Chapter 292 Reaction
After Shennong's enlightenment, he has recovered the disposition of the old ancestor Hongyun. He did not go directly to the ancestral land of the human race, nor did he return to his own Fire Cloud Cave. Instead, he returned to Wuzhuang Temple with Zhen Yuanzi. After many years , He missed Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit very much, and now that he returned from the robbery, he naturally wanted to taste it.

At the end of the abdication ceremony, Dijun and the saints also left one after another. Originally, the matter of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors had always been the most concerned of the saints. Compared with what Emperor Jun planned, what are the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors? If the emperor succeeds in one dynasty, perhaps the general trend of the prehistoric heaven will be affected or even changed.

As for the Xuanyuan clan, although he succeeded the co-lord of the human race, not all human tribes actually obeyed him. To achieve the status of Fuxi and Shennong clan, the Xuanyuan clan has a long way to go, but Xuanyuan clan has a long way to go. Shi is not discouraged, he believes that everything depends on human effort, and he will be able to convince all the races that he, the co-lord of the human race, exists.

On the other hand, at the same time that the Xuanyuan clan came to the throne, Chi You also began to prepare with great fanfare in Jiuli. Although Xuanyuan clan has succeeded to the position of the co-lord of the human race, his position is not yet stable. There is a great opportunity in front of him, if he can defeat the Xuanyuan clan in one fell swoop at this time, then the co-lord of the human race will definitely belong to Chi You.

The human race, which has been calm for a long time, will become turbulent again in a blink of an eye.

On the nine heavens, Dijun and Nuwa walked together. Nuwa looked at Dijun, pondered for a long time, and then said: "Daoist Dijun, this time you use the birth of the Three Emperors to change the fate of your three corpses against the sky, and unite your fate." Ge, I don’t know how sure you are that you can make your three corpses prove Hunyuan, after all, this matter has been known by all the saints, and you, as well as the entire monster clan, may become the target of public criticism.”

When Di Jun heard Nuwa's question, he smiled lightly and said softly: "I'm not sure, this is just an attempt. Even if there is only a slight possibility, I will not give up. As for Sanqing and others, they want to deal with it." I'm afraid it's not easy, and they may not be able to agree, the luck of the human race is enough to make them fall apart."

After Nuwa heard this, she sighed slightly in her heart. Dijun's madness is indeed incomparable. For the slightest possibility, he was able to attack Changhe of Destiny. He didn't like to spend a lot of heavenly merits for this, but it is true to say the least. In this way, even if there is only a slight possibility, it is indeed worth trying, but it is a pity that she is a saint and cannot practice the method of Emperor Jun, otherwise she may also be tempted.

But Nuwa suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Friend Dijun, back then you asked me for two pieces of Purple Qi from the Human Emperor, and one was given to Hong Yun, and the other should be the one on Chi You's body! Could it be that you and the Queen What kind of deal did the earth fail to achieve? If Chi You really wins the position of Human Emperor, I am afraid that the Wu Clan can also use the luck of the human race to recover a little bit of vitality, which does not seem to be of any benefit to us."

Di Jun smiled lightly and said: "That's true. I traded the Taoist emperor's purple energy with Houtu, so that my evil corpse and my own corpse can wander in the six realms of reincarnation, and the evil corpse is reincarnated with the red cloud. Otherwise, how can this be the case?" It’s easy to come into contact with the river of fate, as for Chi You and the Wu Clan, it’s okay, let them fight, it’s just a pity to use this to attract the ideas of the saints, so that they can act on their own.”

After hearing this, Nuwa was slightly taken aback. Hearing what Di Jun said, his self-corpse should also be the same as the evil corpse, so that he could proclaim himself a true spirit and be reincarnated with someone, but Xuanyuan and Chi You did not have it. where?Although she was puzzled, Nuwa didn't continue to ask. After all, it was related to Dijun's secret. Even if she asked, Dijun might not be able to tell.

After talking with Di Jun for a few words, Nu Wa headed towards her own Wa Huangtian, and Di Jun also returned to Ziwei Star. Now both the good and evil corpses have succeeded, and they can try to comprehend the chaotic world just waiting for the fate to form. Yuan Daoguo, success or failure, lies in this. As for the self-dead body, it has already been reincarnated now, and it only needs to wait for the person possessing the body to become a Taoist, and he will also succeed.

In Shouyang Mountain, after many years, the three Qings gathered again, and it was naturally for Dijun's business. Dijun's plot was too amazing. Originally, Dijun had already made them very afraid. If his three corpses were allowed to Proving the Dao of Hunyuan is even more serious. Don't forget, Yaozu also has Nuwa and Taiyi who may prove Dao at any time.

In all likelihood, Tai Yi followed the method of combining three corpses to prove the Tao and become a saint. Once sanctified, his strength would definitely surpass that of all saints. Coupled with Nuwa, by that time, the strength of the monster clan would definitely be the first in the wild, and Now, Di Jun is actually trying to make the three corpses testify to Hunyuan. If he really succeeds, even if Taiyi is not sanctified, it will be enough to make the saints fear or even fear.

The three Qings gathered together, and everyone was silent. In the end, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help it, and said first: "Brother, Dijun is planning a big plan now. If he succeeds, plus Nuwa, even if I am there Waiting for the three Qings to join forces, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it, big brother, how likely is it that the three corpses of Emperor Jun will prove the Dao Hunyuan?"

After pondering for a long time, Lao Tzu said: "I don't know about this matter. After all, I have never tried it, and I can't try it. But since Di Jun can act like this, he is obviously a little sure. Jun's character, even if there is only a slight possibility, he can't give up, now that his three corpses have become two, what worries Brother Wei most is the location of his own corpse."

Master Tongtian frowned slightly when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, what you mean is that Dijun's self-dead body is also like an evil corpse. Sister kept laughing, Xuanyuan and Chi You have been investigated by us, none of them, even the five emperors after that, it is difficult to escape our investigation, Di Jun obviously understands this, since this is the case, his self-death Where will it be arranged?"

Sanqing pondered for a long time, but did not think of any other possibility. Yuanshi Tianzun said: "No matter where Dijun's self-dead body is, we need to pay attention to it, lest Dijun take advantage of the loophole again. It's just that Dijun's successful two corpses of good and evil are also troublesome, even if his own corpse fails, there are still two corpses of good and evil, if they really prove the Hunyuan, it will be bad."

(End of this chapter)

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