Chapter 236
For the Wu Clan, Di Jun actually doesn't have any hatred, it's just the opposition under the general trend of heaven, and Di Jun never regards the Wu Clan as permanent enemies, they are just a group of passers-by in Di Jun's life, what he pursues What you want is the supreme way, and how can you limit your eyes to a moment.

But this time, Di Jun was really made a little angry by the witch clan. The monster clan suffered heavy casualties and caused Xihe to move his fetus, which almost affected the foundation of his own child. Can't be indifferent, it seems that he has always been too kind to the Wu Clan, and originally wanted to leave a line for the decisive battle, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

Di Jun looked at Xi He with gentle eyes, and said softly: "Madam, the children are fine, don't worry, they will be born normally, and their foundation will not be affected, there is a good luck green lotus to help conceive them. The impact of the second fetal movement will definitely be eliminated, so don't be so reckless in the future."

When Xi He heard this, he nodded slightly, and said with great interest: "Husband, I know, but I didn't expect that Husband still has such a treasure as Qinglian, it seems to have some innate treasures." It shouldn't just be a top-grade innate spirit treasure, but also, I didn't expect my husband to kill his obsession, which is really surprising."

Di Jun smiled faintly: "This fortune-telling green lotus was obtained when I traveled to Buzhou Mountain at the beginning of the sky. Later, I got some good fortune, which caused it to undergo a mutation. Now it is expected to be promoted to the innate treasure, and maybe it can be restored to its original state in the future Maybe Chaos Qinglian, as for the self-dead body, that is a big surprise I left for the Wu Clan."

After comforting Xi He and the fetus in her belly, Di Jun began to think about the next thing. Now there are only less than 80 years left before the Lich decisive battle. Whether this time is long or short Short, now that the saints have come out, Buzhou Mountain has fallen, and even the calamity of life and death that should have been his child has been replaced by the Jiuyao beast, which also surprised Di Jun a little.

Although he didn't have ten children like in the myth, his two children seemed to be in a calamity of life and death, but now Jiuyao Hengkong has replaced the calamity of life and death of his children. Thank you Zhunti, if not for his greed, his child would not have survived life and death without being born.

And during the period before the Lich decisive battle, the only major event in the prehistoric world was probably the reincarnation of Houtu. To be honest, after this happened now, Di Jun even wanted to grab the opportunity that belonged to Houtu , but if you think about it carefully, the matter of reincarnation is not so easy to grab, and if it is not done well, it will become a big cause and effect.

This prehistoric was created by Pangu, but there are still flaws, that is, the lack of the six reincarnations. With Pangu's strength, he may not have overlooked this point, and the Sanqing transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit is blessed by the merit of opening the sky. With the chance of becoming a saint, the twelve ancestor witches transformed by his blood seem to have no chance at all.

Now that I think about it, the Six Paths of Reincarnation might be the opportunity that Pangu left for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation cannot be transformed by anyone, just like Di Jun, who doesn't understand the law of reincarnation, so naturally he cannot construct the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If one is bad, it will even be contaminated with infinite karma. After all, the six reincarnations are an important part of the prehistoric world.

Even if Emperor Jun intends to snatch the opportunity that belongs to the Houtu, he may not be able to do it, and the reincarnation of the Houtu is also a good thing for the monster race. If one of the twelve ancestor witches is missing, the twelve capitals will be incomplete. If the tribe forcibly arranged a large array of gods and demons in the twelve capitals, the power would be reduced a lot, and Houtu would also be trapped in the six realms of reincarnation, which is exactly what Di Jun wanted to see.

There are still nearly 80 years left, so Dijun naturally can't do nothing, except for the birth of a child, Dijun plans to keep practicing during this period of time. He will feel complacent because of this, and the Hunyuan Realm is just a new beginning for him.

Before retreating, Di Jun took a look at the situation on the prehistoric land. The disaster concocted by the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not have any impact on the witches, but the monsters and human races on the ground were in bad luck. , the monster race is okay, after all, almost all of them are cultivated and know how to avoid disasters, but the human race was directly and severely injured.

What's more interesting is that the incident of Gonggong colliding with Buzhou Mountain made the human race hate the Wu people, so that there were even some cracks in the human race, especially those born from human-wu intermarriages. Some people have a heart for the witches, and some have a heart for the human race. This is the first time that a split has occurred among the human race.

The part of the human witches who were interested in the witch clan defected to the witch clan, and the situation of the human witch who remained in the human race was not good. The pure blood human race also rejected them, and after the catastrophe, the human race returned to They returned to the coast of the East China Sea, where they recuperated, and the human-shaman hybrids claimed to be several tribes, but there was always a little gap between them and the pure-blooded human race.

For the human race, Di Jun naturally pays more attention to it. After all, the human race is the protagonist of the world in the future, at least it will be until Di Jun is not sure about the change. In the future, Di Jun will inevitably participate in the human race. Naturally, attention is indispensable, but now The human race is still too weak, and before this calamity is over, they have nothing to do.

On the prehistoric land, after experiencing the disaster of heaven and water, many places were in a mess, countless lives died under the disaster, so that the prehistoric land was full of mourning and resentment, and the culprit of all this was naturally the Wu clan , and the Wu Clan also bear huge karma from heaven and earth, even bigger than they imagined.

But for this matter, most of the twelve ancestor witches have no regrets. Even in the face of the current situation, they don't care. This time the witch clan can cause so many casualties. The refining of the witch-slaying sword was enough for them, but unfortunately they didn't know that the witch-slaying sword had been refined, otherwise they wouldn't be so happy.

Of course, not all ancestor witches are very happy. The youngest ancestor witch Houtu among the twelve ancestor witches is not happy at all. Instead, he is worried. It will be different if the witch clan declines, and the death of countless creatures makes Houtu feel very unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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