Chapter 227 Tragic Styx
In one day, the prehistoric situation changed, and five people all of a sudden proved to be holy, which shocked the prehistoric creatures. The arrival of the age of saints undoubtedly greatly weakened the prestige of the two clans of Liches in the prehistoric, especially the witch clan , the demon clan has Emperor Jun and Nuwa, and Tai Yi who has the majestic purple energy but has not yet proved the Tao. The situation seems to be much better than that of the witch clan.

But in fact, saints are bound by the way of heaven and follow the general trend of the way of heaven. The decline of liches is the general trend of the way of heaven, and they can't go against it. If necessary, they will even intervene to bring about this ending. Di Jun was able to make a move in an upright manner, and this was also one of the Yaozu's advantages.

In the depths of Yaochi, Di Jun stared at the prehistoric land, sitting and watching the prehistoric five sages a day. He knew that the Yaozu had to face not only the Wuzu, but also the five saints who had achieved this day. They have nothing to do with each other, but they will definitely not sit back and watch the Yaozu defeat the Wuzu and become the protagonist of the world, that is not in their interest.

However, Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti will obviously not attack the Yaozu openly. After all, it is tantamount to completely turning against Dijun and Nuwa. If they want to do it, it will only be a secret calculation. They don't want to be contaminated with too much karma during this calamity. They are sanctified with merit. If there is too much karma, it is enough to pull them down from the holy position.

Di Jun naturally has to be on guard against Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti. At the same time, he has to start preparing his own plan. They fought, but this did not prevent Di Jun from observing the real body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. He found that this was indeed a big trouble.

With Di Jun's current cultivation base in the early Hunyuan period, he naturally doesn't care about the real body of the ancestor witch. His current semi-chaotic demon god real body is enough to crush the real body of the ancestor witch, but with his current cultivation base, it will be a million years later. However, the saints may not let him personally participate in the final decisive battle, otherwise the probability of the Wu clan's defeat is too great.

That being the case, Di Jun will naturally have to plan ahead. I am afraid that only his three corpses will be able to participate in the Lich decisive battle. That is the real body of the Zuwu. It is definitely a difficult problem for them. The ordinary magic weapon wants to break the Zuwu It is really not easy to be a real body, especially when the strength is equal, so Di Jun can only refine a witch-slaying sword like in the myth.

But this time, Di Jun didn't intend to slaughter the human race to refine the Witch Sword. Not only would it be useless to his future planning, but it would also be contaminated with endless karma. To be able to restrain the real body of the ancestral witch with the sword of slaughtering witches, the materials used for refining are naturally unusual, so this time, Di Jun asked Taoist Heaven Devourer to fetch the refining materials.

It is said that at the very edge of the prehistoric world, there is this boundless sea of ​​blood, which is formed by the dirty blood after Pangu opened the sky, and gathered all the filthy things from the beginning of the opening of the sky. Only one creature was born in the world, and he is the Patriarch Styx who is known as "the sea of ​​blood does not dry, the Styx never dies".

This ancestor Styx was transformed from a blood fetus formed by the essence of the sea of ​​blood. He was born with the red lotus of karma and Abi Yuantu. It is considered low-key, and basically rarely leaves this boundless sea of ​​blood. The only time he participated in the battle between the prehistoric and the wild was the last time he participated in the robbing of the primordial purple energy.

But now, amidst the prehistoric times, all the saints came out. Although Styx can rely on the sea of ​​blood to achieve immortality unless the sea of ​​blood dries up, in fact, his immortality is not without price. Styx has 8000 million With [-] million blood god sons, even if the deity is destroyed, he can rely on the blood god son to be reborn, but in this way, not only will he lose his innate demon body, but he will have to rebuild it. This is one of the reasons why Styx has always kept a low profile.

Styx was born since the beginning of the sky, and he has seen too many innate demon gods fall into the calamity of heaven and earth, so he does not want to participate in the calamity of measurement, and Zixiao Palace heard that after learning that the saint is immortal, Styx felt in his heart There is a glimmer of expectation, but the sky is not with him, and the foundation of the great way has nothing to do with him, so he can only continue to stay in this boundless sea of ​​blood, painstakingly pursuing the way of Hunyuan.

However, after Nuwa became a saint, Minghe came back from listening to the Dao in Wahuangtian, and a thought came to his mind. Since merit can help a saint become a saint, can the merit of that day also help people to prove the Hunyuan?As soon as he had this idea, the thoughts in Styx's heart became uncontrollable. Even if there was only hope in case, he would never give up.

Ever since, Styx began to pursue the merits of the heavenly way. Nuwa created humans and obtained the merits of the heavenly way. After hearing about this, Styx had the idea of ​​creating a new race in his heart, but he was not Nuwa, Nuwa He is good at the way of good fortune, and what he is good at is the way of killing. It is not easy to create a human race like Nuwa.

However, Styx is also worthy of being an innate demon god, who knows how to find another way. In the sea of ​​blood, there have been countless dead souls sinking here since ancient times. Styx used these souls as a basis to reshape their bodies with the blood of the sea of ​​blood. , Since then, a brand new race was born in the prehistoric, this is the origin of the Asura race.

The birth of the Asura tribe, and the merits and deeds from the sky, this really surprised many powerful people in Honghuang. They did not expect that the ancestors of Styx would be able to create a new race, but the success of Styx also inspired them. If they can have merit, then they can too, but after a long experiment, none of them succeeded.

The merit of creating the Asura clan made Styx step into the peak cultivation base of the quasi-sage from the later period of the quasi-sage, which made Styx feel a trace of grief and indignation in his heart. , It's completely trivial to see the big witch. It seems that if you want to use merit to prove the Hunyuan, this merit alone is not enough.

So Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti established the religion to prove the Tao and became holy, and Styx acted again. Based on the Ashura religion, he established the Ashura religion and obtained the merits of the heavenly way again, but with Sanqing, Jieyin, Compared with Zhunti's teaching merits, they are far from each other, but Styx's cultivation base has improved a little at the peak of Zhunsheng.

Twice in a row, Styx imitated the sage's actions, but he couldn't compare with them at all. It was a bit of imitation, which made some prehistoric powers take Styx as a joke, and Styx was naturally very upset. He even He wanted to go out and kill those who dared to laugh at him, but before he went out, some bad guests came to the door, so Styx suffered another tragedy.

(End of this chapter)

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