The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 302 Xuanyuan Ruled the World

Chapter 302 Xuanyuan Ruled the World
In the underworld, Houtu's face became very ugly, his expression was calm, his anger was silent, and the murderous intentions around him were looming. The Master Tongtian suddenly intervened, and asked his eldest disciple Duobao to break Chi You's Xuanyin formation with the pure white lotus , so that the situation of the battle was reversed in an instant, and Xuanyuan's side that was about to lose suddenly became the side that was about to win.

Although Houtu is no longer an ancestral witch, her personality has never changed. Even though she is the mildest of the twelve ancestral witches, compared to other ancestral witches, she was the one who shot in Duobao. At that moment, Houtu couldn't help but wanted to make a move. How could Houtu not be angry when Sanqing teamed up to target her in the battle between the emperors.

But Houtu still didn't make a move after all. It wasn't that she endured it, but that at the moment when her murderous intent appeared, three auras locked on her at the same time. She naturally understood that the origin of these three auras must be the Sanqing The reason for this, although the one who assisted the Xuanyuan family this time was to explain and teach, but the friendship between the three Qings has not been broken, and they are still one, so how could they let the later soil do it.

At this moment, Houtu felt that she was really weak. If she had someone to help, the outcome of this battle of emperors would definitely not be like this. Now that Chi You's defeat is certain, and there is no way to recover, Houtu can only choose to give up , If you continue to fight desperately, you will only lose more, and now the Wu Clan can't afford any losses.

On the Zhuolu battlefield, Jiufeng, Fengbo, Yushi and others decisively began to organize the retreat of the Wu clan forces after receiving the sound transmission from Houtu, but Chi You did not move a single inch. Seeing this, Jiufeng couldn't help saying : "Brother Chiyou, the Houtu ancestor witch has ordered me to retreat, you don't have to continue to fight, there may be a day of comeback in the future."

After Chi You heard this, he smiled sadly: "Really? This battle started because of me, and I should end it. This is the end. Although I, Chi You, am powerless, I will not choose to escape. Sister Jiufeng, you should return quickly!" Millions of mountains, if there is a destiny, maybe there will be a day to meet again in the future, and then, let me end this war!"

When Jiufeng heard it, he wanted to say something, but suddenly he remembered Houtu's voice transmission in his mind: "Jiufeng, come back quickly! As for Chiyou, since he has made up his mind, let him go ! His fate is undecided, and there may be other chances, life and death, dependent origin and extinction, the way of heaven is impermanent, who can calculate everything!"

Seeing this, Jiufeng glanced at Chi You, gritted his teeth, and led Feng Bo, Yu Shi, and those witch warriors from the millions of mountains to leave, while Chi You fought hard, blocking Xuanyuan and Chan Teaching everyone bought some time for Jiufeng and the others to leave, but they were outnumbered, and Chi You was eventually captured by Xuanyuan and the others.

Although Chi You was captured alive by the Xuanyuan family and the disciples of Chanjiao, how to deal with it is still a problem. After all, behind Chiyou stood the sage of Houtu and the entire Wu clan. Although the disciples of Chanjiao were arrogant by nature, they did not want to offend Houtu because of it The saint, so he simply handed over Chi You to the Xuanyuan clan, after all, the Xuanyuan clan is the co-lord of the human race.

Although Xuanyuan didn't know much about Honghuang, he also knew about the deeds of Houtu sages, so he didn't kill them all. He just cut off Chi You's head and limbs, and sealed them in six places together with his body. As for Chi You's Yuanshen was sealed in the Tiger Soul Knife, and the Tiger Soul Knife was sealed in another place. In this way, there is still a possibility for Chi You to return.

After the defeat of Jiuli, the Xuanyuan clan did not choose to kill them all, but treated the Jiuli clan leniently, allowing them to return to the land of the Jiuli clan to recuperate. In this way, the Xuanyuan clan can be considered to have completely quelled the war in the human race, and its reputation has greatly increased.

Seeing this, the leaders of the human race who were waiting to see this also went to Chendu to meet with the Xuanyuan family to express their willingness to contribute. Although the Xuanyuan family still did not make any respectable contributions to the human race, he had the support of saints to explain his teachings. After assisting and defeating Chi You, naturally no one dared to challenge the Xuanyuan clan anymore, and the Xuanyuan clan's position as the co-lord of the human race was completely secured.

Since then, the human race has entered the era of the Xuanyuan clan.

After quelling the war, the Xuanyuan clan began to implement their own policies on a large scale among the human race. First of all, it was to divide the territory, ending the era when the human race did not know the geography and did not divide the territory. According to the Xuanyuan clan's policy, eight families belong to one well, and three wells belong to one Neighbors, three neighbors are one friend, three friends are one mile, five miles are one city, ten cities are capitals, ten capitals are one division, ten divisions are states, and there are always nine states.

Kyushu is for Ji, Yu, Yong, Yang, Yan, Xu, Liang, Qing, and Jing, and the capital is re-established. With Jizhou as the center of Kyushu, it is the capital of the country. , San Shao, Si Fu, Si Shi, Liu Xiang, and Nine Virtues, a total of 120 official positions governed the country, and the human race suddenly became orderly.

At the same time, the Xuanyuan family also opened up enlightenment, encouraging their ministers and the people to actively participate in the reforms to improve the lives of the human race, making rites and promoting music, inventing various utensils and objects for daily use, and the minister Cao Hu invented For the upper garment, Bo Yu made the lower garment, and Yu Ze made the shoes, and the people no longer wore animal skins and bark.

Not only that, Xuanyuan also invented the boat by imitating the principle of leaves floating on the water, and invented the car auxiliary according to the principle of turning the canopy, which facilitates transportation.Huang Yongfu invented the pound, and Xuanyuan then ordered people to make cauldrons so that the people could steam rice and porridge. Later, they built houses and cities so that the people no longer lived in caves.

In addition, improvements and reforms have been carried out in many aspects such as politics, employment, agriculture, seasons, transportation, etc., making the life of the human race better and better, and also making Xuanyuan's reputation among the human race more and more high. The leaders of the human clan who were forced to submit to Xuanyuan clan's power gradually recognized the status of the co-lord of the Xuanyuan clan.

In the process of continuously perfecting the human system and improving the life of the human race, in order to better understand the changes in the human race and the existing problems, the Xuanyuan clan began to tour the world, visiting all the human tribes, and Guangchengzi, Randeng, etc. The disciples of Chanjiao naturally followed happily, and spread the teachings of Chanjiao along the way, which made Chanjiao rapidly flourish in the human race.

While touring the world, Xuanyuan also asked Guang Chengzi and others about the methods of cultivating Taoism and keeping in good health, and thus wrote "Yin Fu Jing", "Yellow Emperor Taiyi Eight Gates Entrance Formula", "Yellow Emperor Taiyi Eight Gates Entrance Form" "Secrets", "Yellow Emperor Taiyi Bamen Rebellious Life and Death Jue" and other books have been passed down through the immortal way of the whole human race. Since then, Xuanyuan's merits and virtues have almost reached the state of consummation, and the proof of Taoism is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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