Chapter 284
During the 810th year of Fuxi's reign, the leaders of the major tribes of the human race were recruited to Chendu to participate in the Renhuang's abdication ceremony. This was undoubtedly the top priority of the human race. The method of growing five grains has completely solved the problem of lack of food for the human race, and its reputation has soared in a short time.

During the few years that Shennong followed Fuxi, he also began to slowly accept the things of the human race. Fuxi was very satisfied with his actions, and gradually gained the support of the human race. With this reputation, Shennong is of course qualified to inherit the title of co-owner Otherwise, the leaders of the human race would not have rushed to Chendu to witness the abdication ceremony of the co-lord of the human race.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has come to the day when the abdication ceremony will be held. The patriarchs of the major tribes of the human race have basically rushed to Chendu to participate in this grand ceremony of the human race. The high platform for offering sacrifices to the sky intends to abdicate the position of co-lord of the human race to the Shennong family on this altar.

After everything was ready, the ceremony did not start here, because there were still people who had not yet arrived. Only Taoist Jinwu came with a rainbow, and Taoist Bodhi also came with a cloud. Of course, this was just the beginning, and then the purple energy came from the east. Auspicious clouds are all over the sky, which is a sign of the saint's travel. How can the saints not come to the emperor's abdication ceremony.

Dijun and Nuwa were the first to arrive. Fuxi was about to become enlightened and returned after a catastrophe. How could they not come early, especially Nuwa, Fuxi was her elder brother, how could she neglect her? As for Taiyi, Now that he has been in seclusion for a long time, he will basically not show up unless he gets rid of his obsession or it is a matter of life and death.

Followed by Sanqing, Sanqing has not yet broken up. Although they each have their own dojos, it does not prevent them from communicating with each other. It is normal for them to come together. The Shennong family in the present day is the Zhunti Shanshi Bodhi Patriarch who is responsible for the extradition, so they naturally want to come to show the western atmosphere.

I saw bursts of Sanskrit sounds when the reception and quasi-mention arrived, which made everyone intoxicated. The eyes looking at the two saints in the west seemed to become more pious and yearning, and even some human races were addicted to it, and it was difficult for them to listen to it. Extricating himself, he wished he could immediately join the sect of the Second Saint of the West. This was exactly the reaction that Jieyin and Zhunti wanted.

Seeing this, Dijun, Nuwa and Sanqing couldn't help showing a hint of displeasure on their faces, and they all let out a cold snort, which directly broke the Sanskrit voices of the Second Saints of the West, freeing everyone from their obsession and regaining their sobriety. Seeing this, Jieyin and Zhunti seemed to have nothing to do with them, and their expressions did not change at all.

Just when the grand ceremony was about to start, another burst of purple air suddenly came from the east. Seeing this, Emperor Jun and the saints could not help showing a trace of doubt and surprise on their faces. It will come, which is really a bit surprising. As for the purpose of Houtu's visit, the saints have no way of knowing, but Di Jun understands a little bit.

Houtu has gained the emperor's purple aura, and she can support Jiuli to compete for the third emperor's position in a fair manner. At this moment, she came to watch the ceremony to pave the way for the battle of the emperor, at least to show her face in front of the human race , in order to support Jiuli's superior position, of course, she also has another purpose, which is to investigate Di Jun's plan.

Back then, in order to obtain the emperor's purple energy, Hou Tu promised Di Jun to let his evil corpse and self corpse enter the six reincarnations for a period of time, but now she suddenly found that Di Jun's two corpses that had entered the six reincarnations had disappeared, which made Empress Tu was naturally shocked. Unless he was reincarnated, he would never escape her investigation. Did Di Jun let his two corpses reincarnate?

This matter is unknown, and Houtu didn't think too much about it, because the abdication ceremony officially started, I saw Fuxi dragging Shennong onto the high platform, and said loudly: "The way of heaven is above, there is a human race named Fuxi, who has become the co-lord of hundreds of human races." In the past year, I have worked hard to govern, and now my merits and virtues have been completed, so I specially hand over the position of co-lord of the human race to the great sage Shennong of the human race, and the way of heaven will learn from it!"

At the same time, Nuwa also took out the Kongtong seal, threw it into the air, and said softly: "The way of heaven is above, and there is Fuxi, the co-lord of the human race, who educates the human race and relieves suffering. Now he has completed his merits and virtues, and he should be established as a human race." The emperor of the three emperors, enjoy the worship of the human race, and get the luck of the world, and learn from the way of heaven! Human emperor, stand!"

In an instant, there was thunder rolling from the nine heavens, and countless celestial virtues descended from the sky, and then one was divided into three, eight became Fuxi's, one became Emperor Junshan's corpse Jinwu Taoist, and one percent went to Hetu Luoshu. At the same time, Numerous purple qi also emerged from the Kongtong seal, and then poured into Fuxi's body together, and Fuxi's cultivation level improved rapidly.

At the same time, the eyes of Dijun and Taoist Jinwu showed a bright light, and Dijun threw the Qiankun cauldron directly into the air, and the powerful power of Qiankun immediately filled the entire void, as if something had been suppressed. At this time, Taoist Jinwu suddenly transformed into Changhong and rushed directly into Fuxi's body, not even absorbing the merits from that day.

With such a startling change, the expressions of the saints immediately changed greatly. None of them thought that Di Jun would make such a big commotion at this time, and even shot at Fuxi, which made Nuwa's expression change drastically. Although they didn't know that Di Jun What exactly is she doing, and why is she doing it, but she will never allow anyone to destroy Fuxi's chance.

Just as Nuwa was about to make a move, she shot a long rainbow out of Fuxi's body, and it fell directly into Dijun's body. Then Dijun waved his hand, and the Qiankun Cauldron was taken back directly, as if nothing had happened, and Fuxi didn't seem to be affected either. Regardless of any influence, the cultivation base is still improving rapidly, but it is strange that the heavenly merits that should have belonged to Taoist Jinwu actually dissipated directly into the heaven and earth.

Not only that, there was also a burst of breath fluctuations in Dijun's body. All the saints knew this breath very well. It is definitely not a small matter, otherwise the merits of the heavenly dao that were about to be acquired would not be dissipated.

Seeing that Fuxi was fine, Nuwa didn't make a move either. She glanced at Di Jun meaningfully, with a trace of doubt and thought flashing in her eyes. She was obviously guessing what Di Jun had done. At that moment, all the saints felt the fleeting power of heaven, which only exists when the way of heaven descends.

As the breath around him calmed down, Di Jun's face showed a pale color, but his eyes showed a hint of excitement and excitement. Although this time was extremely risky and the loss was quite huge, compared to the gains, Di Jun thinks that these are nothing, there are gains and losses, and the whole life is to wander between gains and losses.

(End of this chapter)

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