeng It was also not a good feeling. Facing the ax that opened up the world, although they didn't bear it head-on, they all suffered injuries to varying degrees.

At this moment, Di Jun's face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. The strength of Pan Gu's real body was indeed terrifying. That ax not only broke through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, but also killed hundreds of millions of demon soldiers. It's really heartbreaking, these monster soldiers are all the elite of the monster clan, so Di Jun naturally feels distressed at such a huge loss.

However, the fate of the Wu Clan was not much better. After Pan Gu's real body cut out the axe, his body collapsed directly. The clan army was impacted by the final blow and aftermath of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.There were almost no casualties, and it was really a lose-lose situation.

And those who watched the battle were able to see such a situation, and they couldn't help but feel a little relieved. No matter who wins the Lich, it is not good news for these powers. It's what they most want to see, especially Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti. They hope that the two tribes of liches will end up like the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

Now the two clans of lich dominate the prehistoric and occupy most of the prehistoric luck. This is not a good thing for Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti. Even if they become holy, luck is indispensable to them , It would be even more so if the orthodoxy was established, but it is inconvenient for the two clans of lich and demons to preach and seize luck.

The witch clan only respects Pangu and has no primordial spirit, which obviously does not meet the standards of preaching. As for the monster clan, not only Taiyi and Nuwa have the majestic purple energy and may become holy at any time, but also have a more powerful and unfathomable demon emperor. Jun exists, and he will not allow anyone to interfere with the affairs of the monster clan. It is obviously impossible to obtain luck from the two clans of the lich.

Once the two great prehistoric formations were broken, the liches and demons obviously did not intend to stop there. Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Nuwa, I'm afraid, and other monster clans all found their magic weapons, and on the side of the witch clan, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also Leading the rest of the witch clan, gearing up and ready to move, it seems that they intend to fight the monster clan to the death.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Buzhou Mountain. Everyone was stunned when they saw this figure. Isn't that just Daoist Hongjun who has joined the Dao? Everyone was alarmed, Hongjun suddenly appeared on the battlefield of Buzhou Mountain, obviously on purpose, could it be that he wanted to intervene in the Lich War?

Hongjun looked at both sides of the lich indifferently, and said softly: "Let's stop now! Now is not the time when the calamity has completely erupted. When you must be restrained, you must not fight lightly, lest the prehistoric people will be burned. From then on, the demon will control the sky." , The witch holds the land, no more battles for a million years, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven, I hope you can do it yourself."

When Hongjun said a word, thunder rolled in nine days, and the words were followed, and the Lich stopped fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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