The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 287 Shennong tastes the grass

Chapter 287 Shennong Tastes Herbs

According to Di Jun's guess, if the three corpses want to prove Hunyuan, they must inject their aura into the long river of fate. When the karma is formed, the river of fate will appear for an instant, and that is the best time for the three corpses to inject their breath into the river of fate.

Although I don't know whether this method can help the three corpses to prove the Hunyuan, but whenever there is a chance, Di Jun will naturally try it. Of course, the long river of fate makes Di Jun care more than this, he is more concerned about how to get his breath out of it. Take out the long river of fate, so that you can truly transcend the prehistoric times, and even if immeasurable catastrophe befalls in the future, Emperor Jun will have no worries.

But now the prehistoric way of heaven is powerful, and the power of the river of fate is extremely terrifying. Just because Taoist Jinwu injected his own breath into it, Di Jun and Taoist Jinwu have been backlashed by the power of the river of fate. , that is obviously no less than a mortal ascending to the sky, even with Di Jun's current cultivation, he dare not act hastily.

Now Dijun can only wait for the opportunity, if the three corpses can inject their breath into the long river of fate, so as to condense the rest of their own fate, and then prove the Hunyuan, then Dijun can give it a try , not only to take out one's own luck, but also to remove the breath of the three corpses entering the long river of fate.

In Di Jun's view, the river of fate seems to restrict the development of existences like the three corpses, so his three corpses want to inject their breath into the river of fate, but if they can really prove the Hunyuan, then it belongs to them. Naturally, the breath must be retrieved, and the long river of fate is just a transition, an opportunity for the three corpses to prove the Hunyuan.

This time the law of rebellion has not been seen by the saints, but it may not be the next time, but Di Jun is not worried that this method will be learned by the saints. I am afraid that only Di Jun has the strength to do so in the wild Well, the rest of the people either have the strength but can't implement it, or they can do it but don't have the strength.

The saints obviously belong to the former, and those like Zhen Yuanzi belong to the latter, but for people like Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He, let alone the three corpses proving the Dao of Hunyuan, it is just their own proving of Dao Hunyuan. Yuan Ye is still an unknown, so naturally he would not expect this method. As for the saints, they are subject to the way of heaven, how could the way of heaven let them do this.

Sensing the change in Taoist Jinwu's aura, Di Jun's eyes showed a hint of anticipation. Don't let him down after so much effort wasted!After all, Di Jun is now putting all his eggs in one basket. Although he doesn't know whether this method can really make the three corpses touch the Hunyuan threshold, it will take time to prove it, but Di Jun doesn't have the time to wait.

The three emperors and five emperors can only last for thousands of years. Di Jun must let the other two corpses inject his breath into the river of fate during this period. It's a great time, so Dijun must do it first. As for whether he can succeed, it depends on God's will.

After Shennong came to the throne, he began to promote the method of planting five grains with all his strength. With the spread of five grains throughout the human race, the human race bid farewell to the era of food shortage. To avoid losses, no matter how bad it is, the various tribes of the human race can also help each other.

As a result, the number of human races began to increase rapidly again. In the prehistoric territory occupied by the human race, their footprints became wider and wider, and the distance between the tribes also shortened a lot. It turns out that sometimes, there will be surplus food, so the human race began to exchange food with each other, and this was the original transaction.

After the food crisis was completely resolved, Shennong's prestige naturally soared, even surpassing Fuxi in the past. This made Patriarch Bodhi very pleased, and Zhunti and Jieying also took this opportunity to send disciples to the human race to preach , hoping to occupy some of the luck of the human race, strengthen the Western religion, and use this to rejuvenate the West.

It's a pity that the Western religion is not well-known in the East. Even though Patriarch Bodhi is the teacher of the Shennong family, there are many human races who don't buy it. There are really not many human races who join the Western religion, and most of the human races who join the Western religion are in the territory of the human race. Near the west, there are not many human races there, which makes Zhunti and Jieying really helpless, but they are also satisfied if they can do this.

In the process of governing the human race, the Shennong family gradually discovered a huge problem, that is, there are many plants in the wild, some of which are edible, but many of them are poisonous, and many human races often eat poisonous things by mistake. But getting sick, and even dying, made Shennong feel very worried, and this was exactly the second problem he thought about in the past.

So Shennong made a decision that shocked everyone, that is to test the poison with his body and taste all kinds of herbs, so as to distinguish which plants are edible and which are not. Not only that, he also hopes to pass this In order to find some medicinal materials that can cure the diseases of the human race, so as to save many human races who were suffering from illnesses and even died because of it.

Patriarch Bodhi was quite shocked when he learned of this. Although Shennong has become an immortal, there are many poisons in the prehistoric world. It can also kill them. Although Shennong's move is of great merit to the human race, it is also very dangerous.

But Patriarch Bodhi also knew that he could not stop Shennong, so he could only follow him secretly, so as to facilitate the treatment when Shennong was poisoned. However, Patriarch Bodhi was surprised that Shennong's physique seemed to be very special. Not only the innate body, but also the property of being invulnerable to all poisons, the toxicity will be absorbed by Shennong's body after a period of time, and it will become a tonic instead.

Ever since, in the process of tasting all kinds of herbs, Shennong's cultivation base is still growing rapidly, which surprised Patriarch Bodhi very much, but Patriarch Bodhi can rest assured that Shennong is fine. After success, Shennong's merits and virtues will be considered complete. At that time, Shennong's true spirit of the previous life will be restored, and the Bodhi ancestor will also be able to retire.

The prehistoric world is vast and there are countless plants. Shennong not only wanted to test its poisonous properties, but also tried its efficacy, and compiled it into a book so that it could be spread to the human race in the future. Naturally, this was time-consuming and labor-intensive, but Shennong's heart was firm. In thousands of years, ten thousand years, he must complete this move, which is a great merit for the benefit of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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