Chapter 274
The saints also did not expect that the Kongtong seal they fought for earlier was not only as simple as bringing a little luck of the human race, but also the key to establishing the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the treasure of the human emperor. Knowing this, the saints regretted it even more. If they hadn't been careless at the time, they would have had a chance to snatch Kongtong Yin, and they wouldn't be in a passive situation now.

And Nuwa's face was full of joy and surprise, she never expected that the Kongtong Seal was still the Supreme Treasure of the Emperor, capable of abolishing the Emperor, now that the opportunity is clear, she can clearly understand the power of the Kongtong Seal, with this treasure Hands, coupled with her status as the Virgin of the Human Race, even if she does not preach to the Human Race, she can still have a great voice and luck among the Human Race.

It's just that Nuwa was surprised by Di Jun's demeanor. Even if Hongjun said so, Di Jun didn't care at all, and there was no change in his expression. It made Nuwa feel Dijun's inscrutability even more. If Dijun hadn't intervened at that time, she would have missed such a treasure.

Nuwa was grateful to Di Jun, but the saints hated Di Jun a little bit. If he hadn't blocked them at the beginning, Nuwa wouldn't have put Kongtong Seal in her arms so easily. They were too careless, thinking that it would be useless for Emperor Jun to take advantage of it, so they didn't think that even if Di Jun got Nuwa's hand, he would not take advantage of them.

Although Nuwa is a saint of the demon race, in the eyes of the saints, the stronger Nuwa is, the greater the danger to Di Jun. Di Jun should be on guard against and fearful of Nu Wa, but now it seems that Di Jun didn't seem to be afraid of Nuwa, otherwise he wouldn't have helped her get the treasure. This kind of heart is admirable, but it's a pity that Di Jun and them are not in the same way.

Di Jun looked at the expressions of the saints and didn't care. He naturally knew what they were thinking, but it was a pity that Di Jun had never regarded Nuwa as an opponent, otherwise he would not help her again. Wa would not have the current level of cultivation. Even if she became a saint, she would probably only be as good as Zhun Ti, and her strength would be at the bottom of all saints.

Seeing this, Hongjun opened his mouth and said: "It is the general trend of heaven for the human race to establish three emperors and five emperors, so you must not slack off. Then this matter is up to you to decide, the Emperor’s matter is urgent and has a great relationship, so don’t worry about it, you should make a decision as soon as possible.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hongjun's figure disappeared in front of everyone, and the saints didn't care too much. What they were thinking at the moment was the matter of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Although it was said that this matter was decided by Laozi and Nuwa, But in fact, Nuwa is holding the emperor's supreme treasure Kongtong seal, and she can stand on her own as the emperor. Even if the saints want to stop it, they probably don't want to be contaminated with the great karma of the emperor's failure to return to the throne.

The saints couldn't help looking at Nuwa and Laozi, and before they could speak, Nuwa spoke first and said, "Fellow Taoists, I will discuss the teacher of the Human Emperor later, but this is the position of the Human Emperor, my brother Fuxi was robbed in the last calamity, leaving only a remnant soul in the world, the first human emperor among the three emperors belongs to my elder brother, what do you think?"

When the saints heard this, they were all silent, as if they had no intention of objecting, but Houtu was different, the Lich fought, and the ancestor witches all died in battle. Now that Fuxi was going to be reincarnated, of course she would not agree, so she immediately He opened his mouth to object: "Nuwa, Fuxi is the emperor of the monster race, how can he become the emperor of the human race, the emperor of the human race should be a person of the human race, how can he act recklessly!"

After the saints heard this, their eyes lit up. If Fuxi borrowed the human emperor to return, wouldn't it strengthen the demon clan, and let the demon clan take away part of the luck of the human race? This is obviously inappropriate, so they all turned their eyes Looking at Nuwa, she seemed to be asking Nuwa for an explanation, which made Nuwa feel a little annoyed, and cast a bitter glance at Houtu.

Seeing that Nuwa had no intention of backing down, Lao Tzu said, "Friend Nuwa, the words of fellow Taoist Houtu are indeed reasonable. The matter of the emperor is no small matter. If you insist on going your own way, it may backfire. If the emperor cannot return to the throne At that time, Mo Daoyou will have to bear karma, and I am afraid it will implicate Fuxi Daoist, please think twice."

Nuwa's heart tightened when she heard Laozi's words. Laozi's words were not unreasonable, but she was really unwilling to let her give up such a great opportunity to make her brother return from calamity, so she was in a dilemma. At the same time, a figure came from the picture of Shanhe Sheji on Nuwa's body: "After reincarnation, there will be no more Fuxi of the demon race, only Fuxi of the human race."

Hearing this voice, Nuwa's complexion immediately changed, and so did the saints. They never expected that Fuxi would have such an awareness and would give up his identity as Emperor Xihuang of the Yaozu, but they didn't know Fuxi's real thoughts. Lost the body of the ancestral witch, did she just abandon the witch clan?The same is true for Fuxi, but in the future there will be an extra responsibility for the human race.

Since Fuxi said so, the saints naturally have no objection, and only Houtu is still unwilling, but obviously this is beyond her control. After all, she has nothing to do with the establishment of the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, but Houtu does. She didn't intend to give up, she already had a plan in her heart, and what she lacked now was just a suitable time and a suitable person.

The matter of Nuwa has been finished, and the next step is to discuss the matter of the emperor's teacher, but before the saints can speak, Di Jun said: "Friend Nuwa, Fuxi is the emperor of the three emperors. , that poor Taoist also wants to seek the position of a human emperor, and fellow Daoist Hongyun also has a remnant soul alive, who can be called the emperor of the three emperors, how about the friendship?"

As soon as Di Jun said this, the faces of the saints changed immediately. They finally understood how Di Jun got the Book of Earth from Zhen Yuanzi. Di Jun was really good at calculating the deal he made. Obviously, he calculated early on that the human race had great merit to do, and proposed it on the occasion of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Yuan Shi Tianzun snorted coldly when he heard it, and immediately said: "Di Jun, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race are a big deal, how can you do it by yourself? Fuxi is the elder brother of Nuwa Taoist friend, and the human race was created by Nuwa Taoist friend. It is also possible for Fuxi to become the emperor of the human race." It's justifiable, what merits does Hong Yun have for the human race, to be able to become the emperor of the human race?"

Although Hongyun's becoming the emperor of the earth has no effect on the saints, but Dijun wants to use this to complete the agreement with Zhen Yuanzi, the saints obviously will not let him do so, anyway, they have a relationship with Dijun Nervous, naturally you don't have to be polite, as long as you can hit Di Jun without hurting their interests, they will not be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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