The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 460 Undercurrents surging

Chapter 460 Undercurrents surging
One year··············

ten years···············
For a full 100 years, the Tushita Palace has been kept in a closed state without any movement. This naturally attracted the attention of countless people. The purpose of Taishang Laojun doing this, after all, Taishang Laojun is not an ordinary quasi-sage.

Everyone understands that with the cultivation base and means of the old master of the ether, it doesn't take too much effort to take care of Sun Wukong. For the Taishang Laojun who was only one step away from entering Hunyuan, it was obviously not enough.

But even so, the Tushita Palace has maintained a strange calm for a hundred years, which is naturally very strange. No one knows what the Taishang Laojun is doing, and people who pay attention to the Tushita Palace also have their own guesses.

Take the stone monkey Sun Wukong to make alchemy?

Capture the origin of the stone monkey Sun Wukong?

Peep into the secrets hidden in the stone monkey Sun Wukong?

In short, there are different opinions, but it is a pity that not everyone can enter the Tushita Palace, otherwise someone would have visited the door long ago. In this way, the heaven fell into a strange calm, while the outside world was undercurrents, just like the calm before the storm Usually, people feel endless depression, and even a little bit of fear.

In the Yaochi, Haotian tasted the fine nectar brewed by Yaochi himself, his eyes drifted to the place of the Tushita Palace from time to time, and there were waves in his calm eyes from time to time. Obviously, the movements of the Tushiita Palace also attracted him. Look at Haotian's mind.

Yao Chi on the side looked at Haotian's expression, and said, "Haotian, what do you think the Supreme Lord is doing in Tushita Palace? With Laojun's methods, how to deal with Monkey King is easy. Why is there no result after dragging on for so long, what is Laojun planning? Does Laojun also want to participate in this calamity?"

Haotian shook his head slightly: "No, with Laojun's cultivation base and vision, he will definitely not be interested in the luck of this calamity. After all, he is the good corpse of the elder brother, and in this prehistoric world, who can There is probably only one thing that moves Laojun's heart, other than that, there is probably nothing else that can shake Laojun's heart."

Yaochi thought for a while, a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he exclaimed: "Hunyuan Daoguo!!!"

When Haotian heard Yaochi's exclamation, he smiled faintly, obviously agreeing with Yaochi's guess.

And after Yao Chi was shocked for a while, there was a look of doubt on his face, and he asked: "No, Laojun is the good corpse of the senior brother. The senior brother has already obtained the fruit of the sage, how can his good corpse To prove the Hunyuan Dao fruit again, the way of heaven will not allow such a thing to happen."

Haotian nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Perhaps the senior brother has his own considerations, but in fact this is not impossible. One is that the senior brother abandons the fruit of the sage, and the other is that the immeasurable calamity comes and then proves it." In matters of Tao, the former is crazy, the latter is safe, and with the character of the elder brother, his choice tends to be the latter."

Yao Chi nodded, and said with some emotion: "Yes, since Di Jun obtained a good corpse to testify, the quasi-sage masters in the prehistoric world are no longer willing to be lonely. They have seen the dawn of Hunyuan Avenue, so naturally they want Will be desperate, why not you and me! But who can succeed, it depends on their own fortune."

Haotian's eyes became sharper, and with incomparable confidence, he said in a deep voice: "No matter what others do, we will succeed, even if we sacrifice everything we have now, we will end up as ants if we don't enter Hunyuan , the immeasurable calamity will come, and everything will be empty in an instant."

Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan

The Tathagata (Pharmacist Buddha) and Maitreya sat on the lotus platform. The two also paid attention to the movements in the Tushita Palace, but they didn't find anything. The prohibition of the Tushita Palace blocked all their prying eyes. Now they can only Nengan sat in a hurry, after all, the amount of calamity was related to Daxing in the West, and Jieyin and Zhunti handed over the matter to them, so the two of them naturally dare not be careless.

Maitreya's smile that was always on his face is gone now, and there is even a trace of worry. He said to his senior brother Tathagata: "Senior brother, there has been no movement in Tushita Palace, so why should we just wait like this, even though Sun Wukong is in danger? It's good luck, but you can't just delay the arrangement of Buddhism going east because of him, right?"

Tathagata looked calm, and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, maybe this stone monkey has nothing to do with my Buddhism. Now that he falls into the hands of Laojun, no one knows what will happen. I can't delay my Western Daxing because of him." Great opportunity."

When Maitreya heard this, he also nodded, with a little more joy on his face, and said with a smile: "Well, brother, I will arrange it immediately, and there will be absolutely no mistakes."

After Maitreya finished speaking, he left, and only Tathagata was left staring at the Tushita Palace in the Heavenly Court. Obviously, he hadn't completely given up on Sun Wukong, and he wanted to save him and become a guardian of Buddhism. As long as there was a chance, he would not stop. would give up completely.

Tushita palace, in the gossip furnace
Monkey King has been calcined by the raging Samadhi real fire for a hundred years, and now the Samadhi real fire in the gossip furnace is more than a hundred times stronger than it was at the beginning. The ordinary Daluo Jinxian will be reduced to ashes in a short time, and only Only natural aliens like Sun Wukong can bear it intact.

Burning for a hundred years, not only did not hurt Sun Wukong at all, but it allowed him to integrate the previously soaring power into his own, and his cultivation base was completely stabilized at the peak of Daluo Jinxian. If there is another breakthrough, you will be able to step into the realm of quasi-sage immediately, which is something that many people can't dream of.

Sun Wukong's breath suddenly exploded, directly forcing back the real fire of samadhi surrounding him, then looked at the inner wall of the Bagua furnace, and said with an evil smile: "Hey! Old man, it has no effect at all after burning me for so long. Let me improve my cultivation, look at this point, if you let my old grandson go out, my old grandson will let the past go, how about it?"

 I've been busy selling houses these days, and I'm going to travel in the next three days, so I'm sorry for the update

(End of this chapter)

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