The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 270 The Birth of Kongtong Seal

Chapter 270 The Birth of Kongtong Seal

In the ancestral land of the human race, the soaring ray of light naturally attracted the attention of many people with advanced cultivation bases, but when a few figures appeared there, these people also sighed heavily in their hearts. It seemed that this treasure that was about to be born It is extraordinary, except for Houtu who is in the underworld, all the other saints have arrived, and even Di Jun has appeared here.

The competition for such treasures is obviously not something they can participate in. Once the Hunyuan Saint makes a move, even if it is just the aftermath, it is not something ordinary people can bear. Even the prehistoric powers of the quasi-holy level may perish if they are not careful. Among them, not to mention the quasi-sage, the opportunity for the Hunyuan sage to show up for the first time is obviously not something they can compete for.

In the Heavenly Court, in the fairyland of the Yaochi, Haotian stared at the ancestral land of the human race, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, but also a trace of helplessness. As a quasi-sage, Haotian can naturally see that the treasure that is about to be born is extremely extraordinary. This human race's luck is also mixed in the Xiaguang treasure aura, and its preciousness can be imagined. This is definitely not an ordinary innate spirit treasure.

Human race, the protagonist of the future world, this is the general trend of heaven and earth that has been set long ago, and no one can change it. This treasure was conceived in the ancestral land of the human race, and it carried a little luck of the human race when it was born, which shows that it is of great significance. The fact that the saints appeared here for the first time further demonstrated the preciousness of this treasure, but unfortunately, this treasure is obviously not something that Haotian can compete for.

This is Haotian's helplessness. Although he is the emperor of heaven, he has no real name. Neither the lich clan nor the saint sects can be controlled by him. In the final analysis, he is too weak. With his Hunyuan cultivation base, how could he have any worries now? Although he has Hongjun's order, the saints are just jealous, and they never really cared about him.

Yaochi looked at the ever-changing expressions on Haotian's face, and sighed slightly in her heart. She knew Haotian well. Now that she looked like a child, she could only comfort her by saying: "Haotian, there will be a time when you will realize your ambition, and now all we have to do is wait patiently."

When Haotian heard the words of wanting to eat, his face gradually calmed down. He understood the meaning of Yaochi, and also knew that his plan could not be realized overnight. Now he can only wait quietly. The water in Honghuang is too deep. It's not like he can intervene now, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I understand, there will be such a day."

In the ancestral land of the human race, seven figures appeared in the sky one after another, one Hunyuan, six saints, except Houtu who was in the underworld and Taiyi who had not yet been sanctified, the rest have arrived, Dijun, Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhun As soon as the Tiqi people appeared, they all looked at the place that exuded the radiance and precious aura, with different expressions, and only Di Jun's heart was as still as water.

Long before he came here, Di Jun already knew the origin of the treasure that was about to be born, so he naturally couldn't help feeling it. This thing is far away in the treasure rock of Zixiao Palace. This treasure is one of the prehistoric ones. It fell here, and the descendants of the human race were born. This treasure absorbed a little luck of the human race, and only then did it have the good fortune it is today.

For the saints, this treasure is a great opportunity, so even the quiet and inactive Laozi, and the Nuwa who does not interfere with the affairs of the human race have different degrees of desire in their eyes, but for Dijun, this thing is the most important thing. It can only be regarded as a relatively powerful innate spirit treasure, other than that, there is nothing else, so naturally there is nothing to look forward to.

At this time, a sudden burst of strong stillness erupted from the ground, and the soaring Xiaguang Baoqi suddenly became violent, condensed into a bunch, and went straight to the sky, and in the beam of light, a big seal rose slowly, This seal is surrounded by Ziwei Emperor Qi, which is beyond words. Even if you don't care about the luck of the human race it carries, the grade of the best innate spirit treasure is enough to make people's hearts flutter.

Human Emperor's Supreme Treasure, the Kongtong Seal, is unparalleled in power and can suppress the luck of the human race. With this seal, it can abolish and establish the Human Emperor. Its preciousness can be imagined, but it is a pity that there is no human emperor in the human race, even the saints Unable to know this, all they care about is the luck of the human race carried on the seal of Kongtong, which is what they want most, of course, it is also a very powerful innate spiritual treasure.

Di Jun looked at the Kongtong seal, and he didn't feel any regrets in his heart. The Kongtong seal is the treasure of human luck, and it is destined not to be owned by him, the demon emperor. Naturally, it can no longer bear the luck of the human race. If you get the Kongtong seal, if the luck of the two races of human and demon is mixed, it is easy to cause big problems.

But it is different for the saints. Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti only carry the luck of the four religions, so they can naturally snatch the Kongtong seal. Although Nuwa is a monster saint, she created the human race. Kongtong If the seal falls into her hands, naturally there will be no problems. Compared with letting Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti get the seal, Di Jun is more willing to let Nuwa get the treasure.

Nuwa is a saint of the monster race, so she can be regarded as an ally with Di Jun. She won the seal of Kongtong, which is not harmful to Di Jun. In addition to her status as the saint of the human race, when the time comes, the words among the human race The power is naturally greater, but if this treasure falls into the hands of other saints, there will be uncertainties in some of Dijun's future plans.

As soon as the Kongtong seal was born, a bright light flashed in Lao Tzu's eyes. As the leader of the Renjiao, he could naturally feel the luck of the human race carried on the Kongtong seal, so he was the first to say: "Dear friends, the poor Taoist As the leader of the Human Sect, this treasure was born out of the fate of the human race, and should be in the hands of the poor, please give me some face."

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly when he heard what Lao Tzu said, he was also very moved by this treasure, but now that Lao Tzu spoke, he was a little embarrassed, after all, Lao Tzu was his elder brother, if he spoke out against it, not only would he hate the relationship with Lao Tzu The relationship between them will make people feel that their brothers are not in harmony, which really hurts Sanqing's face, which makes Yuanshi Tianzun a little embarrassed.

Chongbao is in front, at this moment, how weak the friendship between the three Qings seems, Di Jun couldn't help but sneer when he saw this, without him, this Kongtong seal might indeed be related to Lao Tzu, but it's hard to say now up.

(End of this chapter)

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