Chapter 269 The birth of Lingbao
The dragons belonged to the Heavenly Court, and they took charge of the good deeds of flooding the wilderness, carrying clouds and raining rain, and Lu Ya and Wang Shu entered the Ziwei Star Palace alone, which also made the relationship between the Heavenly Court and the Yaozu somewhat confusing, seemingly close but not close, making people unpredictable Through, but no matter what, Haotian's goal was achieved, and for a while, the power of the heavenly court in the prehistoric sky rose sharply.

What followed was that many casual cultivators and human immortals wanted to join the Heavenly Court. Of course, Haotian would not refuse anyone. What was he doing all this for? It was not to take the opportunity to expand the Heavenly Court, but the only thing that made him a little depressed What's more, many of these people who joined the Heavenly Court have invested in Lu Ya, the Emperor Ziwei, and their cultivation bases are not low.

Haotian also knows that although he is the Jade Emperor, his background is too shallow to be compared with the background of the monster clan. Those people who joined Lu Ya's command were aimed at Lu Ya's status as the prince of the monster clan, but there were also people who did it because of Lu Ya. Ya's identity was scruples, and he joined him instead. After all, the Yaozu is now retiring, and the saints obviously don't want to see the Yaozu come back again.

It is precisely because of this that many immortals who joined the Heavenly Court were very afraid of Lu Ya's identity, and turned to Haotian's subordinates, and Lu Ya didn't care about it. He would naturally not refuse those who were willing to take refuge in him. As for manpower, There is no shortage of Luya. Although the older generation of monsters have retired, there are many new monsters in the wild. As long as he raises his arms, he can naturally recruit many people.

Under Ziwei Star Palace, apart from Emperor Ziwei, there are also five star kings from the 360 ​​heavens. That's all, of course Dijun and Taiyi wouldn't be interested, and Lu Ya is the Emperor Ziwei, so the position of Sun Star King can only be vacant.

As for the other 360 three star kings, Lu Ya did not recruit casually. Those who became star kings under the command of Ziwei Star Palace were at least golden immortals, but it was difficult to recruit them all at once. Retiring, casual cultivators also suffered heavy losses at the beginning, but now in the prehistoric age, it is very rare for a cultivation base to reach the Golden Immortal level.

In addition to recruiting Lord Zhou Tianxing, Lu Ya is also training [-] heavenly soldiers and generals. These heavenly soldiers are all recruited from the newborn monster races. They faded away from the demonic energy in the Tianting Huaxian Pond and cast fairy bones. Since then, Ziweixing The palace already has a good foundation, with the help of the heavens and the convenience of the stars, it will surely develop and grow in the future.

And Haotian's development is no worse than that of Lu Ya. After all, Lu Ya took advantage of his status as the prince of the monster clan, otherwise, how could it be possible to pull up a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, while Haotian relied entirely on the prestige he managed. Recruiting manpower and growing continuously, the only pity is that there are still very few masters among the manpower recruited.

Haotian is not discouraged, he also understands that Honghuang has experienced three times of calamity, and countless souls have fallen. There are really not many living creatures, and even if there are, they are all among the five retired liches, dragons, phoenixes and unicorns. It is already very good that he can recruit this.

Since it is impossible to recruit people with advanced cultivation, Haotian simply plans to cultivate by himself. The [-] peach gardens in Yaochi can produce a batch of three-level flat peaches every once in a while. If you eat it, you can improve your cultivation. Haotian is planning to use flat peaches to build his own team.

Of course, the use of flat peaches is not limited to this, it has a greater use, and that is the second step of Haotian's plan, which is to hold a flat peach party to invite immortals from all over the world. A big feast in the middle of the day, when the time comes, the prestige of the heavenly court will inevitably increase, and it can even be used to win over some casual cultivators, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's just that now is not the time to hold the Peach Banquet. Now that the Dragon Clan has just joined the Heavenly Court, and Lu Ya has entered the Ziwei Star Palace, this has already caused an uproar in the prehistoric world. If Haotian holds the Peach Banquet at this time, it would be too much Advancing aggressively is not what a wise man does. What Haotian has to do now is to stay silent for a while, develop with peace of mind, and try to make further progress when the time is right.

In the past, the land where Nuwa created human beings, the human race was born here. Although there have been many twists and turns, the human race has also migrated, but this place is still of great significance to the human race, and it is called the ancestral land by the human race. The leader of the village, that is, the third ancestor of the human race, led a part of the human race to live here. He also erected a statue of Nuwa and paid homage to it from time to time.

With the development and growth of the human race, the luck of the human race has also increased rapidly. The Suiren clan, the Youchao clan and the Ziyi clan, the three ancestors of the human race, have naturally benefited a lot from the blessing of the luck of the human race. Because, even with a body of merit and virtue, even those with advanced cultivation bases will not attack them.

The peaceful days passed like this for a long time. After visiting the statue of Nuwa, Suirenshi and others were going back to practice, when suddenly the earth trembled, and a golden light rose into the sky, and countless rays of light filled the whole sky. The faces of Youchao and Ziyi changed drastically, which was a sign of the birth of a treasure.

The Suiren clan immediately evacuated all the human races living in the ancestral land, and brought the statue of Nuwa, and the treasure was born. Although the Suiren clan and the others were also very excited, they were just little golden fairies. How could they have the strength to participate in such a treasure competition? , and this place will definitely become a battlefield. In order to avoid being affected, it is natural to leave early.

Ziweixing, in Wanling Pavilion, Di Jun who was in retreat suddenly opened his eyes, and he immediately stared at the prehistoric, the radiance of the ancestral land of the human race naturally couldn't escape his eyes, was there a spirit treasure born in the ancestral land of the human race?Di Jun frowned slightly, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought silently, could it be that treasure was born?

Di Jun stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers to count, and a smile appeared on Shuran's face. His guess was indeed right, it was indeed the treasure that was born, but it's a pity that although the treasure is good, as a demon emperor, he holds the demon clan luck The supreme treasure recruits the demon banner, which is related to the luck of the demon clan, but the heavy treasure is a product of the luck of the human race, but it is useless for him to get it. How can one person hold the treasure of luck of two races.

But having said that, Di Jun would not let it fall into the hands of others, he chose an owner for this important treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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