Chapter 271
When Zhunti heard Lao Tzu's words, he smiled coldly in his heart. The treasure is in front of him. Just one sentence seems to make them give up. It's just wishful thinking. However, this treasure has no predestined relationship with fellow Taoists, but it has a lot of predestined relationship with my Western Sect, and this time Pindao came here with his senior brother just to invite this treasure back to the West."

Seeing that Zhunti refuted himself, a cold voice flashed in his eyes. He looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu, hoping that they would support him, but unfortunately Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu seemed to turn a blind eye and did not speak for him at all. This made Lao Tzu feel a little annoyed, but he didn't show it.

At this time, Dijun snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Zhunti, why is everything destined to you? I guess you thought so when you wanted to save the Jiuyao beast! As a result, you almost lost your life, and this treasure was contaminated. How important is the fate of the human race, how can it fall into your hands, if it causes any catastrophe, I am afraid you will not be a saint."

As soon as Zhunti heard Di Jun's words, there was a hint of anger on his face, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Jie Yin, who looked at Di Jun and said softly: "Daoist Di Jun, as a demon emperor, you have a demon clan." The treasure of luck is the demon banner, which carries the luck of the monster race, this treasure is the treasure of luck of the human race, and it really shouldn't be owned by fellow daoists."

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said softly: "You don't need to remind me, I understand that, but even so, I don't want this treasure to fall into your hands." Then he said to Nuwa: "Nuwa said Friend, you are the Holy Mother of the human race, and this treasure was conceived in the place where you created humans in the past, and it is destined for you, so it should be yours, and you will not be charged!"

Nu Wa looked at Di Jun with some surprise. She never expected that Di Jun would let her win the treasure even if he didn't seize it himself. Could it be that this treasure is not just contaminated with the luck of the human race, but since Di Jun is so Having said that, Nu Wa naturally wouldn't be polite. As soon as she raised her hand, the map of Shanhe Sheji was donated directly, and she wanted to include the Kongtong seal in the map in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Jieyin and Zhunti did not hesitate at all, and shot directly. Obviously, they didn't want this thing to fall into Nuwa's hands. After all, Nuwa is a demon saint and a human race. Holy Mother, if this treasure falls on Nuwa, it is hard to predict what impact it will have, especially if it is related to Emperor Jun and Yaozu.

The saints reacted quickly, but Di Jun reacted even faster. As soon as he raised his hand, the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the Qiankun Ding flew out directly. Liao Zhunti, since he wanted to help Nv Wa get the treasure, naturally he didn't know it was just talking, as long as he fought for that moment, everything would be settled.

Seeing Dijun's relentless attack, Lao Tzu raised his hand, and the Taiji diagram appeared directly, sucking the chaotic sword energy into it, and then wiped it out, while Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian leader respectively sacrificed the Pangu banner and the god-killing spear, He directly defeated the chaotic sword energy that was shooting at them, and stepped on the meritorious golden lotus with the pin, holding the sutra pillar in his hand, and forcibly dealt a blow to Dijun.

But Nu Wa has already succeeded in this blow, which made all the saints feel annoyed when they saw it. They all looked at Di Jun with a fierce look in their eyes. In their opinion, It was a thankless effort for Di Jun, who made Nuwa cheap, but hated their five saints because of it, but now the overall situation is settled, even if he makes a move again, he will have no chance to take back this treasure from Nuwa.

Lao Tzu glanced at Di Jun coldly, snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, turned and left directly, the same was true for Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Jieyin and Zhunti also took a look at Di Jun, and left one after another. It seems that This time Di Jun offended them all, and in the end only Di Jun and Nu Wa remained where they were, and did not leave in a hurry.

Di Jun obviously doesn't care about the hatred of the saints. After the Lich's calamity in the past, they joined forces to persecute him. Why should Di Jun care about their hatred now? He is not the Holy Mother, and he has no habit of repaying hatred with kindness , Now let them miss the Kongtong seal, the faces of the saints are already like this, and when the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are established in the future, I'm afraid their faces will be even better.

When the saints left, Nu Wa looked at Di Jun, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes, and said softly: "This time, I would like to thank the Demon Emperor for his help, otherwise this treasure would not have fallen into my hands so easily. In my hands, I just hated the saints because of this, which makes me feel a little bit sorry, and I owe the Demon Emperor another favor in this matter."

Di Jun smiled faintly. In the past, Nuwa had already owed him a favor when he asked him to snatch the majestic purple energy from Hongyun's body, and now he owes him another favor, but he didn't care, he just smiled and said, "Friend Nuwa , you are my demon clan Emperor Wa, so I will naturally help you, as for the saints, don’t worry, I don’t have any friendship with them, let them go!”

After Nuwa heard this, a flash of memory flashed in her eyes, but then she remembered something, her face froze, and she said in a deep voice: "Demon Emperor, there is something I want to ask you for advice, during the calamity of the Lich, my brother Fuxi died, and I rescued a remnant soul, although it is slowly recovering, but I don’t know how you can make my brother return from calamity?"

Hearing Nuwa's question, Di Jun smiled lightly, and said, "It's okay, this is Fuxi Taoist friend's fate. In the future, there will be a great opportunity to obtain an indestructible body. In the future, Hunyuan can be expected." Maybe, fellow daoists are not more worried, as for the opportunity, you don’t need to ask me, it’s already in the hands of fellow daoists, so I’ll take my leave.”

Nuwa couldn't help being taken aback when she heard Di Jun's words, the chance of Fuxi's return from the catastrophe is already in her hands?Could it be that he just got the big seal?This made Nuwa a little uncertain. It seems that Di Jun helped her get the treasure not on a temporary basis. Obviously, he seems to have some understanding of this seal that is not known to the saints. It seems that she really wants to study it. This is printed.

But Di Jun's words were not only heard by Nuwa, but also by the departing saints. It was not as simple as they imagined, and a trace of regret flashed in their hearts. They really shouldn't let Nu Wa get it so easily.

Of course, there was another person who heard Di Jun's words, and that was Zhen Yuanzi from Wuzhuangguan. Whether it is also the chance of promising Hongyun to return after a catastrophe, after all, Fuxi and Hongyun are in the same state, which makes Zhen Yuanzi feel hot.

(End of this chapter)

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