Chapter 450
The Jade Emperor said: The king of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong, was granted the title of Great Sage Equaling Heaven...
The decree of the heavenly court spread throughout the prehistoric world, and the name of Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven, also spread throughout the prehistoric prehistoric area, and it caused quite a stir in the prehistoric area. With such a move, Zhaoan Demon King, is he trying to attack the demon clan?Isn't Haotian afraid of offending the Yaozu?

And Sun Wukong's conferment in heaven was indeed beyond many people's expectations. Once Taibai Jinxing said it, he actually accepted the offer from the Heavenly Court. It is really surprising that the arrogant and unruly stone monkey who was born was so easy Subdued?There is indeed some weirdness in this kind of thing, which makes people feel a little confused.

After Sun Wukong went to heaven, Heaven did not treat Sun Wukong as he did in Journey to the West. Not only did he confer the title of Monkey King, the highest official, but also let him command one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals. It's nothing to say, but at least it shows Tianting's attitude towards Monkey King, and it really intends to let Monkey King return to his heart.

Sun Wukong also accepted all this as a matter of course, wandering in the heavens, making friends with immortals, and at the same time, using various resources provided by the heavens, to enhance the strength of the Huaguoshan lineage, which is why he came to heaven. One of his goals, as for himself, is like a fish and a dragon entering the sea, living a carefree life.

After the news spread, the Bull Demon King and other demon kings who were sworn brothers with Sun Wukong were very angry. It was wrong to be a good demon king, but he had to accept the heavenly court's offer. Is the title of the Monkey King self-proclaimed or canonized by the heavenly court? What's the difference between them, the monster race has always been above the forces of the prehistoric and desolate, and why have they ever cared about the opinions of other creatures?
Sun Wukong became an official in the sky, and he was ashamed by the Bull Demon King and other demon kings, so he cut off contact with him directly. The Seven Great Saints who had just become sworn brothers became the Six Great Saints in a blink of an eye. The monster tribe immediately became a joke in the eyes of others. If it weren't for the bull demon king and other monster kings who didn't have the strength to hit the heaven, they would have to ask Sun Wukong for an explanation.

However, the four teachings of Ren Chanju Buddhism have been silently paying attention to all this. What about the seven great sages and the monster clan of Dongsheng Shenzhou are not what they care about, what they care about is the retired monster The reaction of the clan, more precisely, depends on the reaction of the demon emperor Di Jun, after all, it is related to the success or failure of this calamity.

What made them feel a little relieved was that so far, neither Dijun nor the Yaozu had responded at all. This is good news. As long as Dijun doesn't intervene in this calamity, their plan will naturally have a great chance of success , In this way, they only need to concentrate on defending against the demons, and the pressure will naturally be greatly reduced.

But what was unexpected was that there was a big mess in the heavenly court.

In the fairyland of Yaochi, Haotian and Yaochi looked at the Haotian mirror in front of them, with a hint of smile in their eyes, and saw the figure of Monkey King in the Haotian mirror. Looking at the Nine Nether Eighteen Levels of Hell, Sun Wukong is in the heavenly court, so the two of them can see it clearly, but Sun Wukong himself doesn't know it.

Haotian looked at the figure of Sun Wukong in the mirror, and said with a light smile: "This monkey head is really bold. He promised to be enshrined by the heavens, and he actually made this idea. He is a bit courageous. Stealing flat peaches and elixir is really bold, but it's just His temper became a bit impatient, originally I thought he could hide for a while, but I didn't expect him to be so impatient."

Yaochi also smiled, and said: "This monkey is a bit interesting, but it's a pity that the flat peaches in the garden and Laojun's elixir are all cheaper than this monkey. His ability to endure these days is beyond my expectations. If it wasn't for the calamity, I really wanted to take him into the Heavenly Court."

Haotian smiled lightly, and then said: "All dharmas follow fate and have their own number of days, so why worry too much, but the one from Tushita Palace, I can't see through it. After all, Laojun is that good corpse, it seems that there is no need to participate in it, why would he give up so many elixir for nothing, it is a bit weird."

After hearing this, Yaochi nodded: "Indeed, if you forget your feelings and do nothing, and pursue the Dao, how could you act rashly because of a little monkey with the luck of calamity? It's indeed a bit weird. Could it be that this stone monkey has some secrets that we don't know about?" No? Haotian, didn’t you use the Haotian mirror to investigate carefully before, did you find anything?”

After Haotian heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "This stone monkey is indeed a bit special. It is logically said that it is an innate creature, but it seems to have some characteristics of innate demon gods. In addition, the primordial spirit has a golden wheel of merit Huyou, there is nothing else, could it be that the Demon Emperor left something else on him back then?"

Yao Chi said softly: "Anyway, we just need to pay attention. If there is something that Lao Jun cares about, it will probably also attract the attention of the saints. Although the saints are unable to make a move now, it is not us who can contend. It’s better to plan this calamity with peace of mind, try to gain as much luck as possible, and help you and me to break through is the best way.”

Haotian nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! If you don't prove Hunyuan, you will end up as ants. Even if the saints are restricted by the Taoist decree, it doesn't mean that they can be completely ignored. Now, this calamity is just Our great opportunity, no matter what we say, we have to fight, since this monkey head has turned against the sky, then we can really try it out."

Monkey King never thought that his every move would be exposed to the eyes of others, but at the moment he couldn't take care of so much, the flat peaches in the flat peach garden, plus the elixir stolen from the Tushita Palace, plus the Jade Emperor All the weapons and armor of the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals assigned to him were all wrapped up by him.

After stealing the elixir from Tushita Palace, Sun Wukong looked at the heavenly court, grinned happily, and then escaped, went out of the Nantian Gate and headed for the lower realm, without thinking about the prosperity of the heavenly court, which was originally his wish to go to heaven. Now that the purpose is accomplished, it is natural to go back to Huaguo Mountain. Although Tianting is good, he is a demon.

Unbeknownst to him, in Tushita Palace, Taishang Laojun suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face, watching him leave.

(End of this chapter)

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