Chapter 223 Human Development
Di Jun didn't care about Nuwa's opening of a Taoist temple, which was exactly what Dijun wanted. Nuwa was bound by the law of heaven and couldn't change her fate against the sky to plan for the demon clan, but Di Jun could. , which greatly reduces his own influence in the Yaozu, which is more conducive to Dijun's rule over the Yaozu, which is naturally the best.

Because of this, Di Jun asked Taoist Jin Wu and Taoist Devourer to go to congratulate Nuwa on his behalf. As for the self-dead corpse of Taoist Yin Yang that was cut out during the Dao, Di Jun did not let him go with him. Corpse, but there are flaws in this method. The cultivation level of the newly cut corpse is affected by the degree of comprehension of the law, and its own origin is also very thin, which needs to be slowly condensed through hard work.

Di Jun's self-dead Yin-Yang Taoist was cut out by the law of Yin-Yang, and the Law of Yin-Yang was comprehended by Di Jun during his half-step Hunyuan double cultivation for 10 years. At that time, Di Jun's Law of Time had already reached eight times the acceleration of time The outside world has 10 years, but the actual God Jun and Xihe have practiced together for 80 years, so the law of yin and yang has been comprehended to a very deep level by Di Jun.

As soon as the self-cadaver Yin-Yang Taoist was cut out, he already had the cultivation base of the quasi-sage peak, but the only shortcoming was that the source of Yin-Yang was weak, the breath of the Yin-Yang Taoist was unstable, and there was no way of cultivation at present, so Di Jun didn't want to let it go for the time being. The Yin-Yang Taoist appeared in front of everyone, so he didn't let the Yin-Yang Taoist go to Wahuangtian to listen to the sermon together.

It is not difficult to deduce the exercises. With Di Jun's current state in the early Hunyuan period, it is easy to deduce a exercise for the Yin-Yang Taoist. As for the magic weapon for body protection, the Yin-Yang Liangyi Mirror and Liangyi The Immortal Sword happens to be used by Taoists of Yin-Yang. It was originally the accompanying spiritual treasure of the ancestor of Yin-Yang, and it is the most suitable magic weapon for Taoists of Yin-Yang.

After deducing the cultivation skills required by the Yin-Yang Taoist, Di Jun continued to retreat. Although he proved the Hunyuan, Di Jun felt that there was still room for improvement. The next step is the age of the saints, and his strength has not improved a bit. Di Jun He was even more confident, although he had jumped out of the calamity, but Tai Yi, and the entire monster clan needed to rely on him to protect them.

Nuwa opened up the heaven of the emperor Wa, and preached the great powers of the prehistoric world, while Dijun was absorbed in seclusion and obsessed with the realm of chaos. Suddenly, the human race created by Nuwa became uninterested, which is not surprising. Human race At birth, it can be said to be a blank slate. I don't understand anything, and I don't have the method of practice. It is simply difficult to survive in the prehistoric.

And the Great Desolate Land is the base of the Witch Clan, but the Witch Clan doesn't care about the Human Clan at all. The Human Clan is so weak that even an ordinary Witch Clan child can easily wipe out the Human Clan. The holy land is protected by the coercion of the saints, and the lich does not get closer, and only some ordinary beasts without birth intelligence are left behind, which has become the shelter of the human race.

However, the human race is worthy of being the protagonists of the world in the future. They have extraordinary adaptability and creativity, especially the three people created by Nuwa at the beginning. They are called the "three ancestors of the human race" by the human race. He continued to grow and develop, and even realized the simplest method of cultivation, the method of breathing.

The method of breathing can be said to be the lowest level of practice, but it is very powerful for the newborn human race to realize this method, and today's human races are all innate Taoism, even the lowest level of breathing method It is also enough for them to embark on the road of practice, and with continuous improvement in the process of practice, the human race gradually has the most basic practice method.

Not only that, the three ancestors of the human race, the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan, also brought firewood, houses and clothing to the human race, allowing the human race to bid farewell to the era of fluffy drinking blood, living in no fixed place, and poorly clothed. The originally insignificant luck suddenly increased hundreds of times, and in just ten thousand years, the human race already had a population of hundreds of millions.

But even so, the human race is already extremely small. If there were no big monsters in the prehistoric land, and the witch race often hunted and killed the monster races on the prehistoric land, I am afraid that the human race would not develop so fast at all, but even so, In the process of development, there are still more human races who died of various accidents, and the future of the human race is still very slim.

The human race is now only trying to survive in the cracks of the Lich. Even a monster or a member of the witch race is likely to become a huge disaster for the human race. In order to survive and inherit, the human race gradually They began to walk out of their birthplace and head towards the prehistoric, some places where the witches disdain and where monsters are rare have become the living places of the human race.

The human race is also the luckiest. Their birthplace is close to the tribe of Houtu among the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Houtu is kind and kind by nature. Instead, the human race was made weak, and the tribesmen were allowed to take care of the human race a little bit. This is also a precursor to intermarriage between humans and witches in the future.

But at this time, in Wahuangtian, Nuwa's sermon has also ended, and many people who came to listen to the sermon have also left one after another. When Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti left, they couldn't help showing a little disappointment on their faces. They didn't get the method of how to be holy from Nuwa, and they could only rely on themselves to understand the way of proving and becoming holy.

After everyone left, Nuwa only left Taoist Jinwu behind. Nuwa looked at Taoist Jinwu with a serious expression, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Taoist Jinwu, friend Dijun is now proving Hunyuan. I have been able to get a peek at some general trends in the Dao of Heaven, so I wonder what fellow Daoist Emperor Jun thinks about the Lich decisive battle in a million years from now?"

After hearing Nuwa's question, Taoist Jin Wu showed a smile on his face, and then said lightly: "You are a saint now, fellow Taoist Nuwa, and you must have seen a glimpse of the general trend of heaven, so why bother to ask the poor Taoist?" Well, but for the Lich decisive battle, I only said one sentence, the Lich is declining and the human race is prosperous, that's all."

After Nuwa heard this, her expression changed immediately. She naturally understood the meaning of Di Jun's words. Although she had guessed that Di Jun had noticed the abnormal luck of the human race, but now that it was confirmed, she was still a little surprised, but Judging by Taoist Jinwu's expression, it seemed that Dijun already had a countermeasure, so he asked, "I don't know how fellow Daoist Dijun plans to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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