Chapter 344 Negotiated
Master Tongtian's sword eyes were condensed and Zhunti, with anger looming in his eyes, he shouted in a cold voice: "Zhunti, it's delusional to want my disciples to block the robbery for you. This time, I still signed nearly 60 people. Don't think about me signing another one, if you dare to plot against my disciples again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The anger of the Master Tongtian immediately made the atmosphere in Zixiao Palace a little depressing, and Zhunti stopped talking. After all, the Western religion is too weak compared to the Jujiao. Disciple, at that time, the Western religion will inevitably suffer heavy losses. At this time, it is better not to get into the misfortune of the leader of the Tongtian religion. Any calculations can still be carried out in private.

The same Yuanshi Tianzun saw this situation and kept silent. In fact, what Zhunti wanted to say just now was also what he wanted to say. Losing his brotherhood will make him feel ashamed, but he has no idea what to do with this matter of conferring gods.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu said, "The number of 360 five righteous gods that need to be signed is just over a hundred. If this stalemate continues, there may be no result. Since you are not willing to sign more, then let's do it this time. During the calamity, each sect will rely on its own methods, and whoever will be on the list in the end depends on God's will, is that good?"

When the saints heard this, they thought about it for a little bit, and they all spoke up for goodness. Seeing this, Lao Tzu said: "Teacher Qi, this time, except for the names that have been signed and placed on the list, the rest is up to fate, and everything is in your hands." The decision to be made during the Conferred God Calamity depends entirely on the fate of our disciples, I wonder if this is possible?"

Hongjun's voice suddenly sounded in the hall: "Since that's the case, let's do it this way! As long as you don't miss the conferment of the gods, as for the list of conferring gods and whipping the gods, they will stay in this Zixiao Palace for the time being. Whoever puts you into the sect of you, these two treasures will automatically return to their positions, and they will be owned by Haotian after the end of the Conferred God, so, let's go!"

As soon as Hongjun's words fell, the expressions of the saints present all changed slightly. They didn't expect that these two treasures would be owned by Haotian in the end. Wouldn't the names on the list of gods be controlled by Haotian? Fighting to the death, but Haotian is the only one who benefits in the end, how can the saints accept this, they can't help hating Haotian in their hearts, and wish to let Haotian fall again.

The discussion of conferring the gods was over, so Dijun and the saints left Zixiao Palace together, passed through the chaos, and went straight to the prehistoric. He went back to Ziwei Star with Di Jun and Tai Yi, and it was naturally for the matter of conferring the gods, after all, the conferring of the gods this time involved too much.

Western Lingshan, after Zhunti and Jieyin came back, both of them began to contemplate the matter of conferring gods. This time conferring gods not only involved the four religions, but even the two clans of Lich were no exception, although it was only insignificant Some monster clans and some of the witch clan and witches were involved, but this also brought great variables to this calamity.

After a long time, Zhunti said: "Brother, this calamity came so quickly that I didn't have time to wait for preparations. Although my Western Sect has a little foundation in the human race, it can't compare with the Jiejiao. Sanqing teamed up to deal with me, the Western Sect, how should we deal with it, is it true that I will wait for my disciples to be listed?"

Jie Yin said indifferently: "Junior Brother, you miscalculated a bit, the Jujiao is much bigger than my Western Cult, but the same is true for the Renzhang Second Teaching, even if I put all the disciples of the Western Cult on the list, I still can't make up the list. The number of Zhou Tian needs other people to be on the list, so it is dangerous for people to explain the two religions, so it is probably impossible for Sanqing to join forces."

Hearing Jieyin's words, Zhunti couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "Yes, if you want to make up the number of days on the list of gods, except for the two clans of Lich, only Jiejiao has the capital. I’m afraid it’s not just us who are teaching, but the two Liches are really troublesome, and they are the biggest variable in the calamity.”

Hearing this, his expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Witch Clan don't need to worry too much. The Witch Clan belonging to the Witch Clan is only a small number of Witch Clans who committed murder. There are quite a few murderers, even Di Jun's sons and daughters are among them, Di Jun will definitely take great pains to plan, I'm afraid something will happen, we can only act carefully to avoid being tricked by him."

Jinao Island in the East China Sea, in Biyou Palace,

After the Lord Tongtian came back from the Zixiao Palace, he has been sitting on the high platform of the main hall, with a dignified expression. The calamity is about to happen, and it may be difficult to save all the interceptions. The crisis hidden behind the prosperity of the religion, the luck is magnificent, but it is not stable, this is not a good omen.

Master Tongtian looked around and saw the Jiejiao disciples on Jinao Island and some nearby fairy islands. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes. I am afraid that Jiejiao will not be able to survive the calamity of conferred gods, and now Jiejiao has been inseparable from the Shang Dynasty, and the battle of conferring the gods started in the human race, so the Shang Dynasty must not be able to stay out of it, but it needs to be prepared early.

Immediately, the leader of Tongtian Sect ordered the boy to ring the golden bell to summon the disciples of the Intercepting Sect. No matter what the battle of the Conferred Gods was like, he still had to make it clear to his disciples that the calamity was about to start, and they also needed to prepare early. Disciples who are not involved in killing and robbery will rest in the mansion and recite Huang Ting quietly, hoping to survive this calamity safely.

There were not many reactions from the two sects of human explanation and interception, but Yuanshi Tianzun played a more clever move, that is, let all the disciples of Chanjiao accept disciples. Jie, I have to say, this is an extremely insidious move, but people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. Who wants to live a million years and die for a dynasty!
Although it is shameless to explain and teach in this way, it is indeed a good way to deal with calamity. Many disciples of the three Western religions followed suit. Suddenly, the threshold for the acceptance of disciples by the four religions was relaxed. More importantly, Yes, the four religions also hope that people who can confer gods will be included in their sects, so that they can also take a slight advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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