The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 324 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 324 Reaction of the Parties
Xing Tian went to Heaven, which was beyond everyone's expectations. Xing Tian hit Chen Du, originally thought that he would attack Daoist Taiyi, but he didn't expect to kill only a human general, and after a warning, he retreated directly. Originally He thought that this was the end of the matter, but Xing Tian went to the Heavenly Court, as if he planned to vent his anger in the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court was directly affected by an innocent disaster. Although Yang Yun was the disciple of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, he was only in the name of Zhuanxu, and the culprit was still Taiyi Daoist. Now Xing Tian does not find Taiyi Daoist and has trouble explaining the teachings. , but staring at Haotian and Jiutian Xuannv in the heavenly court, it is really puzzling. I don't know what the witch clan means?
In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi Tianzun stared at the figure of Xing Tian under the Nantian Gate, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face showed a pensive look. When Xing Tian came out of the mountain, he originally thought that Houtu was going to fight him head-on, but he didn't expect to point the finger directly at him in a blink of an eye. Heavenly Court is really a little surprising, which makes it really difficult for Yuanshi Tianzun to guess Houtu's intentions.

It stands to reason that Tianting blocked the arrow for explaining education, and Yuanshi Tianzun should be happy. He didn't have a good impression of Haotian, but he couldn't be happy at all now. Although Tianting is weak, Haotian is Hongjun Daozu after all. It seems that the Wu Clan used him to kill chickens and monkeys as the Emperor of Heaven, which seemed to be of no benefit to the Wu Clan.

But Houtu did just that, and Xingtian's action against the Heavenly Court was definitely ordered by Houtu, otherwise Xingtian would not have left Pangu Palace easily. Although the body is not a fatal situation, it has the appearance of reincarnation and recultivation, which is even more strange. There is no deep hatred between Haotian and the Wu Clan, so why bother to come to this step.

If you want to say who wants Haotian's death the most in this prehistoric world, it's probably Di Jun, but this time neither Di Jun nor the Yaozu made a move, but the Wu Clan did it. This is naturally very strange, but for a while, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't think of any reason, and he could only take one step at a time. Anyway, it didn't harm the interests of explaining the teaching, so what did Haotian's life and death have to do with him!
In Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu's expression was a bit dignified. I couldn't be sure whether Xing Tian's attack on Haotian was ordered by Hou Tu, or whether there were other reasons. He even linked this matter with Di Jun. No wonder Lao Tzu They would think so, after all, there was already a deal between Liches, but this time, it didn't seem to benefit the Liches at all.

During the Lich Tribulation, the two clans of the Lich were mortal enemies, but after the Lich Tribulation, the relationship between the two clans seems to have eased. Now that the Liches frequently make such a big noise, I am naturally more interested in the Liches and the two clans. Pay attention, after all, the strength of the Lich and Demon Clans should not be underestimated. If Tiandao and Hongjun were not under pressure, the human race would have no chance of becoming the protagonist of the world.

This time Xingtian hit the heaven, Haotian is facing doom, this is God's will, although Lao Tzu can take action to save Haotian, but presumably Houtu will not stand by and watch, since Xingtian has already made a move, he will not return without success, let alone return With Di Jun around, others couldn't intervene even more. At the moment Haotian reneged on the agreement, Di Jun might have completely set his sights on Haotian.

Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun had the same idea, Haotian's life and death had nothing to do with them, and Haotian didn't die, at most he was reincarnated and recultivated. At that time, the position of Emperor of Heaven will still be his, and there is no difference between saving or not saving. What's more, for the saints, a reincarnated and rebuilt Haotian will be much better than the current one.

But what I care about is who is targeting Haotian, Houtu or Dijun?If it was Di Jun, then what did Di Jun use to impress Hou Tu and make her send Xing Tian to deal with Hao Tian?Has the relationship between the liches eased to the point where it is possible to join forces?These are not only related to the two clans of Liches, but also to the prehistoric situation.

In the Heavenly Court Yaochi, Haotian stared at Xingtian at the Nantian Gate with a serious expression, and the Yaochi beside him was also very worried, but seeing that the person who came was Xingtian, she also felt a little strange, so she asked: "Haotian, Did you feel wrong, could it be that Xingtian is your life and death calamity, but you and the Wu Clan don't seem to have reached the point where you can't die forever."

Haotian looked calm, and said softly: "It can't be wrong, this Xingtian came straight to me with killing intent, and my mood is also very restless, so it can be seen that this is my doom. As for the Wu Clan, maybe it's just The demon emperor borrowed the knife to kill me, with the demon emperor's means, it is not difficult to impress Houtu, and it can keep him and the demon clan out of it, very clever means."

When Yaochi heard this, there was a look of loneliness on his face. Seeing this, Haotian smiled and said: "Life and death are determined by the sky. Now that I understand the grievances with the Demon Emperor, during my absence, the Heavenly Court will trouble you, Yao Chi."

After all, Haotian took a step forward and headed directly towards Nantianmen. Yaochi looked at Haotian's leaving figure with a slightly sad expression. She looked back at the depths of Yaochi's fairyland, and then turned to look at Nantianmen He murmured to himself: "Haotian, have you ever regretted paying such a big price? Hehe... I'm afraid you never have!"

At the Nantian Gate, Haotian suddenly appeared opposite Xingtian. He looked at the murderous Xingtian, and said in a deep voice: "Xingtian, after the Lich's calamity, your witch clan has retreated into the depths of the prehistoric wilderness, but today you entered the capital of the human race. It is extremely abhorrent to murder the co-lord and minister of the murderous clan, and now, as the Heavenly Emperor proclaimed by the Taoist ancestor, I will punish you today, which has already shown the majesty of the Heavenly Court."

After Xing Tian heard this, his evil spirit rose to the sky, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha...Haotian, what are you talking about, let us have a hearty battle today!"

(End of this chapter)

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