Chapter 285
All the saints looked at Dijun's changes with solemn expressions. Although it was only a moment ago, they felt quite clearly the fleeting Tianwei. It's a pity that it happened so suddenly. Dijun Not only did he make a move at that moment, but he also messed up the secret, and the unprepared saints didn't even know what Di Jun did.

But all the sages understand that something that can be valued by Di Jun is absolutely extraordinary, and it even attracts the way of heaven, so they care even more. It's a pity that the power of heaven comes and goes quickly, and Di Jun seems to consume the way of heaven. The payment of merit blocked Tianwei, if not, perhaps they could also see something in Di Jun and his good corpse.

Among all the saints, Nuwa is the only one who doesn't care too much. No matter what Dijun is planning, it is impossible to hurt the demon clan and her interests. If they are invited out, their interests are destined to be tied together. The stronger Dijun is, the more beneficial it will be for her and the entire Yaozu.

But the rest of the saints don't think so. Dijun has always been a big worry in their eyes. If it wasn't for Dijun's astonishing means and the discord among the saints, they are not sure that he will kill him with one blow, otherwise they would have already died Let's do it, of course, even if it succeeds, the price they have to pay is probably not something they can bear.

Zhunti looked at Dijun for a long time before he said: "Fellow Daoist Dijun, I don't know why you made a move just now. It’s not a joke, the Human Sovereign is fundamentally related to the human race, how can fellow Daoists act recklessly, it’s really too reckless.”

When Dijun heard Zhunti's words, he couldn't help but sneer. Zhunti's remark was really an act of punishment. Firstly, he wanted to find out what Dijun did just now, and secondly, he wanted to provoke the relationship between him and Nuwa. , Third, sent him to the opposite side of the human race. The seemingly caring words were actually harboring evil intentions, but this was also in line with Zhunti's behavior style.

Di Jun glanced at Zhunti coldly, and said lightly: "What did this emperor do, is it necessary to tell you? As for the emperor who is in danger, that is even more impossible. Fuxi is an old friend of this emperor, how could this emperor harm you?" He, but you, bewitching the human race with supernatural powers is really a shame for the saints, if all Western religions are like this, then it is better not to preach in the human race, so as not to cause harm to all generations."

Zhunti couldn't help but change his face when he heard Di Jun's words. Di Jun's way of speaking was still so straightforward and merciless. Everyone who heard Di Jun's words couldn't help but change their expressions. Respectful, but faintly guarded, Zhunti couldn't help being annoyed. The next thing Shennong came to the throne, if the whole human race is like this, how can they spread Western religion.

Seeing Di Jun's embarrassment, and causing the people to reject the Western religion, Sanqing couldn't help but feel a little happy, but the connection here, they are more concerned about what Di Jun did just now, if they don't know this One point, it is really hard to rest assured, after all, Di Jun's methods have always been ground-breaking, and people have to guard against them.

At this time, Fuxi has absorbed all the merits of the emperor, and his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage, which is a step higher than before. As for the two thoughts of good and evil, he only needs to be entrusted with innate things to quickly kill him. Go, and at this moment Fuxi has also recovered the memory of his previous life, and his companion Lingbao Fuxiqin also fell from the sky and fell into Fuxi's hands. Fuxi played the piano and said: "My name is Fuxi!"

There were too many emotions in the sound, Nuwa heard it, and she also showed a little sadness, but at this moment, Lao Tzu suddenly said: "Fuxi Taoist friend, since you have proved the human emperor, you should suppress luck for the human race. Don't stay in the mortal world for too long, and invite fellow Taoists to Huoyun Cave to suppress luck for the human race, and don't take it lightly if there is no major event."

Nuwa's expression immediately changed when she heard it. Laozi's words seemed to be for the sake of the human race, but in fact he was harboring evil intentions. In this way, Fuxi was imprisoned in Huoyun Cave in disguise, so what freedom is there? Nuwa immediately retorted: "Taiqing Daoist friend, this statement is wrong. Fuxi has already proved himself as the emperor, so he should be in charge of the human race."

After Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he also supported Lao Tzu and said: "Sister Nuwa, the human race's spirit is fluctuating now, and there are a lot of human races who can suppress the fate of the human race. This is the perfect strategy. Fuxi Daoist is now the king of the people, and he also has the potential to be the peak of the quasi-sage." Cultivation should be for the sake of the human race, sitting in the Huoyun Cave, suppressing the fate of the human race forever, so that nothing will happen."

When Nuwa heard this, her complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. Obviously, Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun must let Fuxi sit in Huoyun Cave and suppress luck for the human race, so they will give up. He retorted, as for the two sages of the West and Hou Tu, they were also watching the play from the sidelines, and had no intention of opening their mouths at all.

At this time, Di Jun said abruptly: "Fellow Daoist Taiqing, Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, are you going to imprison the Emperor?"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun changed drastically. Although what Di Jun said was what they thought in their hearts, Di Jun said it directly in front of many human races without any scruples. What do they think? , although the human race is as cheap as ants in their eyes, but now they have to pay attention to these ants.

Seeing the eyes of the leaders of the clan looking at him, the faces of Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but change. Yuanshi Tianzun immediately retorted: "Di Jun, you are messing around. When did my elder brother and I have such a meaning? For the sake of the human race, if the Human Sovereign does not suppress the luck for the human race, what if the luck of the human race is in turmoil?"

Di Jun smiled lightly and said, "Human Race Luck? It's a high-sounding reason, but it's not enough to imprison the Human Emperor. Let's not say that Huoyun Cave is the cave of Hongyun Patriarch. It's just to suppress Human Race's luck. What's so difficult about that, Fellow Daoist Nuwa has the Emperor's Supreme Treasure Kongtong Seal in his hand, with the cultivation of Fellow Daoist Nuwa, plus this treasure, it is enough to suppress the luck of the human race, so why bother."

At this time, Jieyin also said: "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun is right. Fellow Daoist Taiqing and Fellow Daoist Yuanshi are really inappropriate. The emperor can live in the ancestral land of the human race, and he can also suppress the luck of the human race." , when the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are consummated, plus there are nuwa Taoists who suppress the luck of the human race with the Kongtong seal, the luck of the human race will naturally be worry-free."

Seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but look very ugly, but he didn't know how to refute it, and Lao Tzu didn't continue to see this, because he saw the expressions of the leaders of the human race. , disregarding the wishes of the human race, so he said: "Everyone's words are reasonable, so I will follow what you say."

(End of this chapter)

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