Chapter 340
Yaochi looked at the happy expression on Haotian's face, and asked: "Before you let the good corpse deliberately show your weakness, you have already made people explain that the four western religions and the prehistoric parties despised the heavenly court, and acted recklessly, for the sake of the future So go to Daozu to sue them, could it be that the time is ripe now, are you ready to do it?"

Haotian nodded, stared at the prehistoric land with a sneer, and said with a trace of expectation: "Of course, now is the best time. All parties in the prehistoric despise the Heavenly Court. , The teaching disciples are even more ignorant of the laws of the heavenly court, the majesty of the heavenly court has long been lost, and now it is time to revive the prestige of the heavenly court."

A new show is about to kick off.

After Haotian Good Corpse returned to the Heavenly Court, his anger disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face. He had already received the voice transmission from Haotian, so naturally he would not be angry about this matter. This is far from their plan, and it is also their plan. The situation that I had always hoped to see, now that the general trend has come, naturally I can only be happy. Haotian Shanshi returned to the Lingxiao Palace and continued to deal with the government affairs of the Heavenly Court.

As for Haotian himself, he went to the boundary between the prehistoric and the chaos alone, stepped into it resolutely, shuttled through the chaos, as if he was looking for something, after a long time, he stopped and looked at In the empty and chaotic land in front of him, he knelt down impressively, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, before he said: "The disciple asks to see the Dao ancestor, and ask the Dao ancestor to show up."

After a long time, it was not surprising that Haotian saw that there was no response. Although he could not detect the location of Zixiao Palace, after all, he had served Daozu Hongjun for many years. Now Zixiao Palace is hidden, but he can still find the location of Zixiao Palace, but if he wants to enter Zixiao Palace, unless Taoist Hongjun is willing to see him, there is no other way.

Seeing that Hongjun Daozu did not respond, Haotian continued: "Daozu, the disciples were ordered to run the Heavenly Court and work hard. However, there are two clans of liches in front, and some people explain that the four Western religions are behind, bullying the Heavenly Court, and ignoring the laws and regulations. With the Hunyuan sage behind, it is really difficult for the disciples to act on behalf of the heavens, so I implore the Taoist ancestor to order that the two clans of lich and monsters, and the four Western religions all respect the heavens, and give orders for me."

Haotian's words are so shocking that he can't stop talking, he not only wants people to interpret the Four Western Religions to obey him, but also has the idea of ​​the two clans of liches, including all the great forces in the prehistoric world at once, This is the rhythm to unify the prehistoric world. If Di Jun or the saints knew about it, they would probably want to slap Haotian to death.

It has to be said that Haotian's appetite is really amazing, but he also knows that it is obviously impossible for Daozu to agree. Even if Daozu agrees, I am afraid that Di Jun and the saints will not agree. If this requirement is not met, at least there will be some gains. After all, Tianting represents Hongjun's face.

After a long time, a sigh came from the chaos: "Haotian, I already know the reason for your visit. I will come out of this matter myself. You can go back with peace of mind, so that you can take care of the heaven and let you do it yourself in the future."

When Haotian heard Hongjun's words, there was a gleam of joy on his face, he bowed respectfully, then disappeared, and went straight to the heaven. It can also be used to frighten the two clans of liches and the four Western religions. Of course, what Haotian wants is not the least.

On Ziwei Star, Dijun stared ahead with a calm expression. Haotian went to Chaos to ask to see Hongjun, and his every move fell into his eyes. Of course, it was impossible for Dijun to spy on what Haotian and Hongjun talked about. Although his cultivation base is diligent and fast, Hongjun is beyond his reach now. As for what Haotian will say, Dijun can probably guess it.

In this way, the Conferred God Calamity is approaching. It has only been millions of years since the end of the Lich Calamity, but the next Calamity is coming. The calamity is no better than the previous calamities, and even if there are some life-and-death battles, compared to the previous calamities, they can be completely ignored.

But the only difference is that during this calamity, the saints may also take action, especially at the end of the calamity, there may be a big battle among the saints, and it will be the most terrifying battle in the prehistoric world. Not only that, but in this calamity, the four Western religions will be involved. Of course, the monster race may not be able to stay out of it.

During the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, people explained that the Western Four Religions were used to assist the emperor and spread the orthodoxy. Naturally, killings were indispensable. Naturally, there is no escape from death, even Lu Ya and Wang Shu are probably also in danger.

The only way to solve the crime of murder is to enter and cross the calamity, otherwise, even if you pass through the calamity safely, you will be haunted by calamities from now on, no matter how difficult your cultivation is, and the disasters will continue from then on, and for the Conferred God to measure the calamity Of course, Emperor Jun is very clear about its ins and outs, the fall of Shang and Zhou Xing, this is the trend determined by the way of heaven, and this battle of conferring gods will also be carried out among the merchants in Xiqi.

Today, the national power of Dashang is at its peak, and it is also the moment when Jiejiao develops most powerfully. It can be said that Dashang and Jiejiao have been bound together. They all have orthodoxy, but they are far inferior to Jiejiao. If there is a war, making friends will naturally be the first among them.

Di Jun is not very interested in the battle between the Four Religions. No matter how fiercely the Four Religions fight, it has little impact on the Yaozu. The combined strength of the Four Religions cannot compare with the Yaozu. There is no threat to the Yaozu at all, and the only thing that can make Di Jun afraid are the five saints of the Four Sects. They are the obstacles for the Yaozu to bully the prehistoric people again.

And together with the conferring of gods, the already unharmonious relationship between the four religions will deteriorate rapidly. This is what Dijun most hopes to see. It will also have a great impact, but in the current situation, the Jujiao seems to be powerful. Once it becomes the target of public criticism, the leader of the Tongtian Church may not be able to support it alone.

After all, today's Master Tongtian doesn't have the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but perhaps because of this, some changes may occur, and Di Jun just needs to wait and see the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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