The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 260 Returning to the Five Villages

Chapter 260 Returning to Wuzhuang
Long before the start of the Lich decisive battle, Di Jun had already chosen a way out for the Yaozu, and he also thought of how to reduce the karma of heaven and earth. Di Jun naturally wanted to build such a good place for the Yaozu, otherwise, with only the momentary merits of heaven and earth, when will he be able to completely eliminate the heaven and earth karma on the Yaozu.

Speaking of the Wu Clan, there is one thing that Di Jun feels quite regrettable about, and that is the matter of the Law Seeds in the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. After feeling the benefits of the Law Seeds from Chaos and Taotie, he naturally He focused on the law and Tao seeds in the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but it was a pity that Di Jun didn't get any of them.

After the soil body reincarnated, the Law Seed of the Law of Earth in her body returned to heaven and earth at that time, and during the Lich decisive battle, Di Jun deliberately let the three corpses plunder the Law Seeds in the bodies of the other eleven ancestor witches, but unfortunately they still did not Before his three corpses could make a move, all the eleven ancestor witches blew themselves up, and the Law and Dao Seeds returned directly to heaven and earth, which made Di Jun feel a little sorry.

However, this was not Di Jun's property in the first place. Since he didn't snatch it, it is not a loss. Di Jun just felt a little bit emotional, but the three corpses were all severely injured in the Lich decisive battle, and even the witch-killing sword was almost destroyed. I don't know how long it will take to fully recover. After all, Zu Wu's self-destruct is no small matter.

Of course, it was not without any gains. Tu Wujian injured Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin successively, and finally pierced Di Jiang's body with a sword, drank a lot of ancestor witch's blood, and seemed to have a little bit of pain in him. Although the Sky Devouring Gourd was also severely damaged, it absorbed the blood essence of hundreds of millions of witch clan corpses. After it was completely refined, it might not be impossible to go further.

Now that there is nothing wrong in the prehistoric world, the three corpses are also being healed among the three flowers of Dijun, and Dijun also wants to continue to retreat, but before the retreat, he still has one important thing to do, which is related to the monster clan In the future, if this can be done, the karma of the world that the Yaozu bears now will no longer be a big problem, and it will also be closely related to the future comeback of the Yaozu.

With a movement of Dijun's body, he turned into a Changhong, shuttled through the void, and headed straight for the flood. His destination was Zhenyuanzi's Wuzhuang temple. He had visited Zhenyuanzi when he rescued Hongyun in the past Now that the calamity is over, it is time for Zhen Yuanzi to make a choice, and he has to make a choice, because he has no way out.

In the Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi stood in front of the ginseng fruit tree, looking at the red cloud remnant soul under the ginseng fruit tree, which was nourished by the essence of Muyi, his complexion was obviously not very good, although with the help of the essence of ginseng fruit tree However, the situation of Hongyun's remnant soul has deteriorated, but it has not improved at all. If this continues, how can Hongyun return from a catastrophe.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but think of what Di Jun said in the past when he sent back the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd that contained the remnant soul of Hongyun. At that time, Di Jun said that he would discuss with him after the calamity. Di Jun could come at any time, but when Di Jun came, it was time for him to make a choice. Although he had thought about this question for hundreds of thousands of years, his mind would still be confused when he thought about it.

Hong Yun is Zhen Yuanzi's only friend in this prehistoric world. The two call each other brothers and talk about scriptures and Taoism. The friendship is naturally extraordinary. Seeing Hong Yun's current appearance, Zhen Yuanzi is naturally very reluctant. With a great chance, it is very likely that Hongyun will be like this for the rest of his life, whether he will live or die, and thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi's heart is suddenly much firmer.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi felt a breath descending from the Wuzhuang Temple, his expression changed immediately, and his body moved, and he appeared at the gate of the Wuzhuang Temple. Looking at the person who came, a complex look flashed in his eyes, But he still opened his mouth and said: "It turns out that fellow Taoist Emperor Jun came to visit, and I am really disappointed to welcome you. I hope you will forgive me. Please come inside!"

Di Jun followed Zhen Yuanzi into the main hall. After sitting down, Zhen Yuanzi ordered the two boys to go and beat nine ginseng fruits for Di Jun to taste. , Mingyue sent ginseng fruit to Dijun, and Zhen Yuanzi said, "Friend Dijun, please!"

Di Jun smiled lightly, reached out and took a ginseng fruit and ate it. This ginseng fruit contains rich wood yi essence, which can not only improve the cultivation level, but also a holy product for healing. Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only satiate the emperor Jun's mouth was thirsty, and there was nothing else to do. After tasting a ginseng fruit, Di Jun looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi naturally understood Di Jun's meaning. After retreating from Qingfeng and Mingyue, he looked at Di Jun and said, "In the past, when fellow Taoist Dijun sent the remnant soul of fellow Taoist Hongyun, he said that there is a way to help Hongyun. Fellow Daoist reincarnated and recultivated, returned to the peak with the help of great merit, and returned after a catastrophe, I don’t know about this, how sure is Fellow Daoist Dijun?”

After hearing this, Emperor Jun said lightly: "Although fellow Taoist Hongyun has a trace of remnant soul, it may be difficult to restore it. The only way to do it is to reincarnate and rebuild. Now that the lich is retreating and the human race is flourishing, the chance for fellow Taoist Hongyun is here. Among the human race, although there is no absolute certainty in the method of the poor way, there are seven or eight points, and there is a poor way, and fellow Taoist Hongyun will not be able to do anything."

When Zhen Yuanzi heard Di Jun's answer, a gleam appeared in his eyes. With Di Jun's guarantee, Hong Yun had a great chance of successfully returning from robbery, but he also knew that there is no free lunch in the world, and Di Jun is not a kind person So he said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Dijun helps fellow Daoist Hongyun so much, how can I repay the poor?"

This is the key question. Dijun is not a philanthropist. He saved Hongyun’s remnant soul and promised Hongyun to kill many casual cultivators, which ended the cause and effect of the former Zixiao Palace’s holy position. , naturally he will not help in vain, Zhen Yuanzi certainly understands this truth, for Hongyun, he already has a resolution in his heart.

Di Jun glanced at Zhen Yuanzi, with a smile on his face. In the prehistoric world, there are very few people who are as loving and righteous as Zhen Yuanzi. Although Zhen Yuanzi is not a good old man like Hong Yun, he is still a home He has a kind heart, which is rare in the wild, and he can make such a big sacrifice for Hong Yun, a friend. Such a character is indeed worthy of admiration.

It was precisely because of Zhen Yuanzi that Di Jun would make up his mind. This was a deal, and it was also Di Jun's best choice, and Zhen Yuanzi did not disappoint him, otherwise he might have to take The other choice, although the result is the same, is a bit dishonorable, not what Dijun wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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