Chapter 345

Ziwei Star, in Wanling Pavilion,

Dijun, Taiyi, and Nuwa sat on the ground. This is also a rare gathering of the three since Nuwa became a saint. Now that a new calamity is coming, and it involves the demon clan, the three of them naturally need to discuss it. After all, some of the people involved this time have unusual identities, and even Di Jun did not dare to underestimate this calamity.

Tai Yi looked at Di Jun who was in deep thought, and said, "Brother, my monster clan is involved in this conferred calamity, and those little monsters are not a problem. It's just that your sons and daughters are also involved, Lu Ya." Last time, Wang Shu and I slaughtered a million monks of the human race, and committed a calamity, but now they need to enter and overcome the calamity, I wonder what the elder brother can do?"

At this time, Nuwa also said: "Demon Emperor, Lu Ya and Wang Shu bear the luck of the demon clan, so there must be no loss. In addition, Yang Chan, the only disciple under my sect, was also infected with calamity because of saving his mother. The Battle of the Conferred Gods, and the naughty Lingzhu, who spoke rudely to Haotian and made troubles for no reason, has already been entangled in murder and calamity, I don’t know how to arrange it?"

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled and said softly: "There is no one else, just go through the tribulation, you don't have to worry about it, Yi Ya'er, Shu'er, Lingzhuzi, Yang Chan's cultivation base, plus we give them Among the four religions, how many people can be their opponents, and we secretly protect them, so we can safely let them enter the world and survive the catastrophe."

Tai Yi nodded slightly after hearing this, and then asked again: "Brother, although the Calamity Calamity has not yet been opened, and the heavenly secret is still clear, but the Battle of the Conferred Gods is impossible to calculate, how should I arrange for my nephew, niece, and others?" As well as those little monsters who committed murder, this is indeed a bit difficult, after all, among the human race, the sect is still the most powerful."

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said softly: "Prosperity and decline, this is the same principle since ancient times, my monster clan is like this, the witch clan is like this, and the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans are also like this. Jiejiao is no exception, let alone Jiejiao." Although the teaching luck is strong, but Tongtian only has the top-grade innate spirit treasure, the twelve-grade pure world white lotus, to suppress and cut down the teaching luck, how can it be peaceful for a long time."

Nuwa also said: "The demon emperor is right. Although Jiejiao is very powerful in the human race, it is also the target of public criticism. This trip to Zixiao Palace, it is obvious that Jieyin and Zhunti want to replace Jiejiao. The disciples under their sect, including Yuan Shi, didn't say anything, but they probably also had this idea in their hearts, if calamities happen, the interruption of teaching will definitely bear the brunt."

It was a little bit too much, and he said in a deep voice: "I understand what you mean, but with the power of the two religions, it seems impossible to fight against the interception, and the old man, he didn't express his position, I don't know Whether he will help the sky, or plan to reach the sky, the depth of Lao Tzu's city makes it impossible for people to understand his thoughts for a while."

Di Jun smiled slightly, and with full confidence, he said: "There must be a chaotic fight among the four religions. We don't care about them fighting each other. Even if the four religions are added together, my monster clan will not pay attention to it." Here, we only need to do our own things with peace of mind, and while we are over the catastrophe, we can also sit back and watch the four religions fight each other, wouldn't it be interesting?"

When Tai Yi and Nu Wa heard Di Jun's words, their eyes lit up, and Nu Wa asked anxiously, "Could it be that the Demon Emperor already has a countermeasure in mind?"

Di Jun smiled mysteriously, shook his head slightly, and said softly: "The secret must not be revealed, must not be revealed, must not be revealed!"

Chaoge, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, is currently in power. The No. 30 emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Yi. During Emperor Yi's reign, although he also had some virtuous names, there were often turmoil and wars in Kyushu. Although It was quickly suppressed by Emperor Yi, but the power of the Shang Dynasty was slightly weakened, but because of its profound foundation, there were no major problems for a while.

Although Emperor Yi practiced the way of immortality, he was instructed by an unknown teacher, and the way he practiced was not some profound way of immortality. The kings of the past dynasties also failed to seek the immortal way, as if this has become a curse, entangled with the kings of the Shang Dynasty for generations.

This is the number of days. The kings of the world have already enjoyed the wealth and bliss of the world, and the cultivation of immortals has prolonged their lives. If they achieve the immortal way again, wouldn't they be able to be eternal emperors, and the reincarnation of the years and the change of dynasties are the general trend of heaven. How can an eternal emperor be allowed? Wouldn't this mess up the number of days and lead to endless disasters.

The same is true for Di Yi. Although he has been king of the Shang Dynasty for thousands of years, he has not yet achieved immortality, and his lifespan will be exhausted. And under his knees, there are two sons, the eldest son Wei Ziqi, and the second son Wei Zhongyan. The heir to the throne should be chosen among these two, but in the twilight years of Emperor Yi, the queen suddenly became pregnant. If she gave birth to a son, he would be the legitimate son, and he would be the best candidate to inherit the throne.

But on the day when the fetus in the queen's womb was born, the stars shifted, the sun and the moon turned upside down, and the night turned into a hundred days in an instant. When he came to the world, Emperor Yi named him Di Xin, and immediately canonized him as his heir, who will succeed to the throne after a hundred years.

Just when Emperor Xin came into the world, the situation in the world suddenly changed, and the evil spirit appeared, and the new calamity kicked off. Only Haotian is left. This battle of conferring gods is for the gods of heaven. After the calamity, he will be in charge of the list of conferring gods and whipping the gods. Who will dare to underestimate the heavens in the future.

After the calamity was measured, the secrets of heaven immediately became chaotic. Even the saints couldn't calculate something accurately, especially the person who conferred the gods they cared about the most. , but they didn't find anyone with the appearance of a flying bear to worship under them. Now that the calamity has begun, they can't count as anything, and everything can only depend on God's will.

Of course, there is one more thing that the saints are most concerned about, and that is the Conferred God War. Since it is a war in the world, it is now the Shang Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty is naturally inevitable, but the Shang Dynasty is still powerful today. None of the hundreds of princes can hope to compete with them. When will the war start, and where should the son be settled?

(End of this chapter)

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