Chapter 259
The retreat of the lich is definitely the best era for the human race. All the monsters who have developed their spiritual wisdom and embarked on the road of cultivation in the wilderness have basically moved to the ancient starry sky and the smoky place in the northern part of the wilderness. The Earth and the Sea of ​​Darkness, except for these three places, there are only a very small number of little demons left on the prehistoric land, and there are wild beasts that have not yet entered the way of demons.

But now in the prehistoric world, the aura of heaven and earth is still sufficient. These beasts absorb the aura of heaven and earth and the power of the stars in the sky, and slowly they will also open up their spiritual wisdom and embark on the road of practice. There are many descendants of the monster race among them, so the blood They are born with the blood inheritance of the monster clan, and with this inheritance, they can grow up quickly.

As for the human race, the previous two catastrophes, the Nine Glory and the Great Flood, severely injured the vitality of the human race, and the human race suffered heavy casualties. During the million years of the lich's truce, they also recovered a lot of vitality, but later the lich In the decisive battle, the human race will inevitably be affected, and naturally suffered heavy losses, but now the suffering is finally over, and the human race has ushered in their era.

When the lich retreated, the human race began their expansion. The little monsters and beasts left on the wild land obviously couldn't stop the human race from expanding. The human race has the golden Dan Dao, there are naturally many immortal-level masters, and the expansion is naturally much smoother, but this is only the beginning stage.

The exercises contained in the bloodline inheritance of the Yaozu are the "Xing Ling Jue" deduced and perfected by Di Jun himself. It is all-encompassing, including supernatural powers, demon methods, and the three ways of pill array, etc., and it is not inferior to Lao Tzu's. On the Jindan Avenue, the human race continued to grow stronger as it expanded, but so did the newly born monster race, and the expansion of the human race gradually encountered obstacles.

Of course, the difficulties encountered by the human race are not only from the monster race, but also from within them. When the human race was first born, the first batch of human races were all innate Dao bodies. However, as the human race multiplied, the human race's physique also began to slowly degrade. As time passed, the innate Taoist body in the human race became less and less.

It can be said that the physique of the newborn human race is not as good as that of the previous generation. Seeking immortality is becoming more and more difficult for the newborn human race, and the human race begins to become weak in follow-up. The more people there are, the survival has slowly begun to become a problem that the human race has to face, which has seriously affected the growth of the human race.

And the problem is not just this, the prehistoric is so big that the monster races in the past could not occupy it all. Even if the human race reproduced extremely fast, it would be very difficult to completely occupy the prehistoric desolate, not to mention that the speed of the birth of immortals from the human race has begun to slow down. If you don't have enough strength, how can you occupy such a huge prehistoric place.

But with the passage of time, those newly born monster races are also getting stronger. When the human race hunts the monster race and wild beasts, they are also killing the human race, which makes the expansion of the human race face a big challenge. Risk, although the newborn monster race is not as good as the human race, but their number is not small, and it is not easy for the human race to snatch the territory from them.

Gradually, the war between the human race and the newborn monster race began to continue, but this also became a tempering on the road for the human race to become the protagonist of the world. The killing and war gradually sharpened the will of the human race. Many amazing geniuses were born. They grew up in the battle with the new monster race, and gradually became the mainstay of the human race.

There is still a long, long way to go for the human race...
For the war between the new monster race and the human race in the prehistoric, Di Jun, who is in the ancient starry sky, can naturally perceive it, but he did not let the monster race intervene in it. Now that the monster race has retired, it is very possible to act rashly To be the target of all the saints is not what Dijun wants. What the Yaozu need now is to recuperate.

As for those newborn monster races, the war and killing with the human race is not the best temper for them. They have never experienced cruel calamity, and they will not understand what the monster race has experienced. In the confrontation, they can grow up quickly, and in the future, they may be the endless fire for the revival of the monster race.

Although the starting point of the newborn monster clan is a bit low, they have the blood inheritance established by Emperor Jun, which will be the best choice for them to become stronger. Not only that, some newborn monster clans are descendants of powerful races in the older generation of monster clans , although the bloodline is much thinner, but they have the opportunity to awaken the unique inheritance belonging to their clan, and these newborn monster clans will slowly become the strongest among the newborn monster clans.

With the expansion and development of the human race, the problems began to be exposed slowly. As the human race multiplied and thrived, the newborn human race babies gradually lost their innate Taoism, so that the strength of the human race also slowed down a lot. , became a little weak in follow-up, and they still have a long way to go if they want to truly become the protagonists of the prehistoric world.

When he left Zixiao Palace before, Hongjun once said that he would gather in Zixiao Palace a million years later. Presumably this was to leave a period of growth for the human race. They can't be regarded as the real protagonists of the world. Only after millions of years of tempering can they gradually adapt to the position of the protagonists of the prehistoric world.

As for the reunion in Zixiao Palace after a million years, Emperor Jun can probably guess Hongjun's meaning. Even though the human race occupies most of the Great Desolation, there are indeed many and complicated internal problems. The protagonists of heaven and earth, and when they reunite in a million years, Hongjun is probably going to discuss the establishment of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

The three emperors and five emperors are the top priority of the human race, among which there are countless merits, which will naturally make the saints envious, not only that, but if they can become the teacher of the emperor, it will also be of great benefit to the development of the saint sect. Will miss it, and Di Jun will naturally not give up. For the future revival of the Yaozu, he still needs to be prepared.

Although the calamity of the Lich has passed, and the Yaozu has retained some vitality, hoping to make a comeback in the future, the karma of heaven and earth carried by the Yaozu must be resolved. The virtues of heaven are rare, but there are many merits among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, so it is natural to be able to plan one share.

Of course, this is not Dijun's only choice.

(End of this chapter)

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