Chapter 237 Reincarnation

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches were bred by the fusion of Pangu's blood and the evil energy of heaven and earth, as did the entire Wu Clan. Therefore, the Wu Clan people are very warlike, and they only have strength and weakness in their hearts, and there is no kindness at all. But her disposition is not quite the same as other ancestral witches, maybe it's because she cultivated the way of the earth, so she has a bit of earth's benevolence!

The original intention of this natural disaster was to severely injure the demon clan in the heavenly court and interrupt Emperor Jun's plan to refine the witch-slaying sword. It was destructive, even bigger than they expected. Although part of the goal was achieved, it also affected the creatures on the prehistoric land.

Before the Twelve Ancestral Witches acted, although they didn't say anything about the entire Wu Clan because they were afraid of leaking the news, they still made some subtle preparations. Therefore, the casualties of the Witch Clan were not large, and it was nothing compared to the Monster Clan. Yes, but there are not only the witch family on the prehistoric land, but also many monster and human races who have not been able to go to the heaven.

With the natural disaster, those monsters and human races on the prehistoric land were naturally in bad luck. The water of the river that day was a disaster for them. Although the saints took action in time, the monsters and human races who died in the disaster were still There are countless numbers, so that the current scene will appear in the prehistoric, and Houtu really regrets it.

But now, the human race keeps a respectful distance from the witch race, and even the mixed blood of humans and witches is disgusted by the human race. Most of the human witches join the witch race, while a small number of human witches choose to stay in the human race. As if they were isolated, the human witches in the human race seemed to call themselves a family.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches didn't care about this situation. After all, the human race was still too weak for them. Even if they had the Golden Core Dao passed down by Lao Tzu, they couldn't get into the eyes of the witch clan at all, and only the descendants Tu feels a little pity about this, after all, the human race is not useless to the Wu race.

Although the individual of the witch race is powerful, their fertility cannot be compared with that of the monster race, let alone the human race. However, the intermarriage of humans and witches has given the witch race a chance. If there are a large number of human witches joining the camp of the Wu clan, it is also a way to increase the strength of the Wu clan.

It's a pity that this situation ended here, and Houtu naturally felt a little regretful in his heart. Although most of the human witches joined the Wu clan, the fertility of these human witches seemed to be the same as that of the Wu clan. It became dispensable, but fortunately these human witches seem to combine the strengths of both human and witch clans, and their practice speed is very fast. Before the Lich decisive battle, they can become a small force.

Houtu looked at the whole prehistoric region and saw countless souls wandering between the heavens and the earth, some of them were even contaminated with evil spirits and became fierce creatures. These souls devoured each other, and some witches and monsters even used these souls to refine weapons. Afterwards, I couldn't bear it, so I started to walk in the wilderness, trying to find a solution.

After traveling in the prehistoric for a long time, wherever Houtu went, she rescued some souls wandering between heaven and earth, but this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Once she left, these souls would face the same situation again, but later Tu couldn't think of any good way to solve this situation, so he could only secretly feel sad.

After Houtu traveled the prehistoric world for thousands of years, she suddenly made a strange discovery, that is, part of the souls seemed to be heading in the same direction. Seeing what was in that direction, in the end, Houtu found himself in a boundless sea of ​​blood.

Hou Tu looked at those struggling souls sinking into the boundless sea of ​​blood, and suddenly couldn't bear it. Those souls were constantly struggling in the boundless sea of ​​blood, and they couldn't escape at all. Clan, but want to transform into the Asura Clan, these souls do not know how long it will take to sink in the boundless sea of ​​​​blood to achieve it.

Looking at these souls in great pain, Houtu seemed to have a kind of understanding in her heart. She wanted to give these souls a final home. What was even more surprising was that Houtu's understanding made her exude a kind of A special breath of law, this breath of law is extremely special, it has never been seen in the prehistoric world, and it is not included in the law of heaven.

And at this moment, Styx suddenly appeared on the sea of ​​blood, and he looked at Houtu with a strange face. It is no wonder that the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit. Unless they are born with certain laws, they will not be able to comprehend Other laws, but Hou Tu comprehended a new law, and it was still in front of him, Styx naturally felt weird.

Houtu is one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, his combat power is not inferior to Styx, and he has the entire Wu Clan as his backing. The Twelve Ancestral Witches are all lunatics in battle. If he offends them, he will naturally have a hard time , so Minghe naturally didn't dare to neglect, so he said: "I don't know if the ancestor witch of Houtu came to my blood sea, what's the matter?"

After Houtu heard this, a flash of determination and reluctance flashed in his eyes, as if he was talking to himself, he said softly: "I see between the heaven and the earth, countless souls have nowhere to go after death, and can only wander in front of the heaven and earth until their souls fly away. , so I feel emotional, and want to set up a final destination for these souls on this sea of ​​blood."

When Styx heard this, his expression changed immediately. You must know that the fertility of the Asura clan is not strong, and it depends on these souls to transform the newly born Asura clansmen. Relying on fertility and reproduction, how can the Asura tribe grow stronger in the future, Styx's face suddenly turned cold.

Houtu seemed to have seen through Styx's thoughts, and then said: "I want to build a place of six reincarnations. After the death of a creature, the soul enters reincarnation and reincarnates again. The Asura tribe is also one of them. It will definitely develop and grow, fellow Daoists don’t have to worry, and the destiny is like this, it’s not something you or I can stop.”

Speaking of this, Houtu showed a deep reluctance, but he still said resolutely: "The way of heaven is above, and today there is Pangu's Houtu, who is willing to use the body of the ancestor witch to become reincarnation, in order to solve the problems in the world. Suffering, use the small self to achieve the big self! After the prehistoric people die, they all enter reincarnation, and there are six realms: the heavenly realm, the asura realm, the human realm, the animal realm, the evil ghost realm, and the hell realm.

Those who have great merits and virtues during their lifetime can enter the way of heaven and be free and easy. Those who kill and torture will enter the way of Asura, those who have no merit will enter the way of humanity, those who have more meritorious deeds will enter the way of animals, and those who have exceeded the greatest merit will enter the way of evil ghosts and hells. The souls return to their places, and eighteen hells are set up to judge the merits and demerits of the living beings during their lifetime. Those whose merits are greater than their demerits will enter the six realms of reincarnation. ! . "

As soon as the voice fell, Houtu immediately flew into the sky, and the huge avatar of the ancestral witch appeared on the sea of ​​blood. The powerful aura stirred up the sea of ​​blood, and in an instant, the huge avatar of the ancestral witch exploded directly, covering his body with blood. The essence of flesh and blood scattered all over the world, and that special law merged with some of the essence of flesh and blood to evolve the six cycles of reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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