Chapter 286
Lao Tzu chose to back down, and Yuanshi Tianzun naturally stopped talking. Although he had a hundred unwillingness in his heart, he was alone. Even if he spoke, Di Jun, Nu Wa and others would not let him do what he wanted. It was a slap in the face of Lao Tzu. After all, the Three Purities are one, and Yuanshi Tianzun didn't want to offend Lao Tzu, so he had to give up.

Seeing this, Nuwa's face suddenly showed a gleam of joy. In this way, Fuxi was free. However, Nuwa was a little puzzled that it was normal for Dijun to help her, but Zhunti unexpectedly also Willing to speak up, this not only offends Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, but also seems to be of no benefit to him.

However, this Emperor Jun seems to be very normal. Although whether Fuxi is free or not has nothing to do with Zhunti, the next Shennong family will be different. If Fuxi has to sit in the Huoyun Cave to suppress the luck of the human race, then the Shennong family will also do the same , Shennong is the reincarnation of Hongyun, and Zhunti helped him achieve Taoism in order to understand the cause and effect between him and Hongyun, so he did not speak to help Fuxi, but to help himself.

At this point, Zhunsheng also left one after another. Di Jun took a look at Nuwa and Fuxi, and returned to the ancient starry sky after saying goodbye. Nuwa looked at Fuxi and said, "Brother, now you have recovered. Why don't you follow me to live in Wahuangtian, so that you can clean up and consolidate your current cultivation, how about it?"

Fuxi shook his head slightly, and said, "Sister, there's no need. Now that I am the Emperor of the Human Race, I naturally have to go to the Ancestral Land of the Human Race to meet the Third Patriarch of the Human Race. After I have retreated and stabilized my cultivation, I will go to the Wahuang Heaven to see you. Now that I have recovered my former cultivation, although I cannot live forever, I still shine with the sun and the moon, and there will be a long time to come."

Seeing this, Nu Wa didn't say much, and after riding the five-colored golden phoenix, she flew towards Emperor Wa's sky, and Fuxi glanced at Shennong beside her, and said, "Imperial brother, you are so good at governing the human race. I am waiting for you in the ancestral land of the human race."

After all, Fuxi rode on the five-virtuous unicorn and rode away on the cloud. Seeing this, the Shennong clan and all the clans worshiped and sent them off one after another. Since then, the human race has entered the era of the Shennong clan.

In the ancient starry sky, Ziwei Star, on the top floor of Wanling Pavilion,

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Di Jun immersed himself in one of the three human flowers. Looking at the good corpse Jinwu Taoist inside, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face. The Jinwu Taoist at this moment seems to be a little different from before However, it seems impossible to say exactly where they are different, but judging by the look on Di Jun's face, it is obvious that their plan was successful.

The so-called law against fate is to change fate against the sky, and what is changed is the fate of the three corpses. In this prehistoric world, there are countless creatures, but no matter what kind of creatures they are, they all have their own destiny at the beginning. Jun's destiny is the honor of the demon emperor. This place is like a special kind of heaven and earth karma, which cannot be avoided. This is what fate shows.

Di Jun didn't notice this at first, but when Taoist Jinwu saw the reincarnated Fuxi, he realized the possibility that he couldn't comprehend Hunyuan, that is, he didn't have his own fate. Now proving the Dao Hunyuan, you can't get rid of the prehistoric world. The biggest reason for this is because of your destiny.

When Emperor Jun proved Hunyuan, he once felt a special breath, and when Fuxi proved the way, he once again felt the existence of that breath, which is the most mysterious place in the prehistoric world, fate The long river, which gathers the power of destiny of all the prehistoric beings, is why once the prehistoric is destroyed, all living beings will also perish.

Dijun originally thought that he would be able to transcend the prehistoric world by proving the Dao of Hunyuan, but now it seems that he took it for granted. Among them, he is not really detached, but Di Jun is a little surprised, the river of fate does not seem to be under the control of heaven.

The existence of the River of Destiny is more like a manifestation of the prehistoric will. It coexists with the Dao of Heaven, but they cannot interfere with each other. Not small, in addition to the one adult emperor's merit that originally belonged to Taoist Jinwu, Di Jun also gave a tenth of the merit accumulated before.

You know, since Di Jun was born, the merits he has obtained have been accumulated all the time and have never been used. If there is a majestic purple energy, Di Jun can completely become a saint by virtue of these heavenly merits. One, even Di Jun felt a little distressed, but it was worth it in exchange for the possibility of Taoist Jinwu proving the Hunyuan.

Taoist Jinwu is a handsome and good corpse of the emperor. Although he is no different from ordinary creatures, he has not formed his own destiny. Fuxi was originally the emperor Xihuang of the demon clan, which is also his destiny. It was discovered that Fuxi was still the fate of Xihuang of the Yaozu, but it was broken. If so, how could Fuxi become the Emperor of Human Beings.

Soon, Taoist Jinwu thought of the key point, that is, in the process of proving the Daoist Emperor, Fuxi is likely to change his fate. Taoist Jinwu can inject his own breath into the long river of fate, and condense his own destiny once and for all.

It's just that this move is really against the sky. After all, Taoist Jinwu is just the good corpse of Emperor Jun. If he has his own destiny, he is equivalent to an independent creature. Although he is still under the control of Emperor Jun, he has infinite possibilities. How could the law of heaven allow such an act of changing fate against the sky, it would naturally stop it, but it's a pity that Dijun and Taoist Jinwu had merits to protect their bodies, so they used merits to offset the punishment of heaven.

Now Taoist Jinwu already has his own aura in the long river of fate, and he can try to comprehend Hunyuan cultivation base only by condensing his fate, but whether this will help Taoist Jinwu prove Hunyuan, Di Jun is not fully sure , but even if it is only a [-]% chance, Di Jun will try at all costs. Anyway, the merits of heaven are not of much use to him.

However, the attack of Dijun and Taoist Jinwu this time may have attracted the attention of the saints. If you want to do this next time, you will definitely be discovered by the saints. At that time, Dijun will change the secret of the three corpses Then it will be completely understood by the saints. If you repeat it again and again, it may be difficult to do it again and again, but Di Jun has other arrangements for this.

(End of this chapter)

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