The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 303 The Arrival of the Age of Five Emperors

Chapter 303 The Arrival of the Five Emperors Era

When the merits and virtues are complete, the Xuanyuan family will naturally hold the abdication ceremony, but this time, among the saints, only Nuwa and the three pure and four saints came, Dijun, Houtu, and the two Western saints did not appear. However, Nuwa didn't want to show up, but she had no choice but to come because Kongtong, the Emperor's Supreme Treasure, was imprinted in her hands.

However, this cannot be blamed on Nuwa. For the human race, under the hint of Di Junming, Nuwa has also become more important. With Dijun in the monster race, Nuwa can't take much luck. She doesn't have the heart to fight, and she doesn't have a religion, but her luck is also essential to her. Now that she holds the treasure of the human race, coupled with the status of the virgin of the human race, this luck of the human race will naturally have to be contended for.

The reason why Nuwa was unwilling to participate in Xuanyuan's abdication ceremony was not against the emperor, but because she was dissatisfied with the interpretation of teachings. During Xuanyuan's reign, Guang Chengzi, Ran Deng and other disciples of interpretation and teaching preached the teachings of interpretation, which seemed to weaken the teachings on purpose. Nuwa's prestige in the human race is not the most important thing. After all, the prosperity of teaching will naturally weaken the influence of other saints in the human race.

What dissatisfied Nuwa the most was that Guang Chengzi, Ran Deng and others not only preached and elucidated teachings, but also continued to exterminate those newborn monster races hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, gradually forming a wave among the human race. The ethos of slaying demons and guarding the way caused a lot of damage to the newborn demon clan. They either hid in the fringe areas, or gathered in the mountains to resist together.

As a result, the living space of those newborn monster races in the wild is getting smaller and smaller, and many of them have no choice but to flee to the four seas or the smog in the north, which makes the power of the monster race in the territory of the human race more and more serious. Being weak, this made Nu Wa really annoyed, but what was strange was that Di Jun didn't respond to this.

Although Nuwa is a saint of the monster clan, she basically never interferes with the affairs of the monster clan. Dijun didn't respond, and Nuwa couldn't intervene. Surprisingly, although she didn't know why Di Jun ignored him, Nu Wa still chose to trust Di Jun, maybe there were other reasons for this.

At the abdication ceremony, Nuwa and Sanqing stood high above the altar, looking down at the altar. This time, Dijun, Houtu and the two saints of the West did not arrive, and everyone was not surprised. Dijun's plan had been accomplished, so naturally he would not participate in the Xuanyuan Clan. However, in this battle of the emperor, Houtu supported Chi You. Now that the Xuanyuan family is about to become the emperor, how could she come to watch the ceremony.

As for Jieyin and Zhunti, the previous assistance to Shennong made the Western religion open up in the East. Although it is not ideal, Jieyin and Zhunti are also very satisfied. The foundation of the Xuanyuan family has been greatly impacted, and the following five emperors do not have his share in the Western religion. How could Jieyin and Zhunti come to explain the abdication ceremony of the Xuanyuan family who supported the superior.

The Xuanyuan family proved the Dao Renhuang, and the merits and virtues descended from heaven, [-]% of which belonged to the Xuanyuan family, and [-]% went to Guangchengzi, and the remaining [-]% ​​were distributed to Jiutianxuannv, other disciples of Chanjiao and Jiejiao Duobao, with the help of Guangchengzi The power of merit broke through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and became the first disciple among the three teachings of human interpretation to break through to Daluo Jinxian.

After the Xuanyuan family proved the Tao, the era of the five emperors ruled the world. The grandson of the Xuanyuan family, the Gaoyang family, was the one who came to power first, and that is, Emperor Zhuanxu, one of the five emperors in the future. The unity of the human race was greatly strengthened. With the assistance of the Taoist Taiyi Zhenren, the human race entered a further era of great unification through the integration of various ethnic groups through the interpretation of teachings and civilization.

The Xuanyuan family testified that the arrival of the era of the five emperors, and the small movements of teaching, all of which naturally cannot escape the eyes of Di Jun, but now Di Jun really has no time to pay attention to these, the three corpses have successfully changed their lives against the sky, and now they have begun to retreat Condensing fate, and Di Jun's own cultivation is on the verge of breaking through.

Although Di Jun's proof of Hunyuan is only a few million years old, under the nine times the flow speed of the law of time, he has practiced for tens of millions of years in the early days of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, comprehending time, chaos, and stars at the same time. At the same time as the great law, he was still cultivating the real body of the Chaos Demon God. Although the progress was slow, under the pressure of time, Di Jun finally reached the edge of breakthrough.

As long as Di Jun goes one step further, Di Jun will be able to step into the middle stage of Primal Chaos cultivation, and the distance from transforming into the true body of the Chaos Demon God will be one step further. Now is the most important time for Di Jun, and he finally has a chance to break through. Naturally, he would not delay his opportunity to break through because of these trivial matters. Di Jun was very light on which matter was more important.

Moreover, Di Jun also understands that Sanqing is already very afraid of him after the incident of the three corpses condensing their fate against the sky. It is natural to suppress the monster clan, but these are not enough to shake the foundation of the monster clan, and the number of new monster clan It is huge, and there are some amazing people among them. If you can't even survive this crisis, how can you become a new force for the revival of the monster race in the future.

Moreover, Di Jun did not completely ignore the newborn monster race. As early as after the Lich decisive battle, Di Jun had arranged for some monster race geniuses to mix into these newborn monster races. They brought a lot of monster race inheritance , in order to cultivate the newborn monster clan, and secretly support some geniuses in the newborn monster clan, in order to become the pillars of the monster clan in the future.

For Di Jun, who has seen through life and death, this loss is not considered a loss, and there must be gains for every loss. The comfortable environment is not a good thing for the newborn monsters. Of course, not only the newborn monsters found the suppression and exclusion of Chanjia , even the Earth Immortal Dao established by Di Jun has been greatly affected, and some have even been excluded by the human race.

Although the Earth Immortal Dao has achieved the lineage of the Earth Immortals, these Earth Immortals are still monster races after all. While explaining and teaching to suppress the newborn Monster Race, naturally they will not forget these Monster Race Earth Immortals. It is subtly affecting the human race's impression of the Earth Immortal Dao. If the Earth Immortal Dao is not in the Human Race at all, the loss may be great.

Although there are many small actions of teaching, they can't have any substantial impact on Emperor Jun and the Yaozu. Moreover, after Zhuanxu, there is no qualification for teaching as a teacher of the emperor. The teachings will inevitably be greatly impacted. At that time, there will be rifts between the three teachings, and there will still be care for the newborn monster race and the immortal way.

What Di Jun has to do now is to wait for the opportunity, and sit and watch how the Three Sects bring disaster to Xiao Qiang, this is a big show.

(End of this chapter)

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