Chapter 323

Fortunately, Xing Tian didn't have to worry about her life. For Di Jiang's ancestral witch's blood, it's okay to take some risks. With this drop of wu clan's blood essence, she can create another ancestral witch and let the luck of the witch clan grow stronger again. Now, Hou Tu said in a deep voice: "I can agree to this matter, but you must first give me the blood of my elder brother's ancestral witch."

Di Jun smiled lightly, raised his hand, and sent Dijiang's ancestral witch blood essence to Houtu, then smiled lightly, turned around, and was about to leave. The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no other meaning in staying in the underworld , and then he only needs to watch the play. Before leaving, Di Jun smiled lightly and said, "Housu, then I will just wait for your good news."

Houtu put away Dijiang's ancestral witch blood, looked at Dijun's back as he was about to leave, and couldn't help but ask, "Dijun, you should know that although Haotian is doomed, he is Hong Kong after all." The Heavenly Emperor Jun granted should not die, and he will return in a catastrophe in the future, which doesn’t seem to mean much to you, so why do you want to do this?”

Di Jun stopped in his tracks, chuckled, and said softly, "Why? The blood of the ancestral witch is of no use to me. It's not bad to use it to make Haotian go down for a lifetime. What's more, this prehistoric place Among them, no one can make me afraid, since Haotian dares to be my enemy, then he must pay the price, and no one can protect him."

After finishing speaking, Di Jun's figure disappeared directly into the underworld. Hou Tu looked at the direction where Di Jun left with a slightly dignified expression. Di Jun's domineering and decisive killing was indeed a bit astonishing. She suddenly felt a little worried for Haotian It's sad, Haotian does have some means, but he offended someone he can't afford to offend, so naturally he won't have any good fruit to eat.

Pangu Temple, the holy land of the witch clan in the past, even the great witches could not be summoned by the ancestor witches, nor could they enter it without permission. The heavy responsibility was handed over to several surviving great witches, and Xing Tian and Jiufeng were two of the few surviving great witches.

Before the decisive battle of the Lich, Xing Tian had already broken through to the quasi-sage stage, and now he is even more diligent, and has almost touched the threshold of the late quasi-sage. You must know that physical cultivation is much slower than mana cultivation. Xing Tian However, he lived up to the name of the God of War of the Wu Clan, and with his cultivation base, even against innate demon gods such as Shang Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi, he would not give in at all.

But at this moment, Xing Tian was a little furious. Jiufeng's righteous sister died tragically in the human race, but she had to give in due to the situation, which made Xing Tian very annoyed. He wants to give in to the human race, but if it weren't for the strict order of the later land, he might have already hit Chen Du.

Just when Xing Tian was burning with anger, he suddenly received a sound transmission from Hou Tu, and his expression changed suddenly, with a trace of unexpected surprise and depression in his expression, and of course, a strange look. Naturally, Xing Tian would not disobey Tu's order. Although he couldn't do anything to the culprit, at least he had a place to vent his anger. As for the others, he didn't care.

Chen Du, the capital city of the human race designated by the co-lord of the human race, is now the busiest moment in the city. Zhuan Xu is about to testify, so he naturally begins to order people to prepare for the abdication ceremony. Gathering, this made the already very prosperous Chendu suddenly more lively.

Yang Yun, the great general of the human race, is the person in charge of the abdication ceremony. Speaking of this Yang Yun, he also has some backgrounds. He was originally a Taoist monk among the human race. During the battle between the Xuanyuan clan and Chi You , also made some meritorious deeds, and was accepted as a disciple by the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and taught the Heavenly Book of the Art of War. Since then, he has been highly valued by Xuanyuan and Zhuanxu.

In this action against Jiuli, Yang Yun took the lead and made great contributions, so he naturally gained Zhuan Xu's trust. Now that he is assigned to be in charge of the abdication ceremony, Yang Yun can be said to be proud of his spring breeze. When the co-lord of the human race ascends to the throne, he will definitely be reused. After the three emperors and five emperors return to their thrones, he will be able to go to heaven as an official, and the future is bright.

But unfortunately, Yang Yun never imagined that he would die in such a muddle-headed manner, completely annihilated, with no possibility of reincarnation. Holding the shield in one hand, the ax fell down, directly destroying Yang Yun's form and spirit, and even smashing through the altar of abdication.

Zhuan Xu looked at the giant-like Xing Tian in the sky, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Even if the real Taiyi was in front of him, he couldn't feel at ease, and when the real Taiyi saw Xing Tian's voice, he felt a trace of fear in his heart. He thought that the Wu Clan would calm things down, but he didn't expect Xing Tian to act so openly. Could it be that he was wrong?

Xing Tian's majestic body stood above Chengdu, staring at Zhuanxu and Taiyi Daoist, with murderous intent, he went straight to them, but he didn't make a move for a long time, and finally shouted loudly: "Zhuanxu, your servants kill me Jiufeng!" My sister's sister-in-law oppresses the Jiuli witches, it is really abominable, now I will kill her to sacrifice the soul of Jiufeng's sister-in-law, I hope you can take care of yourself."

Xing Tian came and went quickly, leaving only a threatening word, and then he left. Master Taiyi was relieved, and the Wu Clan would not end up with the teaching because of this, but Zhuanxu was at the moment. Feeling powerless, he is probably the most tragic person among the co-lords of the human race, and he has suffered all the misfortunes.

Just when everyone thought that the Wu Clan would stop there, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, which shocked everyone, and the source of the loud noise was where the heavenly court was. , I saw that the Nantian Gate, which was the gateway to the Heavenly Court, had already collapsed for a little while, and Xing Tian stood proudly outside the Nantian Gate with an ax and shield in his hand.

Xing Tian looked at the broken Nantian Gate and those trembling soldiers and generals, he took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "Haotian, get out of here, how dare you, the disciple of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl under the Heavenly Court, treat me It is really your Heavenly Emperor's fault that Jiufeng sister's righteous sister attacked, hand over Jiutian Xuannv and fight me, otherwise I will break your heaven today!"

(End of this chapter)

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