Chapter 268
The Emperor Ziwei Seal has been with Emperor Jun for many years, and now it has been used by the Taoist Jinwu, but with the cultivation of the Taoist Jinwu, it is enough to have the Sun Golden Wheel and the Jiuyaoxing Flag in his hand, so the Emperor Ziwei Seal is a bit redundant, just as Lu Ya landed on Ziwei As for the throne of the Great Emperor, it is beneficial to hand over the Ziwei Emperor Seal to him. As for the Luobao money, it has not been used since it was obtained, and it is also good to give it to Wang Shu.

Lu Ya and Wang Shu happily accepted the magic weapon given by Di Jun, with more or less excitement on their faces. This was the first time they had the opportunity to leave Di Jun and Xi He's side, and walk independently in the wilderness , the opportunity was really rare, after the two thanked Dijun, they left Ziwei Star directly and headed towards the heaven.

After Lu Ya and Wang Shu left, Xi He's figure suddenly appeared beside Di Jun. Seeing Lu Ya and Wang Shu's leaving figure, she said, "Husband, is it really okay to do this? You let Ya'er and Shu How can I take charge of the Ziwei Star Palace if I go to the prehistoric region to practice without manpower, and what if I am targeted by the saints?"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled and said: "To be able to support such a big Ziwei Star Palace depends on the abilities of the two of them. It's just for them to sharpen it. As for the saints, you can rest assured. I will always pay attention, if they dare to reach out, then I will cut off their hands, children will grow up after all, it is time to learn to let go."

Lu Ya and Wang Shu's sudden arrival in the Heavenly Court really caused a lot of commotion in the prehistoric world. The two are the heirs of the Emperor Jun. When they were born, they were surrounded by thousands of brilliance. Their talents are not inferior to those of the innate demon gods. In just a few million years, he has now broken through to the Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, which is really enviable.

Lu Ya entered Ziwei Xinggong, and Wang Shu succeeded Taiyin Xingjun. Such a change really surprised everyone, even Haotian. , It was far beyond his expectation, although they didn't bring any demon clan, but the identities of the two were enough to deter everything.

Even the saints who devoted themselves to teaching disciples and developing sects were obviously shocked by this incident. Lu Ya became Emperor Ziwei and took charge of Zhoutian Xingchen. Does this mean that Dijun intends to bring the Yaozu back?It's just that Shan Luya and Wangshu entered the Ziwei Star Palace without bringing any monsters with them. It seems that Emperor Jun let Luya and Wangshu experience some experience, and the deep meaning in it is difficult for others to pry.

It's just that Haotian suddenly gave the title of Emperor Ziwei to the Yaozu. This is really strange. Before they figured it out, a big event suddenly happened in the heavenly court. The Dragon King of the Four Seas went to the heavenly court to meet Haotian , in order to be able to join the heavenly court to serve, which shocked all the prehistoric creatures.

"Following the fate of the heavens, the Jade Emperor said, the dragon clan committed a lot of crimes during the Long Han calamity. They committed countless killings. They were ordered by heaven to suppress the world to atone for their sins. The years turn around and gather merits to eliminate the karma of heaven and earth. Jia, I entered the Heavenly Court today, with a special decree that the Dragon Clan is in charge of the human race, so that the wind and rain will be smooth, and the clouds and rain will be spread in the prehistoric and desolate, so as to see the aftereffect, I admire this!"

An edict from Haotian immediately stirred up thousands of waves in the prehistoric world, and everyone finally understood that Lu Ya's entry into the Ziwei Star Palace, and the trip of the Dragon Clan to the Human Clan to spread the rain, these two things seem unrelated, but In fact, this is a deal, a deal between Haotian and Dijun. It seems that Haotian has benefited more, but Dijun has given the Yaozu a foothold in the heavenly court.

Emperor Ziwei is in charge of Zhoutian and Xingchen. It sounds very good, but in fact no one wants it. Everyone knows that Zhoutian and Xingchen are under the control of Emperor Jun. Even if you sit in the position of Ziwei Emperor, it is impossible to control Zhoutian and Xingchen , so Emperor Ziwei is considered one of the most tasteless positions among the six emperors, but it is different if this position falls into the hands of the Yaozu.

Haotian made this deal precisely because of this point. He exchanged a weak position for real benefits. The dragon clan belonged to the heavenly court, and the power of the heavenly court suddenly increased. , and the Dragon Clan has justifiably obtained the opportunity to accumulate merit, and more importantly, the Heavenly Court has since then had an inexplicable and unclear relationship with the Yao Clan.

Although this move seemed crazy, it was done step by step, and for a while, the prehistoric creatures saw the methods and strategies of his new emperor, but Di Jun let Lu Ya and Wang Shu enter the Ziwei Star Palace alone, which meant nothing. It is a bit elusive, but this matter has no effect on the prehistoric creatures, and only the saints really care about it.

In Shouyang Mountain, I stared at the heavenly court, and then at the ancient starry sky. My usual indifferent face frowned, and I heard me talking to myself: "Huh? A restless chess piece can even make a fuss." This kind of movement is just a chess piece, but what are you trying to do with this move, Di Jun?"

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi Tianzun who was preaching to his disciples suddenly stopped, frowned and looked at the location of the Heavenly Court, and softly snorted: "Huh! Little Haotian, he really thinks he is the ruler of the Heavenly Court, Receiving the dragon clan to establish the prestige of the sky, sending the throne to the emperor to make friends with the monster clan, what a big deal, but it's just a clown."

After the Master Tongtian learned about this, he smiled lightly, and continued to teach the Shangqing Immortal Law in Biyou Palace, while Jieyin and Zhunti were both envious and suspicious. After all, Dijun would not be aimless, but now their focus In the west, there is no chance to go east, so you can only think about it and let it go. As for Houtu, there is a hint of helplessness in his anger.

Although both Liches and Demons have retired now, the Witches have almost lost their vitality, while the Monster Race is different. Now Di Jun's two sons and daughters are in charge of the Ziwei Star Palace in the Heavenly Court. It is very likely that the Monster Race How could Houtu not care about a signal of comeback, and the only one who was happy was Nuwa, she certainly hoped that the Yaozu could make a comeback.

(End of this chapter)

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