The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 346 The Human Race Shocked

Chapter 346 The Human Race Shocked
What is the time of day, the saints obviously don't know, after all, the calamity has already started, the heavenly secrets are in chaos, the saints can only be shocked by the changes in the human race, and decide what to do next by judging the situation, and this pair has this For the prophetic Di Jun, he didn't need it. While the saints were still waiting, he had already started to make a comprehensive plan.

The real beginning of the Battle of the Conferred Gods began when Nuwa offered incense in the temple. King Zhou was moved by the beauty of Nuwa and wrote blasphemy poems. On the contrary, Xiqi became stronger and stronger, and later Xiqi defeated Zhou. This was the battle of conferring gods. Renchan and the two religions showed their supernatural powers, but the fate was in Zhou and not in Shang. Therefore, Jiejiao failed miserably, and many disciples were on the list of conferring gods.

Of course, there are quite a few suspicious points in this, especially King Zhou’s blasphemy of Nuwa, this incident is a joke, this is a world where immortals can be seen everywhere, unless King Zhou is a fool, he would not be so bold as to write down Retrieve poems like 'Chang Le Servant the King', and this is also the beginning of the decline of the Shang Dynasty, the strangeness of which is unknown.

And this battle of conferring the gods involved the two tribes of liches and the four Western religions. The scale of the battle is obviously larger and there will be more accidents. What Di Jun can do now is to plan ahead. When people analyze the Western Four Religions and the Witch Clan, Di Jun has too many advantages. With the powerful strength of the Monster Clan and foresight, it is actually not difficult to win the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

Needless to say, the strength of the monster clan, although compared to the entire clan, the monster clan who have suffered from killing and calamity is only a small part, but there are many masters among them, such as Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, and even There are even Da Luo Jinxian, and this is just an ordinary monster race. In addition, there are Lu Ya, Wang Shu, and Nuwa's disciple Yang Chan and Tongzi Lingzhu.

Not only that, but if there were any other accidents, Di Jun would even mobilize the elites and even masters of the monster clan to support them. After all, his sons and daughters were also included in this conferment of the gods. He may not care, but Lu Ya and Wang Shu can't. Their future is limitless, and Zhunsheng is definitely not their limit.

As for the battle of the Conferred Gods, in addition to strength, the people who conferred the gods and the general situation of the Conferred Gods are also very important. The rise of Xiqi is determined to be on the side of Xiqi, and it is obviously the most beneficial to stand on Xiqi's side. Now that the situation is unclear, the saints dare not act without authorization , but Di Jun doesn't have to worry, he can quietly send Yaozu to secretly join Xiqi's side, and he will have the upper hand in the battle of Fengshen.

However, there is no need to worry about this matter, and it is not easy to make a big fanfare. It needs to be carefully arranged. You can first send some monsters with the Golden Immortal cultivation level to the Xiqi area, and use the power of the immortal way to spread their immortal names in Xiqi. Being able to occupy an important position in Xiqi to prepare for the future.

Of course, supporting Xiqi is not the most important thing. Finding the person who can confer the gods is. Nowadays, people say that the four Western religions want to hold the person who can confer the gods, even Houtu is no exception. Naturally, Di Jun also had this idea. Although the saints could not figure out the location of the person who conferred the gods, it was not difficult for Di Jun to find him.

Jiang Ziya, the man who conferred the gods this time, his birth was unknown to Di Jun, but this man had a sworn brother, a stranger from the Song Dynasty, a rich family, and lived in Chaoge, so perhaps he could find Jiang Ziya's trace, even if This method doesn't work, Dijun also has other methods, and there is more than one method, which can be divided into three strategies: top, middle and bottom.

The easiest way is to go to the book of life and death in the underworld to look for Jiang Ziya's traces. Jiang Ziya is only a mortal now, and he has a lot of information. It is not difficult to find him, but the book of life and death is in the hands of Houtu. Di Jun wants to borrow the book of life and death Once it is used, it is obviously not easy, and it will be known to the later soil, which may cause side effects.

The middle strategy is a bit cumbersome, that is to use the immortal way to search for Jiang Ziya's traces. The immortal way is scattered all over the wilderness. It is not difficult to search for Jiang Ziya's traces, but if you look for it with great fanfare, the movement will be too loud, which may arouse the anger of other saints. Idea, unless it is done secretly, this will greatly affect the speed of the search.

The worst strategy is the most brutal, which is to block Jiang Ziya at the mountain gate of the Four Religions. Now that the Conferred God has changed a lot, Jiang Ziya may not necessarily go to teach, so he wants to rob him before Jiang Ziya worships any of the Four Religions. Jiang Ziya, then we must keep an eye on the trend of recruiting disciples of the Four Religions, so as to avoid any mistakes and omissions, and let Jiang Ziya join the disciples of one of the Four Religions in the West.

Of course, Dijun is most inclined to the middle strategy. The best strategy will cause side effects, and the worst strategy is too risky. After all, saints are not easy to mess with. Of course, there is only the middle strategy left. Dijun has mastered the Dishu, and he can send a message to the world's immortals with just one thought. If there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before Jiang Ziya is found.

But at this moment, Dijun's expression changed suddenly, his eyes flickered, and he looked straight to the lower realm, only to see the human race's Kyushu, and the situation suddenly changed, as if some great horror had happened, and what was even more shocking was that the fate of the human race violently , as if he had been stimulated by something, and the source of all this was Chaoge, the capital of the Shang Dynasty.

Chaoge, where the current capital of the Shang Dynasty is located. At the end of Emperor Yi's reign, he moved the capital from Yin to Mo, and renamed it Chaoge. This is exactly what happened not long after Emperor Xin was born. Speaking of Emperor Yi, he really lived up to the vision when he was born. He was born intelligent, just like the ancient emperor, who could climb in three days, walk in five days, and speak out in seven days.

When Di Xin was three years old, he was already knowledgeable, and began to help Emperor Yi deal with government affairs in an orderly manner. His wisdom was widely spread among the human race, and some princes who had different ideas also stopped their flags. Emperor Yi deeply felt this. I am relieved, at least I don't have to worry about having no successors after my death, so I feel more at ease and let Di Xin start to take over government affairs and military affairs.

More than ten years later, Emperor Yi passed away, and Emperor Xin had just become an adult, so he directly succeeded to the throne. He began to rectify the government and develop the military. He gave both kindness and power to the eight hundred princes. The various tribes of the barbarians showed great power. Since then, the strength of the Shang Dynasty has become stronger and stronger, and it is likely to reach its peak again.

But all of this has fallen into the eyes of those who are interested. If the Shang Dynasty is like this, how can the world be in turmoil, so where will the battle of the Conferred Gods start?

(End of this chapter)

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