The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 341 The Proposal to Confer the Gods

Chapter 341 The Proposal to Confer the Gods
Di Jun was contemplating how to let those monster races who were infected with killing and calamity pass through the Conferred God Calamity safely. After all, his two sons and daughters might be involved in it, so naturally he would not be careless, but at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared on the emperor In front of Jun, it turned into five Taoist texts and appeared in the air, "Come quickly to Zixiao Palace", which seemed to be Hongjun's call.

As soon as Dijun came out, he bumped into Taiyi directly. After Taiyi saw Dijun, he said, "Brother, Hongjun Daozu has been together for so many years. Why did he suddenly call me to Zixiao Palace? Is there any major event going to happen, last time it was because of the matter of the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, I don’t know what it is for this time?”

Di Jun smiled faintly: "Whatever he is, it's probably not a good thing. Not long ago, Haotian went to Chaos, and I'm afraid he went to Hongjun to file a complaint. Although Haotian can't get into my eyes, but After all, he is the Emperor of Heaven conferred by Hongjun, in charge of the Heavenly Court, acting on behalf of the Heavenly Court, and now that the Heavenly Court has reached such a point, Hongjun can't just ignore it, let's go, we'll know when we go."

Dijun and Taiyi went straight towards Chaos together, and on the way they met Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West and Houtu. They just greeted each other briefly, and then went straight to Zixiao Palace without saying anything. When they arrived at Zixiao Palace, Nuwa was already waiting in front of the main hall. After all, her dojo was in chaos, so she came faster than Dijun and the others.

After everyone arrived, the door of the Zixiao Palace suddenly opened. Seeing this, everyone walked in, looked at the eight futons in front of the high platform, and everyone sat on them. Dijun, Taiyi and Nuwa sat naturally. Leaning together, the same is true for Sanqing and the two saints of the West, and only Houtu is alone, but there is a clear distinction.

After everyone sat down, Hongjun's figure suddenly appeared on the futon on the high platform. Hongjun ignored the crowd and said indifferently: "Haotian came to see me before, saying that the majesty of the heaven is completely lost, and the prehistoric creatures despise the laws of the heaven. , disrespecting the Emperor of Heaven, he wants the two tribes of Liches, Humans and Four Western Religions to serve the Heavenly Court."

When the saints heard this, their faces changed suddenly, and their eyes showed even more anger. If Haotian was here now, they would definitely want to slap Haotian to death with a palm. They didn't expect Haotian to do this. Now it seems that, The weakness shown by Haotian seems to be just to paralyze them. If Haotian really becomes what he is now, he will never dare to say such words.

It seems that Haotian lied to everyone, and more importantly, the saints also underestimated the weight of Haotian, the emperor of heaven, in Hongjun's heart. If Hongjun had no such intention, he could completely refute Haotian's request. There is no need to call them here. Now that they have come, I am afraid that this matter will not be resolved.

Among the crowd, the only one who is not angry is Di Jun. He has already guessed something, but he didn't expect Haotian's appetite to be so big. Even the Liches and Demons wanted to eat it in one bite, so he was not afraid of collapse However, through this incident, Di Jun looked at Haotian differently. Haotian's ambition is really not small.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Hongjun continued to speak: "During the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, people from the four western religions all launched murders when they assisted the emperor. And the monster clan massacred millions of monks of the clan, and also committed murderous intentions, so it is necessary to end the cause and effect in the world of mortals, and cross the catastrophe in order to achieve the supreme avenue.

This is the first, and the second is that after the reconstruction of the Heavenly Court, although it has developed to this day, there are still many vacancies for the gods. Therefore, in the next calamity, it should be the god of the sky, for Haotian to drive, to commit murder. He will also overcome the calamity in the calamity of conferring the gods, and if he can survive it, he will be at ease in the world. "

Quantity robbery?

Hearing this word, all the saints couldn't help but gasped. They obviously didn't expect that the calamity would come so quickly, and they also involved the two clans of Lich and the four Western religions. It is the two clans of liches, although they have retired now, but their strength is still very terrifying, but according to Hongjun, they are only the liches born during the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, not the entire two clans of liches.

Immediately afterwards, Hongjun waved his hand, and a scroll-like treasure and a golden mace appeared in front of everyone. Hongjun introduced: "This is one of the three books of heaven, earth and man, the heavenly book, named Fengshenbang, and the other The first thing is to hit the god whip, these two treasures are used to confer gods, you can fill in the names of the disciples who want to enter the heaven to confer gods on the list of gods, and after they are conferred gods, they can enter the heavens to serve."

Everyone looked at these two treasures, and they were really surprised. Both of them were top-grade innate spiritual treasures with infinite power. Even the saints were a little jealous when they saw them. At this time, Lao Tzu who was sitting first asked first, "Teacher, I wonder how many names need to be filled in this list of gods to be complete?"

Since the calamity of measurement started due to conferring the gods, and it will end because of conferring the gods, as long as the conferring of the gods ends as soon as possible, the calamity of measurement will naturally pass. Although it seems a bit tricky, it is not impossible. After all, this calamity is different from the previous ones. Although the calamity came quickly, it was not that fierce. Although there was a battle of the gods, it would not be as tragic as the previous times.

Hongjun said indifferently: "The eight righteous gods are enshrined, and they are in charge of the divisions of the heavenly court. There are a total of 360 five people. Under these eight righteous gods, there should be 360 deputy gods and [-] heavenly soldiers and generals, a total of [-]. There are six thousand three hundred and sixty five people, if you and the others have shallow blessings, going to heaven and conferring gods may be a way out, you can consider it."

Eighty-six thousand three hundred and sixty five?This is not a small number. The saints originally wanted to use tricks to survive the calamity, but now it seems that it will not work. Among the four religions, even the Jiejiao, which is known as the coming of ten thousand immortals, cannot fill this number at all, but it is also It's not that there is no other way, after all, apart from the four sects, the Liches and Demons are already in the midst of calamity.

Needless to say, the monster clan, just randomly recruiting some monster clans can directly fill up the number of conferred gods, and although the witch clan does not cultivate the primordial spirit, it cannot be listed, but the witch clan under its command has the primordial spirit Yes, naturally they can also be listed on the list of gods, but it is probably impossible for the two clans of liches to fill up the number of gods. No one can make sacrifices for others, even if it is irrelevant.

Signing the list of gods, this matter is not in a hurry, but what attracts everyone's attention is who is in charge of the list of gods. A good god position, this might not be a way to compete for interests.

Before the Conferred God War started, the people had already started to intrigue. Seeing this situation, Di Jun also smiled faintly in his heart. The calamity is about to start, and it is still unknown who will win the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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