Chapter 222 Nu Wa Preaching
Nuwa sacrificed the Immortal Pagoda of the Town of Four Spirits, and directly arranged a large array of destruction of the four spirits, which stabilized the raging earth, wind, water and fire, and then continued to stir it with red hydrangea balls to make it live and die. The power of the country cooperates with the law of good fortune to evolve the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, flowers, plants and trees. After a long time, the emperor Wa was able to take shape.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao suddenly sent down merits, but the amount was not very large. This is the merit of the Heavenly Dao rewarding Nuwa for opening up a small world. Everyone couldn't help but feel a little envious, but unfortunately, they didn't have the opportunity to obtain this merit.

The merits are divided into four, and Nuwa, Red Hydrangea, the Immortal Pagoda of Siling Town, and the Map of Shanhe Sheji each get a share. Then Nuwa looked at this world, and with a touch, a mountain peak immediately rose from the ground and became an infinite Going up to the holy place of practice, Nuwa waved her hand, and a palace fell on the mountain peak. On the plaque on the gate of the palace, there were three Daoist characters "Wahuang Palace" written on it.

Wahuang is the title of Nuwa in the Yaozu, and it was granted by Emperor Jun. Now Nuwa opened up the world as Wahuangtian, and the Taoist Temple is Wahuang Palace. It can be seen that Nuwa is still very biased towards the Yaozu in her heart. Nuwa looks at the many managers. Then he opened his mouth and said: "This world, from now on, will be Emperor Wa's Heaven, everyone, come in with me!"

The crowd followed Nuwa into Wa Palace, and after they sat down, Taoist Jinwu said, "My fellow Daoist Nuwa, I just proved Hunyuan, and now I am retreating to stabilize my realm, so I can't come here. The poor Taoist congratulates Nuwa on behalf of the deity." Fellow Daoist Wa has achieved the status of a saint."

After Nuwa heard this, she said, "You are too polite, fellow Taoist Emperor Jun. It is an unprecedented thing for fellow Taoist Emperor Jun to prove the Hunyuan with his own strength, which is really admirable."

Proving the Hunyuan is not the same as proving the Tao and becoming a sage. Proving the Hunyuan is based on one's own realm and comprehending the way of heaven. After breaking through, it is natural to need to stabilize the realm, but the saint is different, as if directly instilling power with the help of the way of heaven After the breakthrough, there is no need to stabilize the realm, as if this is the power that belongs to Nuwa.

Afterwards, Nüwa began to preach her Dao: "The god of good fortune, Yin and Yang are separated, Yang comes out of the earth, Yang in Yin is the sky of man, so take advantage of its movement to attack the innate mother spirit... ··”

When the sage preached, hype fell from the sky, golden lotuses sprang from the ground, and countless visions appeared in the hall immediately, but the movement was worse than Hongjun’s sermon at the beginning, but this also made many people who came to listen to the sermon listen. Fascinated, after all, this is a sage preaching, and it is also a great opportunity for them. If they have a little understanding, they may be able to cultivate diligently.

In the depths of Yaochi, Dijun is surrounded by the three laws, and his aura is much stronger than before he proved the Hunyuan. With the help of the Hunyuan, Dijun is fully aware of the three laws of time, chaos, and stars. The advancement is not small, the law of chaos can be regarded as a small success, and the law of stars has made the greatest progress. At this time, combined with the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, it will definitely be able to exert infinite power.

What surprised Di Jun the most was that his law of time had finally broken through. The four realms of the law of time: acceleration, deceleration, stop, and regress. In battle, he can even breathe for ten thousand years or even more, but the consumption is huge.

In addition to comprehending the acceleration of time to the level of great success, Di Jun also comprehended the second level of the law of time, the deceleration of time, and reached the level of three times the acceleration of time in one fell swoop. This is a huge breakthrough. As for the subsequent stop of time and Going back two realms, Di Jun doesn't know when he will be able to comprehend it. After all, he only realized the acceleration of time when he proved Hunyuan.

And now after breaking through Hunyuan, Di Jun can finally completely refine the Zhuxian Sword Formation and Qiankun Ding. This innate treasure is not so easy to refine, unless it is a companion spirit treasure, just like Taiyi and Chaos Clock, but in Taiyi Before sanctification, even if the Chaos Clock is completely refined, it cannot fully display the power of the Chaos Clock.

In addition to this improvement in cultivation, there is another happy event worthy of Dijun's rejoicing, that is, the good fortune Qinglian, who has been kept in the chaotic dantian by him, absorbed the chaotic soul when Di Jun proved the Tao of Hunyuan. After Yuan Zhi Qi finally made a new breakthrough, the original twelfth-grade lotus platform had an aura of innate treasure, which was really a big surprise.

It is definitely a great fortune that the good fortune Qinglian has such a change. If it can be promoted to the innate treasure, then Dijun will have three innate treasures, which will definitely make all the saints jealous. One attack and one defense in the sword array is already very enviable, but now that there is another Good Fortune Qinglian, it will be even more extraordinary.

Of course, the future of Good Fortune Qinglian will definitely not be limited to the innate treasure. It has been cultivated in Dijun's chaotic dantian for tens of millions of years, and it has continuously absorbed the chaotic energy in the chaotic dantian. Yunyang, its origin has long been contaminated with the aura of chaos, and it is very likely to be promoted to a chaotic spirit treasure in the future, and it is even expected to return to the former state of chaotic green lotus.

However, Di Jun will not relax just because of his breakthrough. His cultivation in the early stage of Hunyuan is not easy to make him invincible among the saints, and it is not enough for the Yaozu to survive this calamity of heaven and earth safe and sound. The human race is very powerful, and Di Jun even proved to be a Hunyuan, which has not changed the status of the human race at all. The protagonist of the future world is still the human race.

When the human race was born, Dijun, like Nuwa, both personally felt the luck of the human race, and had the appearance of a potential dragon. It can be seen that the human race is still the protagonist of heaven and earth chosen by Tiandao. With Dijun's current strength, he can't change this situation at all. As a matter of fact, the Yaozu has reached its peak state now, and I am afraid that it will be prosperous and then decline.

The human race is blessed by heaven, even if Di Jun intends to destroy the human race, that can't be done. That being the case, why should Di Jun provoke the human race and increase the karma of the monster race for nothing? In this life, Di Jun will never let the monster race kill the witch race , As for the mythical witch-slaying sword, it seems that not only blood sacrifices to hundreds of millions of people can be forged, and Di Jun already has a better choice.

As for the human race, now is their most vulnerable time. Nuwa created them, but they were also forced to leave them by the way of heaven. If there is Nuwa's blessing, the human race will definitely be able to grow rapidly, but such a human race may not be qualified. Become the protagonist of the world, how can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain, people, you still have to rely on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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