Chapter 449
However, it is difficult for the seven great sages except Sun Wukong to be promoted to the quasi-sage. Sun Wukong has the inheritance left by Emperor Jun. It is not difficult to step into the quasi-sage, but it is different for the bull king and other demon kings. There is no method of beheading corpses, and there is no innate spiritual treasure. It is not easy to break through the realm of Daluo.

And this is also the main reason why the Bull Demon King and other demon kings became sworn brothers with Sun Wukong. They want to get the method of beheading corpses from Sun Wukong. The three corpses were almost there, as long as he could step into the quasi-sage realm.

It's a pity that their wishful thinking is doomed to fail. Sun Wukong's cultivation method passed on by Di Jun is a method of physical cultivation, stepping into the realm of quasi-sage with a strong physical body, rather than advancing to the quasi-sage by cutting corpses. Knowing this, the six demon kings all left in dismay, apparently extremely disappointed.

Sun Wukong didn't care, or he didn't find out the intentions of the Bull Demon King and others. He was still living his happy life as the Monkey King, so uncomfortable. , It is rare to meet an opponent, which makes him arrogant.

But the peaceful days were broken with the arrival of an old man.

In Huaguo Mountain, countless monkeys are playing in the mountains. Thanks to Sun Wukong's prestige, these low-level monkey monsters can also live comfortably. They don't have to worry about being bullied by other monsters, and they can even bully other monsters. After all They are also equivalent to the "royal family" of the Huaguoshan monster clan.

On the top of Huaguo Mountain, a banner was swaying in the wind. The above-mentioned four big characters of "Monkey King" were so majestic. A white cloud fell, and an old man in white clothes with a long white beard stood above the cloud head. The old man glanced at the sign on the banner. Yaowen shook his head slightly and smiled faintly.

When the old Taoist fell, he was immediately discovered by the monkeys in the mountain. The monkeys all surrounded him, but none of them dared to approach. The breath is also enough to deter all the monkeys.

The old Taoist looked at the group of monkeys surrounding him but did not dare to go forward, smiled faintly, waved the whisk in his hand, and said, "The old Taoist is Taibai Jinxing under the command of the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court. Pay homage to your great king, and you will pass it on to me quickly."

Taibai Jinxing naturally didn't pay attention to these little demons. After all, he is a real Da Luo Jinxian. Although he was cultivated by the Jade Emperor and spent a lot of resources to step into the Da Luo Jinxian, he is also a Da Luo Jinxian. , but compared to Monkey King, he is still far behind, so naturally he dare not be presumptuous.

The group of monkeys talked a lot, and many monkeys ran to the mountain. Not long after, a white-haired monster monkey whose cultivation had reached the realm of Xuanxian came over. Looking at Taibai Jinxing, he felt that he was like Sun Wukong. With a terrifying aura, he didn't dare to be negligent, and said: "Great Immortal, my king has an invitation."

Taibai Jinxing followed the white-haired demon monkey into the Water Curtain Cave, feeling the rich innate aura in the Water Curtain Cave, a hint of envy flashed in his eyes, even in today's Tianting, a holy place of practice like this is already very Less, even the residence of his close minister of the Jade Emperor is not as good.

Not far away, Taibai Jinxing met Sun Wukong as he wished, and the white-haired monster retreated silently. Taibai Jinxing glanced at Monkey King, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes. It can be seen that Sun Wukong is also cultivated in this way.

It’s just that the same Da Luo Jinxian, Taibai Jinxing found that the gap between himself and Sun Wukong was too big. If the general Da Luo Jinxian is a raging river, then Sun Wukong is completely a violent sea. The berserk breath that came out, I am afraid that he can kill himself with many moves.

As expected of that person's handwriting!
Taibai Jinxing sighed slightly in his heart, with Sun Wukong's strength, he can definitely be regarded as the No. There are not many people who compete with Monkey King in strength, and even fewer who want to fight and win.

Sun Wukong looked at Taibai Jinxing and grinned: "Old officer, are you Taibai Jinxing next to the Jade Emperor in Heaven? You don't look very good? Tell me, this time the Jade Emperor sent you to see my old grandson. What's the matter?" thing?"

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "Great Sage, Your Majesty sent me here this time to invite the Great Sage to be an official in the Heavenly Court. Your Majesty intends to confer the Great Sage as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven in the Heavenly Court. To build the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's Mansion, to enjoy the blessings of heaven and worship in the world, this is a good thing that many people dream of!"

Sun Wukong snorted lightly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes, he said with a smile: "My old grandson is already the Monkey King, so why do you need him to be named by the Jade Emperor? Besides, I am at ease in Huaguo Mountain, so why not?" In order to go to the heavenly court to be controlled by the heavenly rules, wouldn't it be uncomfortable for me, and my grandson is not interested."

After hearing this, Taibai Jinxing persuaded with a smile: "Great Sage, you can't say that. After all, the Heavenly Court is orthodox. The current name of the Great Sage is just self-proclaimed. No one in the Primordial People will admit it, but if the Heavenly Court is sealed, then But it will be different, when the time comes, Great Sage, you will be the real Monkey King.

Moreover, the great sage is the best, and the only one who can control you is the Jade Emperor. Besides, there are countless elixir in heaven, which are rare in the mortal world. The monkey group in Guoshan kills two birds with one stone. If you miss this opportunity, there will be no such good things in the future! "

When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes suddenly became a little moved. Let alone his own cultivation, he was moved by Fuze and his monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain. He said that he had recovered many demon clans , but the strength of the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain is still very weak, and he has no way to quickly improve their cultivation.

Right now is an opportunity, if he can borrow the resources of Heavenly Court to improve his own strength, and at the same time enhance the strength of Huaguoshan monkey group, this is indeed a good thing, but as an official in heaven, Sun Wukong still has doubts in his heart, and he can't make up his mind for a while , and his intention and hesitation naturally fell into Taibai Jinxing's eyes.

Taibai Jinxing spoke immediately, striking while the iron was hot: "If the Great Sage doesn't believe it, you can go to heaven with me to see the scenery of the heavenly court and my sincerity in the heavenly court. It's not too late to make a decision then, how about it?"

When Sun Wukong heard this, his heart was moved immediately, he grinned, and agreed directly. After arranging the affairs of Huaguo Mountain, he happily went to the sky with Taibai Jinxing.

(End of this chapter)

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