Chapter 272 Time flies
A battle for spiritual treasures, because of Dijun's intervention, ended hastily, and finally Nuwa became the only beneficiary, and the relationship between Dijun and the other saints became more and more tense. Since the end of the Yaoliang Tribulation, all the saints have joined forces to force Di Jun to back down, how could Di Jun give them any good looks now.

Although the Yaozu is retreating now, Di Jun has been preparing for the comeback of the Yaozu. If that day comes, the four religions of Ren, Chan, Jie, and the West are obviously very likely to become obstacles to the revival of the Yaozu. Lu Shi, since this is the case, Di Jun will naturally not sit back and watch the four religions grow, let alone allow the four religions to live in harmony.

In fact, there is no need for Dijun to deliberately plan. Even if he does not act, the four religions cannot live in peace. The three clans fight, the demons fight, and the liches fight each other. Even the saints cannot ignore the existence of luck. Now that the rise of the human race is the best time for them to preach, it will also be the origin of their struggle.

On Ziwei Star, Di Jun returned to Wanling Pavilion, stared at Taiyi's retreat, and couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart. Speaking of which, facing the saints, even with Nuwa's help, he still felt a lot of pressure, after all He is only at the beginning of Hunyuan, if Taiyi can prove the Tao and become a saint, then his pressure will be greatly reduced.

Taiyi's path is the way to become a saint by cutting three corpses into one. Once he becomes a saint, his cultivation will surely surpass all saints in one fell swoop, and he is expected to reach the stage of a saint in the later stage. Coupled with the chaotic clock in his hand, one person can even fight alone The second saint, in this way, the Yaozu has a Hunyuan and a second saint. Unless the other six saints join forces, they will not be their opponents at all.

It's a pity that the self-dead body is the most difficult to kill among the three corpses, and it can only be understood by Tai Yi himself, and Di Jun can't get in the way at all. Even cutting the self-dead body by himself is just a fluke. , I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to kill his own corpse. The difficulty Tai Yi is facing now can only be overcome by himself.

All Dijun can do now is to improve his cultivation as much as possible. A saint entrusts his soul to the way of heaven, so he can practice martial arts better. Dijun can only comprehend the way of heaven by himself, but he also has advantages that saints do not have , That is time, the sage has practiced for a million years, but Dijun has been able to practice for 900 million years, all the gaps, Dijun can only rely on time to make up for it as much as possible.

As for the three corpses, they have all reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage cultivation now, but it seems that it is as difficult as mortals to ascend to the sky if they want to let them reach the realm of Hunyuan. Naturally, Yuan Xuan'ao could pass it on to the three corpses, but no matter how hard Di Jun tried, it was still in vain.

Di Jun even doubted whether the three corpses could prove the Dao of Hunyuan. After all, the three corpses were just beheaded by his law of combining good and evil with three thoughts, which was very different from Dijun himself. The effect on Di Jun is naturally much smaller. I am afraid that their value will only be revealed in the era when the Hunyuan sages do not come out.

Although he tried for a long time, but still failed, Di Jun did not give up. He always felt that there was something wrong with the three corpses, and that was the key to the three corpses being unable to prove the Dao of Hunyuan. Although this was only a feeling of Di Jun, But it is particularly strong, but Di Jun has no way of knowing how to make up for this crucial point for the three corpses.

Everything can only wait for the right time.

In Wahuangtian, after Nuwa Debao returned, she immediately began to comprehend the Kongtong seal that she had just obtained. Since Di Jun said that Fuxi's chance is on this Kongtong seal, and this Kongtong seal has a human spirit. Naturally, Nu Wa will inevitably have a great interest in it, if she can realize Fuxi's opportunity as soon as possible, she can feel at ease.

After refining the Kongtong seal, Nuwa comprehended it for a long time. This seal, like her red hydrangea, is a top-grade offensive innate spiritual treasure, but the power of the Kongtong seal seems to be even higher than that of the red hydrangea. In this way, in addition to carrying the luck of the human race, the Kongtong Seal also contains infinite Ziwei Emperor Qi, which made Nuwa a little puzzled.

Ziwei Emperor Qi is not an ordinary existence. In the prehistoric world, only Di Jun, Taiyi, Haotian and Di Jun's son Lu Ya are the only ones she knows who possess Ziwei Emperor Qi. The Treasure of Fortune actually bears Ziwei's imperial aura, could it be that the human race will also give birth to emperors like them in the future.

Could it be that the opportunity for Fuxi to return from the catastrophe lies in the human race?Nuwa was shocked when she thought of this. With Fuxi's current state, if he was reincarnated in the human race, if he didn't have great merit, it would be almost impossible to return to his former cultivation. Could it be that there will be great merit in the human race? ?Thinking of this, this made Nuwa feel more concerned about the human race.

Millions of years, for Emperor Jun, the saints, and Honghuang Danone, it is just a flick of a finger, but for the human race, it is a sea of ​​vicissitudes, life and death, and never stops. The strength became stronger and stronger, and the footprints of the human race gradually spread over half of the prehistoric land, and the luck of the human race was so great that all the saints were excited.

With the expansion of the human race, the newborn monster races on the prehistoric land gradually retreated. They were driven to the mountains, jungles, and smoky places by the human race. It also seemed to be extremely weak, they could only retreat to the mountains and forests, and face the human race across the shore, gradually becoming a peaceful state.

The human race and the newborn monster race take a break from fighting, the newborn monster race hides in the mountains and forests, and the immortals of the human race either seek caves to meditate, or turn to heaven and various religions to seek a stronger immortal way, and the human race begins to multiply rapidly on the prehistoric land Speaking of it, the growth of the ethnic group has also caused the ethnic group to gradually lose their innate Taoism, which is the most beneficial for them to pursue the immortal way.

Not only that, as the human race is hard to find, some immortal inheritances have gradually disappeared in the long river of history. There are more and more ordinary people in the human race, and various problems follow. Natural disasters and man-made disasters are endless, which makes the race seem a little precarious for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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