Chapter 343
With one move, Di Jun used advance as retreat, and immediately exempted those clansmen of the Yaozu who had committed murder from signing the God List. In this way, they would be safe and sound as long as they survived the calamity. Of course, not only the Yaozu, but the witch The clan has also benefited, at least there is no need to sign the clansmen of the Wuren lineage under the Wu clan to be on the list of gods.

At this moment, Hou Tu was also slightly relieved. For the Wu Clan, any loss of strength is not good. After all, compared with the speed of the Yao Clan's recovery of vitality, the Witch Clan's recovery is too slow, and it is precisely because In this way, she had no choice but to start developing the underworld, and wanted to use the luck of the underworld to strengthen the luck of the Wu clan and revitalize the Wu clan.

With Lao Tzu's words, he directly removed the two clans of liches from the candidates for signing the list of gods. The power is so great, if they let Haotian be emptied in one fell swoop, and the heavens are regained control, then their power will be out of control.

But what followed was another headache. If the Liches and Demons did not sign the list of gods, then the people who signed the list of gods must be borne by the four Western religions, although only 360 people were actually signed , the distribution to the four religions is only less than a hundred people each, but perhaps only the Jiejiao can sign so many disciples without hesitation.

Although Ren Chanjue Xixi has been preaching among the human race for a long time, and the orthodoxy is really not small, but there are not many who are truly disciples of these three religions, and most of them are named disciples, and the real disciples are also There are not many, and it is impossible to sign so many disciples. If they really sign, then the three religions may exist in name only.

Since the development of Jiejiao in the human race, coupled with the fact that it was already very powerful and had the reputation of Ten Thousand Immortals coming to court, it would not be a problem to sign all of them for this week. It is absolutely impossible for the disciples of the Three Religions to prevent disasters. If anyone dares to say this, Master Tongtian will definitely turn his face.

Sanqing and the two sages of the West were silent for a long time, and finally I was the first to speak: "Everyone, there is only one direct disciple of Xuandu under the poor Taoist sect. He should not go to work, but the five righteous gods of Zhoutian 360 need to wait for me." Signed, since everyone is unwilling to make the first move, then Pindao will start first, hoping to make up the number of days for this week as soon as possible."

After all, I summoned the list of gods, and after a short while, a stream of mana poured into the list of gods, and immediately there were more than a dozen names on the list of gods, all of them were registered disciples of the Human Sect, but they were all marginal figures. Zhong Gen called the number one, and with a wave of my hand, I sent the list of gods to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun also said: "The twelve golden immortals of the poor Taoist sect, the elder brother has far-reaching wealth, and the immortals who have achieved the Tao should not be on the list of gods. In order to make up for the number of gods, the poor Taoist will naturally sign some."

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand, and more than a dozen names appeared on the list of gods, and then it was the turn of the leader of Tongtian. The leader of Tongtian didn't say much. With a wave of his hand, more than 30 people were directly signed and charged. The sum of the number of people signed, the last one is the second sage of the West, who signed and detained more than a dozen people, with a look of misery on his face.

After a circle, there were not even a hundred people signing the pledge, let alone the number of Zhou Tian. Seeing this, Lao Tzu couldn't help but sighed slightly, and then said: "I'm afraid there will be no result if this continues. Dao has only one disciple of Xuandu, and if I still need to pass on my orthodoxy, then let the good corpse of the poor Dao take him on the list!"

After all, Laozi directly signed his name on the list of gods, but in fact this is nothing at all. Laozi Shanshi Taishang Laojun was in the heaven, but he The agreement with Haotian, now that the Taishang Laojun is signed on the list of gods, it is equivalent to not signing anything, anyway, it is the same.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw Laozi doing this, gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and signed the names of nearly ten registered disciples again. Seeing this, Master Tongtian could only follow, and signed the names of more than [-] people again. The Second Saint of the West, with a bitter expression on his face, reluctantly signed the names of several more people, as if he had lost a few innate treasures.

After another round, the number of bets was finally over a hundred, but there was still a long way to go before Zhou Tian's number, and San Qing and the Second Western Sage obviously didn't want to continue to sign bets, and they fell into a stalemate for a while.

After a long silence, Lao Tzu said again: "Everyone, signing the list of gods is a matter of calamity. I can't slack off. Now that the number of signings has just passed a hundred, I still need to plan carefully if I want to gather the number of people. It may be a different world for people with shallow celestial karma to sign on the list of gods and switch to cultivating the divine way."

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Elder brother, what you said is reasonable, but I explain that there are not many disciples under my sect, and all the disciples who can be signed to be on the list of gods have already been on the list of gods. I really can't do anything." , I can only look at other fellow Taoists."

In a word, it is impossible for Yuanshi Tianzun to sign the list of gods again, and at this time Jieyin also said: "Fellow Taoists, you also know that my west is barren and there are few people, and there are not many disciples under the Western sect. These people have already hurt the vitality of my Western religion, and it is really impossible to continue signing."

At this time, Zhunti glanced at the leader of Tongtian, and then said: "Our people explain the three Western religions and now no one can be on this list of gods, so the task of completing the number of Zhoutian is naturally to be handed over to fellow Taoist Tongtian." , the disciples of Fellow Tongtian Daoist are known as 'Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Dynasty', so it is not easy to make up the number of heavens this week!"

Master Tongtian was stunned when he heard this, and stared straight at Zhunti with a pair of sword eyes. The breath in his body burst out instantly and condensed outside his body. His whole body was like a spear that wanted to pierce the sky, with a strong killing spirit. Unstoppable, but this seemingly violent killing spirit is as cold as ten thousand years of black ice, extremely ruthless, anger and tranquility appeared on the Tongtian leader at the same time.

Seeing the performance of the leader of Tongtian, Di Jun also showed a look of interest on his face. Although the saints have been sanctified for a long time, they have hardly made a move. Regarding their real strength, Di Jun is only a rough guess That's all, but the power and influence shown by the leader of the Tongtian sect is really amazing, and it's really interesting.

Losing the Zhuxian Sword Array, but getting the God-killing Spear and the White Lotus, the Master Tongtian has obviously embarked on another road, a road that Emperor Jun could not predict. Perhaps only by experiencing it personally can one understand the current way of the Master Tongtian .

(End of this chapter)

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