The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 342 Dijun's 'generosity'

Chapter 342 Dijun's 'generosity' (updated)

Master Tongtian didn't worry about the affiliation of the list of gods and the whip, but asked directly: "Teacher, the number of 360 five gods is too huge, and I'm afraid I won't be able to decide for a while. Among the Liches and the Four Sects, how many people are required to be on the list, can the teacher specify?"

This is what the Lord Tongtian cares about the most. Although some members of the Lich family are in the midst of calamity, the Lord Tongtian is still worried that making friends will become the target of others. What a good thing, if Hongjun can expressly share the amount, Jijiao will naturally be exempted from being targeted.

After hearing this, Hongjun said lightly: "The number of 360 five conferred gods does not require you to sign all of them. This battle of conferred gods started with the human race, and most of them will be listed by the human race. The main thing that needs to be filled in is the 360 ​​positions of the five righteous gods, and you don't have to worry about the rest, everything has its own number of days."

Hearing Hongjun's words, the faces of Sanqing and Xixi Ersheng couldn't help showing a gleam of joy. In an instant, everyone's thoughts returned to the list of gods and the whip, and Yuanshi Tianzun asked: "Teacher, what's the matter?" The God Conferring List and the God Whip are related to conferring the gods, I wonder who should control these two treasures and preside over all matters concerning conferring the gods?"

Hongjun glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun, and then said: "The person who is in charge of the list of gods and the whip of the gods will come from your sect. This person has the appearance of a flying bear. When he enters the gate of yours, this list of gods will be the same Hitting the God Whip will fall into your sect together with him, now you should discuss as soon as possible who will be on this list of gods!"

After all, Hongjun disappeared in front of everyone, and the list of gods and the whip were left on the high platform. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help withdrawing their hearts. These two treasures will be owned by the people who made them. No matter how greedy they are, it is useless. Instead of being entangled in this, it is better to discuss how to fill up the number of righteous gods as soon as possible.

After Hongjun left for a long time, everyone was silent. In the end, I was the first to speak: "Everyone, this matter of conferring gods is no small matter. I still need to fill in the 360 ​​five righteous gods. Now the amount of robbery will be filled. From now on, I'd better make a decision early, so as not to delay the matter of conferring the gods and offend the teacher."

As soon as I finished speaking, someone spoke up, and it was Zhunti, one of the two sages of the West. Zhunti said with a bitter face: "Fellow Taoists, you also know that my Western Sect is located in the West, and the West is measured by Long Han. The robbery was destroyed, and it has not recovered a bit of vitality until now, and there are few disciples under my Western sect, so there is really no one who can make it to the list."

Seeing this, Yuan Shi Tianzun also said: "I have not many disciples under the sect of Chanjiao, and all of them are rich and profound, so they really shouldn't be on this list of gods. In this way, the five righteous gods of 360 still need to be judged by you. Pindao is really helpless."

Seeing this, Master Tongtian naturally expressed his attitude: "Most of my disciples live overseas, and some of them are officials in the Shang Dynasty of the human race. They have cultivated their morality and accumulated merits for many years, and there is no one who can be named a god."

All the three western religions say the same thing, and although Lao Tzu has not stated his position, there is only Xuan Du as a disciple of Renjiao, and there are not many registered disciples, obviously not enough for the number of 360 five righteous gods, and Lao Tzu obviously will not Let Xuandu be on the list. In this way, the four religions obviously don't want to sign on this list of gods, but it seems to be getting into a stalemate.

At this time, Zhunti suddenly said again: "By the way, the sorcerers of the demon clan and the witch clan are all included in this calamity. Why don't you let the two clans of the lich fill the number of gods? The power of the two clans is huge, even if they fill up the 360 five conferred gods, it doesn't seem to be difficult, so we can save trouble."

Hearing Zhunti's words, Taiyi, Nuwa, and Houtu all showed anger on their faces. They wanted the two clans of liches to protect them from disasters. It was a beautiful idea, but how could they let Zhunti and other saints get their wish? , Taiyi and Nuwa couldn't help looking at Di Jun, after all, Di Jun is the person in charge of the monster clan, and with Di Jun's temperament, he will never hold back.

But they didn't expect that Di Jun was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled all over his face, and even said with a smile: "Okay! Since you are not willing to fill in the names on this list of gods, how about the names on this list of gods?" All the numbers will be filled by my monster clan, the number is 360, but it's only mediocre, so everyone can save trouble, how about it?"

The saints couldn't help being surprised when they heard Di Jun's words, they didn't react for a while, and Zhunti also looked confused, he never thought that Di Jun would agree so happily, and even wanted to fill up the list of gods The number of 360 five on the Internet is really shocking, and I have no idea what Dijun's intentions are.

However, Lao Tzu's expression suddenly changed, and then he said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Di Jun was joking, this time the Conferred Gods and Measurable Calamity are mainly due to our four religions. After all, the Conferred Gods War started in the human race. All the clans have withdrawn from the realm of the human race, so I don’t need to worry about the matter of signing the list of gods, Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun and Fellow Daoist Houtu, let me sign it later!”

What I said was beyond everyone's expectations. I didn't expect that I would directly exclude the two clans of liches from the candidates for signing the list of gods, but the deep meaning in it was immediately understood by everyone. They are also saints after all, how wise they are How could it be impossible to understand Lao Tzu's implication, but what Di Jun said just now, which seemed righteous and awe-inspiring, was actually hiding evil intentions.

If the 360 five numbers on the list of gods are all filled by the Yaozu, then the four religions will naturally be fine, and since there are so many members of the Yaozu clan, it is too easy to choose a mere 8. But in this way, the Heavenly Court will be controlled by the Yaozu. At that time, Haotian, the Jade Emperor, will probably become a puppet, and the Heavenly Court will almost return to the hands of the Yaozu.

Thinking of this, all the sages couldn't help being startled, even Taiyi and Nuwa didn't expect Di Jun to have this idea just now, if Lao Tzu didn't wake up in time, I'm afraid Di Jun really succeeded, if so, then All the saints can't imagine what kind of evil consequences it will cause. It seems to be an act of preventing disasters for others, but in fact it is intended to control the heavens, and the intentions are so sinister.

Seeing this, Di Jun couldn't help but smile a little, he didn't really expect the saints to agree, if that was the case, then Di Jun would really laugh to death, but it was decisive for Lao Tzu to remove both the liches and monsters at once Very well, the monster clan can do this, and the witch clan can naturally do the same. Even if the four religions fill in some, and both the lich clan can fill in the rest, the result is still the same.

However, in this way, open and secret struggles and intrigues among the four religions are naturally inevitable, and will even intensify.

(End of this chapter)

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