Chapter 275
Di Jun glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun, snorted softly, and said coldly: "Oh? Yuanshi, do you think I'm asking for your opinion? This Hongyun's position as Emperor of the Earth is about to be decided, I want to see if you have any If you have the guts to prevent the emperor from returning to the throne, and if you want to say that, all the disciples under your sect are as cheap as ants, so what qualifications do you have to be the teacher of the emperor?"

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard Di Jun's words, his face suddenly showed anger. This is because he didn't take Yuanshi Tianzun seriously at all, and even demoted his disciples to nothing, leaving no room for him. Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but said angrily: Hmph! The matter of the emperor is not something that you, Emperor Jun, can decide, and this matter has to be decided by the elder brother and fellow Taoist Nuwa."

After hearing this, Di Jun couldn't help but sneered, just now when Lao Tzu was vying to be in charge of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, you Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say anything to help, but now you think of Lao Tzu, is it useful?Besides, Nuwa is still a sage of the monster race, and the Emperor's Supreme Treasure was obtained with the help of Di Jun. How could she object to what Di Jun said? Yuanshi Tianzun thinks highly of himself too.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Laozi, but found that Laozi closed his eyes and said nothing, which made him even more angry, complaining that Laozi didn't help him, but he didn't think that he didn't support Laozi just now, this is the character of Yuanshi Tianzun , with one heart for himself, although he has been sanctified, there are still flaws in his character. After all, he is a saint who is achieved by merit, not by himself.

At this time, Zhunti, who had been silent all this time, also spoke: "Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, fellow Daoist Hongyun, has a kind nature and a good relationship in the wild, and his friend Zhen Yuanzi helped the human race when they were in distress in the past. As the so-called good cause and good fruit, there is nothing wrong with fellow Daoist Zhenyuan creating good causes and fellow Daoist Hongyun accepting the good fruit, so why should fellow Daoist Yuanshi do this?"

When Zhunti opened his mouth, the expressions of all beings changed slightly, while Di Jun smiled lightly. He naturally understood the reason. After all, Zhunti still had a karmic relationship with Hongyun, so he naturally wanted to speak for Hongyun. Only Hongyun turned around. After returning from the robbery, the quasi-provider has time to repay the cause and effect, otherwise, he can only rely on merit to eliminate the cause and effect.

The power of cause and effect is mysterious and inexplicable, just like Zhunti and Hongyun. It is not that Hongyun will end there when he dies. Karma will always be entangled in Zhunti. Unless he resolves it with merit, it will always exist, like the holy throne. Great cause and effect will even affect Zhunti's future practice. If you want to forcibly resolve it, you will need a lot of merit.

Nuwa glanced at Di Jun, and then said, "Of course, I have no objection to what Fellow Daoist Di Jun said. Fellow Daoist Hongyun was originally a guest of Zixiao, and he once obtained the Primordial Purple Qi. It's a pity that he didn't get along with him at the time. It’s not wrong to end up now, and to borrow the position of Emperor Ren to return from calamity, I don’t know how Taiqing Dao’s friendship will be?”

Laozi heard that Nuwa asked him, so he opened his eyes. He naturally felt Yuanshi Tianzun's gaze, but he didn't pay attention. After pondering for a moment, he said, "This matter is feasible, and Pindao has no objections."

As soon as Laozi opened his mouth, Yuanshi Tianzun felt even more aggrieved, complaining that Laozi did not speak for him, and the Master Tongtian and Jieyin on the side naturally had no objections, Houtu's expression changed, but he didn't say much, on the contrary Zhunti was a little happy, and even said: "If Hongyun is the emperor of the Three Emperors, Pindao is willing to be his teacher and help him return from calamity."

When the saints heard this, they were all silent. How wise they are, they naturally understood Zhunti's intentions, but they didn't say anything to stop them. Although Zhunti would use this matter to spread Western teachings among the human race, the main purpose was to end the incident. The cause and effect between him and Hongyun, it is precisely because of this that the saints did not speak out against it, but they did not agree either.

Seeing this, Zhun Ti showed a hint of anxiety on his face. This is a great opportunity for him to settle the karma with Hong Yun. If he misses this opportunity, he may not have another good opportunity to end the karma with Hong Yun in the future. Could it be that he If it is really necessary to use merit to resolve cause and effect, then Zhun Ti is really reluctant, after all, merit is not something that can be obtained just by thinking.

Jieyin looked at the expressions of Laozi and Nuwa, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Taiqing, Fellow Daoist Nvwa, Junior Brother Poor Daoist and Fellow Daoist Hongyun all have karma, and this time the younger brother also intends to use this to end this karma. I would also like to ask you two fellow Taoists to complete the teachings of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, my western sect only needs this one, what do you guys think?"

As soon as Jieyin opened his mouth, both Laozi and Nuwa said "good", and the rest of the sages had no objection, even the Yuanshi Tianzun who was unwilling, did not object. To speak out against it would undoubtedly offend the Second Saint of the West, and the gain outweighed the loss, so the matter was naturally settled in this way.

At this time, Di Jun also said: "Fellow Taoist Nuwa, fellow Taoist Fuxi reincarnated as the Human Emperor. Dao will ask my benevolent Taoist Jinwu to help him return from calamity and achieve the position of emperor, how about friendship?"

When Nuwa heard it, she naturally had no objection, and the other saints did not object. Speaking of which, if Fuxi was the emperor of the human race, his teacher would indeed be a hot potato. There is also something wrong, wouldn't that mean that Nuwa is simply a generation shorter, and the saints are nice, and the saints obviously don't want to do this kind of thing that offends Nuwa.

But Dijun is different. Dijun is the demon emperor of the demon clan, and Fuxi is the emperor of the demon clan. It couldn't be more appropriate, Nuwa has no objection, and the saints naturally won't object, after all, Nuwa holds the Emperor's Supreme Treasure, it is really unwise to offend her.

Two of the masters of the Human Emperor have gone, and there are six remaining. This is naturally the target of the three Qings. As for Houtu and Taiyi, it is obvious that there is no need to think about it. Now that Taiyi is focused on seclusion, how can he have the time to take care of the Human Emperor's affairs? , and Hou Tu is a sage of the Wu clan, and lives in the underworld, so it is useless to ask for the teacher of the Human Emperor, but she has some thoughts about the position of the Human Emperor.

Yuanshi Tianzun left only one teacher of the Three Emperors, so he was the first to speak: "Brother, fellow Taoist Nuwa, under the poor Taoist sect, there are twelve golden immortals, all of whom are outstandingly talented and can be teachers of the emperor. For the remaining six masters of the Human Sovereign, I will only take the last of the Three Sovereigns and the first of the Five Sovereigns, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled faintly in his heart, and only took the two masters of the Emperor?Yuanshi Tianzun really said this, the last one of the three emperors has the greatest merit, and he asked for the best one as soon as he opened his mouth, and he also asked for a teacher of the five emperors, which is no one!
(End of this chapter)

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