Chapter 291 Exposure
Seeing this, all the saints showed doubts on their faces, but then their expressions changed immediately, because they actually noticed the existence of another breath in Shennong's body, which seemed to appear out of thin air, and this breath The breath was also very familiar to them. When all the beings turned their heads, Qi Qi looked at the leisurely Di Jun beside him.

Seeing this, Di Jun didn't care, he had already expected this situation, his plan was completely exposed to the eyes of the saints at this moment, but he didn't care, anyway, his goal had been achieved. One of the virtues of his success dissipated between the heaven and the earth before it fell, and the aura of the virtues of the heavens also spread from Di Jun's body.

There is also the flashing Tianwei, which is almost the same as last time, except that it is different. Last time, Di Jun and Taoist Jinwu forced their shots, but this time, Di Jun actually chose to let his evil corpse eat Taoist hide In Shennong's body, he proclaimed himself a true spirit, concealed all auras, and successfully avoided the eyes and ears of the saints.

With the merits and virtues falling, Shennong's cultivation level increased rapidly. At the same time, a silver light shot out directly from Shennong's body, and then entered Dijun's body. Although the speed was fast, it did not escape the eyes of the saints. Jun's evil corpse devours Taoist Heaven, and what shocked the saints even more is that Taoist Devours Heaven has obviously become extraordinarily different.

Breath of fate!

The saints actually felt a trace of fate that should not belong to Taoist Heaven Devourer. Although the three corpses are almost like other creatures, the only difference is that they do not have their own destiny. The Human Sovereign was born, seeking the power of fate for his three corpses, which shocked and frightened all the saints.

Before the sanctification of the saints, there was no one in the prehistoric world except Hongjun who was his opponent. Even in the age of saints, Dijun's strength is still terrifying. He holds two innate treasures in his hands. Wushuang was even above the saints, which made the saints obviously very afraid of Di Jun, and his every move was under the attention of the saints.

Now that Emperor Jun was born with the help of the Human Emperor, when the river of fate appeared, Taoist Jin Wu and Taoist Devourer breathed their breath into the river of fate, so as to condense their own destiny. It is not difficult to guess that the three corpses of Emperor Jun have all reached the peak of quasi-sage, and there is obviously only one possibility for planning now.

That is to let the three corpses go one step further, and the corpses are mixed?Thinking of this, the saints couldn't help but gasp. Di Jun's plan is really shocking. He is not satisfied with proving the Hunyuan Dao himself, but wants the three corpses to also prove the Hunyuan Dao. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly extremely crazy, and at the same time, it also makes all the saints except Nuwa feel jealous.

And Nuwa was also shocked. She didn't expect Di Jun's picture to be so crazy, and she even had the idea of ​​a long river of fate. Now that Taoist Jin Wu and Taoist Devourer have obtained the chance to unite their fate, what is left is Only Dijun's own corpse is gone, if the three corpses of Dijun are really certified as Hunyuan, then the comeback of the monster clan will be just around the corner.

But now that everything has been exposed to the eyes of the saints, how could the saints not care about it? The Taoist Devourer proclaimed himself a true spirit, reincarnated with Hongyun's remnant soul, and used the body of Shennong to hide his traces. But now that the matter has been revealed, the first reaction of the saints is to check whether there is Dijun's self-dead body hidden in Xuanyuan's body.

After all, there are already two of Dijun's three corpses, and the saints are powerless to change, but they will never let Dijun's self-corpse successfully inject his breath into the long river of fate, as long as Dijun's self-corpse hides in Xuanyuan In Xuanyuan's body, there is absolutely no way to escape under the investigation of the saints, but the strange thing is that there is no corpse of Emperor Jun's self in Xuanyuan's body.

The saints were very puzzled, did Di Jun know about this day, and didn't arrange for his own corpse to be hidden in the body of the emperor?But Houtu knew very well that Di Jun sent his evil corpse and his own corpse into the six realms of reincarnation together, and they had already left. Since the evil corpse was hidden in Shennong's body, so did his own corpse.

But since there was no trace of Di Jun's self-dead body in Xuanyuan's body, where did Di Jun's self-dead body go?Hou Tu was very puzzled in his heart, and with a thought, he also searched Chi You who was far away in Jiuli, but he also found no trace of Di Jun's own corpse, which was really strange. Could it be that Di Jun had other arrangements? ?
Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at Di Jun, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Di Jun is really a great handiwork. He actually used the birth of a human emperor to change the fate of his three corpses against the sky, condense their fate, and tried to mix Yuan Dao fruit in vain. It is really well-intentioned to force the merits to retreat from heaven, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes today, I’m afraid we would still be kept in the dark by fellow daoists, wouldn’t fellow daoists be afraid of heaven’s punishment?”

Di Jun snorted softly, and said coldly: "Hmph! What does the way of heaven have to do with me? I'm not a saint, and the way of heaven can't control me. So what if I change my life against the sky? We are cultivating the way and pursuing the supreme realm. Fighting for fate against the sky, if this emperor looks forward and backward, then he will be happy today, and now this emperor's plan has succeeded, although there are some flaws in the ointment, but it is enough."

a fly in the ointment?What Dijun was referring to was obviously a matter of condensing his own fate. Now that all the saints have discovered, it is obviously impossible to sit idly by. It is almost impossible for Dijun to succeed again. Is Dijun really here? Give up, the saints are not sure, true or false, false or true, no one dares to be careless.

And Houtu felt a little regretful at the moment. If Dijun's good and evil corpses really proved the Hunyuan Daoguo, it would obviously not be a good thing for her. His two corpses of good and evil were exchanged for the possibility of proving Hunyuan, which is obviously a big profit, not to mention that there is also a corpse of himself who does not know where it is. Hou Tu couldn't help but be terrified.

At this moment, Shennong also completely absorbed the merits of the Human Emperor from the Dao of Heaven, and his cultivation level was comparable to that of Fuxi, until he reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage. At the same time, a red gourd flew out of Zhen Yuanzi's hand and landed directly on Shennong's body Before that, Shennong picked up the gourd and laughed loudly: "Hahaha... my ancestor Hongyun is back again!!!"

When Hongyun came back from a catastrophe, Zhen Yuanzi was naturally overjoyed. Hong Yun put away the magic weapon of his previous life, the Nine-Nine Scattering Soul Gourd, then glanced at Di Jun and Zhen Yuanzi, and then said to Zhuang Tisheng, "Thank you, Zhunti!" You helped me to return from the catastrophe, the karma of the Zixiao Palace in the past has been wiped out, and the clouds and mist in the previous life have disappeared. In this life, I am the emperor of the human race, Shennong."

When Zhunti heard Shennong's words, he was naturally overjoyed, and his hard work was not in vain. The karma was over, and Zhunti felt a lot more relaxed. But he is still the old ancestor Hongyun, as long as his heart remains unchanged, he is still him, and his name is just a code name.

(End of this chapter)

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